I'm using Room for persistence in my app. I have a Player table, which has a name and matchesPlayed column.
When a match is played by a Player, I would like to increment matchesPlayed if it was played by an existing Player, or create a new Player otherwise. In order to determine this, I created a SQL query getPlayerByName(name: String) which should return us the Player if it exists. When I run the query in the Database Inspector in Android Studio, everything works fine. However, when I run the same query in the app, it fails. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
#Entity(tableName = "players")
data class Player(
#PrimaryKey val id: String,
val name: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "matches_played") val matchesPlayed: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "matches_won") val matchesWon: String
interface PlayerDao {
fun getAll(): Single<List<Player>>
fun getPlayerByName(name: String): Maybe<Player>
#Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
fun insert(player: Player): Completable
class PlayerViewModel #Inject constructor(
private val playerRepository: PlayerRepositoryImpl
) : ViewModel() {
private fun findAndInsertPlayer(
playerName: String,
playerWon: Boolean
) {
viewModelScope.launch {
val increment = if (playerWon) 1 else 0
{ player ->
// Handle Success
// Somehow, this block always gets called
I have created an app where I try to insert a record with the latest order number increased by one.
The main function is triggered from Activity, however, the whole process is in my ViewModel.
Issue no 1, After I insert a new record the order by number is not updated.
Issue no 2, When I insert first record the order by number is null, for that reason I am checking for null and setting the value to 0.
My goal here is to get the latest order_by number from Entity in my ViewModel, increased by 1 and add that new number to my new record using fun addTestData(..).
#Entity(tableName = "word_table")
data class Word(
#ColumnInfo(name = "id") val id: Int,
#ColumnInfo(name = "word") val word: String,
#ColumnInfo(name = "order_by") val orderBy: Int
#Query("SELECT order_by FROM word_table ORDER BY order_by DESC LIMIT 1")
suspend fun getHighestOrderId(): Int
suspend fun getHighestOrderId(): Int {
return wordDao.getHighestOrderId()
private var _highestOrderId = MutableLiveData<Int>()
val highestOrderId: LiveData<Int> = _highestOrderId
fun getHighestOrderId() = viewModelScope.launch {
val highestOrderId = repository.getHighestOrderId()
fun addTestData(text: String) {
for (i in 0..1500) {
var highestNo = 0
val highestOrderId = highestOrderId.value
if (highestOrderId == null) {
highestNo = 0
} else {
highestNo = highestOrderId
val addNumber = highestNo + 1
val word2 = Word(0, text + "_" + addNumber,addNumber)
I need to create a recursive validation to be able to validate PizzaCreate Object and base attribute in recursive mode using Kotlin. The test should return 400 but it returns 200 ok (Base name size must be greater than 2):
data class Base(#field:Length(min = 2, max = 100) val name:String)
data class PizzaCreate(
val id: Long,
#field:Length(min = 2, max = 100) val name: String,
val description: String,
val price: Int,
#Valid val base: Base
class PizzaController(val pizzaService: PizzaService) {
fun post(#RequestBody #Valid pizza: PizzaCreate) = pizzaService.addPizza(pizza)
fun `should add pizza `() {
val pizza = easyRandom.nextObject(PizzaCreate::class.java).copy(id = 1, name="aaa", base = Base(""))
val pizzaOut = PizzaOut(id=1,name=pizza.name,description = pizza.description,price = pizza.price)
Validation on Base should be #field:Valid val base: Base instead of #Valid val base: Base
field: specifies the annotation is applied on the field not construc
TL;DR: #Depth(value = -1) throws nullpointer and other values above 1 are ignored
In my Spring Boot with Neo4j project I have 3 simple entities with relationships:
data class Metric(
#Id #GeneratedValue val id: Long = -1,
val name: String = "",
val description: String = "",
#Relationship(type = "CALCULATES")
val calculates: MutableSet<Calculable> = mutableSetOf()
) {
fun calculates(calculable: Calculus) = calculates.add(calculable)
fun calculate() = calculates.map { c -> c.calculate() }.sum()
interface Calculable {
fun calculate(): Double
data class Calculus(
#Id #GeneratedValue val id: Long = -1,
val name: String = "",
#Relationship(type = "LEFT")
var left: Calculable? = null,
#Relationship(type = "RIGHT")
var right: Calculable? = null,
var operator: Operator? = null
) : Calculable {
override fun calculate(): Double =
operator!!.apply(left!!.calculate(), right!!.calculate())
data class Value(
#Id #GeneratedValue val id: Long = -1,
val name: String = "",
var value: Double = 0.0
) : Calculable {
override fun calculate(): Double = value
enum class Operator : BinaryOperator<Double>, DoubleBinaryOperator {//not relevant}
I create a simple graph like this one:
With the following repositories:
interface MetricRepository : Neo4jRepository<Metric, Long>{
#Depth(value = 2)
fun findByName(name: String): Metric?
