I need to add Gunicorn parameter --timeout 600. Where should I add it? My project contains a Procfile, server.py and Jupyter notebook and requirements.txt.
Your Procfile defines process types for Heroku to run. Yours likely contains a line like this:
web: gunicorn hello:app
This tells Heroku that you have a web process that can be started by running gunicorn hello:app. If you want to pass an argument to gunicorn, modify that line accordingly:
web: gunicorn hello:app --timeout 600
Commit that change and redeploy.
Im trying to host my object detection api on heroku but i can't due to it not recognizing my
Procfile, which is a file and not a text file. the way its spelled is Procfile, its contents are
web:gunicorn app:app
the way i know that its the Procfile thats the problem is because when i run bash and look at the root directory of the heroku git i see Procfile but when i look at the logs i see that no web process is running and on the dashboard the dynos is completely empty.
i've tried doing
web: gunicorn app: app instead of web:gunicorn app:app
to no avail, i've made sure that gunicorn is in the requirements.txt and know that its pip installing the requirements.txt as the cmd tells me that it is when i do git push heroku master. i've tried doing echo>Procfile and then modifying the contents of the file. i've tried both echo "web:gunicorn app:app"> Procfile and echo web:gunicorn app:app>Procfile i tried doing heroku ps:scale web=1 and get Scaling web dynos... failed ! No such process type web defined in Procfile. and when i do heroku ps i get nothing
I am trying to host a discord bot on Heroku (Discord JDA, Maven). I do this by connecting to Github and then deploying. The bot 'deploys' (view attachment) but doesn't actually work (view attachment).
What could I be doing wrong, or has anyone else come across a similar issue?
Quick and dirty way to deploy it:
You'll need to setup a Procfile, extensive info on that right here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile
The procfile is basically a file with no extension that tells the dyno how to execute your program.
A simple
worker: java $JAVA_OPTS -jar <PATH_TO_JAR>
will work fine if you don't need more config, refer to that link for more.
You can then deploy it like this (Good to have procfile and jar on the same directory):
$ heroku deploy:jar -a <YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME> --jdk <JDK_VERSION> --jar <PATH_TO_JAR> -i Procfile
Then to start it just do (Assuming you want a worker dyno, which is what discord should need)
$ heroku ps:scale -a <YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME> worker=1
Then stop it with:
$ heroku ps:scale -a <YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME> worker=0
I've found this is much simpler than using git, especially if you're doing tests or simple/quick stuff.
Possible solutions:
Set up a Procfile. A Procfile basically tells Heroku what command to run when your app is deployed. Inside the Procfile, write worker: node index.js. Also, make sure Procfile has a capital "P".
Set up package.json.
npm init
Then just skip through the set up and your file should be automatically created. IMPORTANT. In your package.json file, add your node and npm versions.
node -v
npm -v
Then go an type this in your package.json.
"engines": {
node: "your-version-here"
npm: "your-version-here"
Then try deploying your app to Heroku again. Also, make sure you have the "nodejs" buildpack set up for your app. Run it and test the discord bot.
So I'm doing a university group project and we are demonstrating tomorrow. It's a flask API and I'm hosting with Heroku. At first I got this error
code=H14 desc="No web processes running"
After looking around I found a solution to scale dynos with :
heroku ps:scale web=1
Which in turn failed, resulting in this error
Couldn't find that process type (web)
I have no idea what is going wrong. My Procfile is named correctly and updated (no .txt at the end). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My Procfile:
web:gunicorn api_prediction:medi-ai
Where "api-prediction" is the python file to run and "medi-ai is the project name"
Example for the Procfile
#filename: Procfile
web: gunicorn runserver:app --log-file=-
Example for the gunicorn
# filename: run.gunicorn.sh
gunicorn -b :5000 --access-logfile - --error-logfile - runserver:app
Also install gunicorn and dont miss the requirements.txt file too.
pip install gunicorn
pip freeze > requirements.txt
If this doesn't resolved your issue please reply.
My current app is running in my local environment and has the following in its Procfile: web: gunicorn hellodjango.wsgi --log-file -
I'm looking for a way to change this so that foreman restarts itself upon each web request so I don't have to do so every time I make a code change.
I know it's been a while since this question but I've just realised I asked a similar question yesterday.
The solution is to add the --reload option to gunicorn. So your Procfile will look like:
web: gunicorn --reload hellodjango.wsgi --log-file -
I'm trying to install New Relic, but it says I'll need to make changes to Procfile. I can't seem to find it at the root of the local copy of my app though. I'm using Django.
This page on Heroku gives a lot more information on what the procfile is:
You don't have to have one to deploy to Heroku, but you can manually create one to take more control over how Heroku runs your apps. As per this excerpt from the link above:
A Procfile is not necessary to deploy apps written in most languages supported by Heroku. The platform automatically detects the language, and creates a default web process type to boot the application server.
Creating an explicit Procfile is recommended for greater control and flexibility over your app.
For Heroku to use your Procfile, add the Procfile to the root of your application push to Heroku:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Procfile"
$ git push heroku
-----> Procfile declares process types: web, worker
Compiled slug size is 10.4MB
-----> Launching... done
http://strong-stone-297.herokuapp.com deployed to Heroku
To git#heroku.com:strong-stone-297.git
* [new branch] master -> master
For New Relic support, you have to explicitly tell Heroku to run a gunicorn instance within New Relic. So your Procfile would look something like this:
newrelic-admin run-program gunicorn --workers 4 --worker-class gevent --timeout 60 mysite.wsgi
You can turn this on or off without changing your Procfile by conditionally looking for your New Relic licence in the Heroku environment variables:
web: bash scripts/heroku_run
run_command="gunicorn --workers 4 --worker-class gevent --timeout 60 mysite.wsgi"
# Run through New Relic monitoring if add-on installed
if [[ $NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY != '' ]]; then
newrelic-admin run-program $run_command