Does anyone know of a way to change 'Bearer' in the authorization header to 'token'? The API I'm configuring uses 'token' instead of 'Bearer' and I'm struggling to find a way of replacing it.
I am currently building chat application with microservice architecture, where auth(login and signup) service and chat service are separated using Graphql. I was trying to attach a JWT to the request header of query, mutation and subscription to extract user id from it to use for inner logic in the services. However, I cannot properly set the token to the header or subscription parameter in Altair Graphql, although token is successfully set for the query and mutation in exact same manner.
My questions are;
Is there any way to attach JWT token to the request header?
Is there any better way to send JWT token to the graphql subscription request?
Moreover, the ways I tried to set the token for subscription request are the following;
Thank you.
The websocket API doesn't support setting arbitrary headers in the upgrade request. This also includes authentication related headers.
There are common patterns taking to secure websocket applications that can be used instead.
With regards to GraphQL subscription over websocket, depending on your implementation, you can pass the authentication credentials in the connection parameters. One example is what is done in Apollo GraphQL via both graphql-ws and subscriptions-transport-ws.
In conclusion, this is not something that Altair GraphQL has any control over, but it's a limitation of the websocket API itself.
Hope that helps.
I'm developing backend for oauth2 client. I'm using authorization_grant flow with PKCE extension. I'm trying to implement it in such way that code verifier and code challenge is generated on clients side. So i have to add additional parameters to my token request (the second request, when input is authorization code and my application exchange it for access token).
My app will have to take this code_verifier from request param and pass it to authorization server with authorization code, client id, and client secret.
So now I'm struggling with customizing spring-security-oauth2-client to add additional parameter. There is way to add such parameters to authorization request by implementing OAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver, but is there analogical way for adding parameters to token request?
Or maybe should i implement this endpoint manually?
I feel your pain, since Spring OAuth Security is often poorly documented for common use cases. One option you might consider is to provide a custom Spring filter that uses the open source nimbusds libraries, which have very good documentation and are easy to use.
We've put together a google hangouts chat bot to provide some convenient functionality for our team. The bot is of the 'bot URL' variety, meaning that hangouts sends requests to an app endpoint and our app responds appropriately. At the moment, we're struggling to now validate the incoming requests from google. Each request has a bearer token in the Authentication header, but that JWT token does not validate. Both the php client library [] and the online validator [] return the error 'invalid signature'
The google client php library's Google_AccessToken_Verify class has a verifyIdToken method which we use as described here in this example []. We pass the path of our service account key file and the project ID into the google client constructor. Then we pass the incoming request's bearer token into the verifyIdToken method.
use Google_Client;
// inside a laravel controller with $request in scope
$bearer_token = $request->bearerToken();
$client = new Google_Client([
'keyFilePath' => $keyPath,
'projectId' => GCP_CLIENT_ID
$payload = $client->verifyIdToken($bearer_token);
return $this->call(ParseGoogleChatRequest::class, [$request]);
\Log::debug('bad token');
I expect the google client library to be able to validate a google JWT. This github issue [] reflects our experience implementing this approach. I would like to get some general guidance on which approach we should be using.
I figured out an acceptable solution with the help of another SO question. The google client library was already importing firebase/php-jwt, so I followed along the same lines as Jed from the question I linked to. Extracting the KID from the token, I used it to identify the correct public key from this url. Then I instantiated the php-jwt library and called the decode method on it, passing the required arguments. The decode method also verifies the signature and returns the components of the JWT on success.
I'm trying to use the Tone Analyzer API in a Laravel application. No matter what I try, I always get the same response of {"code":401, "error": "Unauthorized"}. I suspect my issue is that I can't figure out how to pass in the API key, but the official documentation is no help whatsoever because it only contains instructions for using cURL in the command line. My code currently looks like this (though I have tried many many other iterations. If anyone needs me to I can post all the other unsuccessful attempts as well):
$response = Curl::to('')
->withOption('HTTPHEADER', array(
'Content-Type: application/json',
'apikey: REDACTED'))
->withData(array('text' => $text))
I am running Laravel 5.8 and using Ixudra's cURL library. I would prefer if answers made use of this library too but honestly at this point I'm ready to give up and use vanilla PHP anyway so any answers are appreciated.
Ninja edit: I know the problem is not my account / API key, because I have tried to access the API through the command line and it worked just as expected. The issue only arises when trying to access it from Laravel.
IBM Watson Services uses HTTP Header Authentication in Basic format. Therefore, using curl in the terminal, you should pass the-u or --user flag in the format user:password, or you can also send the Authentication Http Header in pattern: Basic user:password.
By adjusting your code for this second form, you can do it as follows:
$response = Curl::to('')
->withHeader('Content-Type: application/json')
->withHeader('Authorization: Basic apikey:YOUR_TOKEN_HERE')
->withData(array('text' => $text))
Replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE by your Tone Analyzer API access token.
Hope this helps!
It's 401 status code which uses for unauthorized access, you need to login first before accessing the API.
I check the docs for this and here is the link, for login to the api before using it
With some service instances, you authenticate to the API by using IAM. You can pass either a bearer token in an Authorization header or an API key. Tokens support authenticated requests without embedding service credentials in every call. API keys use basic authentication.
New to AngularJS, and trying to hit a web service with basic auth using either $http or $resource. I haven't written any services or directives and basically just trying to do a call in my controller. Initially I prepended my url with the user/pw separated by an '#' symbol and I also have a callback that does a console out on the returned payload. Now I'm trying to change the $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'], but I feel like I should be using $resources. Any assistance on how to do basic auth with $resource (or $http) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
$resources is a higher level abstraction that utilizes $http, so regardless of which one you choose to use, adding the Authorization header is a valid solution. Head over to the angular $http docs for information on how to do that.
If you're doing anything more than hard coding a user/password into your application, you might want to take a look at response interceptors as a way to catch 401s and have your user log in. I've studied this blog post in the past when I was looking for a way to build fluid authentication into my app. I'd definitely recommend it if you're thinking about going down that path.