interface CalculusRepository : Neo4jRepository<Calculus, Long>{
fun findByName(name: String): Calculus?
interface ValueRepository : Neo4jRepository<Value, Long>{
fun findByName(name: String): Value?
And the following code:
// calculus
val five = valueRepository.save(Value(
name = "5",
value = 5.0
val two = valueRepository.save(Value(
name = "2",
value = 2.0
val fiveTimesTwo = calculusRepository.save(Calculus(
name = "5 * 2",
operator = Operator.TIMES,
left = five,
right = two
val fromRepository = calculusRepository.findByName("5 * 2")!!
println(fromRepository) // sometimes has different id than fiveTimesTwo
println("5 * 2 = ${fromRepository.calculate()}")
println("--- \n")
// metric
val metric = metricRepository.save(Metric(
name = "Metric 1",
description = "Measures a calculus",
calculates = mutableSetOf(fromRepository)
val metricFromRepository = metricRepository.findByName("Metric 1")!!
println(metricFromRepository) // calculates node is partially empty
println("--- \n")
To retrieve the same graph as shown in the picture above (taken from the actual neo4j dashboard), I do metricRepository.findByName("Metric 1") which has #Depth(value = 2) and then print the saved metric and the retrieved metric:
Metric(id=9, name=Metric 1, description=Measures a calculus, calculates=[Calculus(id=2, name=5 * 2, left=Value(id=18, name=5, value=5.0), right=Value(id=1, name=2, value=2.0), operator=TIMES)])
Metric(id=9, name=Metric 1, description=Measures a calculus, calculates=[Calculus(id=2, name=5 * 2, left=null, right=null, operator=TIMES)])
No matter the value of the depth, I can't get the Metric node with all his children nodes, it retrieves one level deep max and returns null on the leaf nodes.
I've read in the docs that depth=-1 retrieves the fully-resolved node but doing so causes the findByName() method to fail with a null pointer: kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException: null
Here is a list of resources I've consulted and a working GitHub repository with the full code:
GitHub Repo
Spring Data Neo4j Reference Documentation
Neo4j-OGM Docs
Final notes:
The entities all have default parameters because Kotlin then makes an empty constructor, I think the OGM needs it
I've also tried making custom queries but couldn't specify the depth value because there are different relationships and can be at different levels
To use the GitHub repository I linked you must have Neo4j installed, the repo has a stackoverflow-question branch with all the code.
Spring boot: 2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j: 2.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
Thank you for helping and all feedback is welcomed!
The problem is not with the query depth but with the model. The Metric entity has a relation with Calculable, but Calculable itself has no relationships defined. Spring Data cannot scan all possible implementations of the Calculable interface for their relationships. If you changed Metrics.calculates type to MutableSet<Calculus>, it would work as expected.
To see Cypher requests send to the server you can add logging.level.org.neo4j.ogm.drivers.bolt=DEBUG to the application.properties
Request before the change:
MATCH (n:`Metric`) WHERE n.`name` = $`name_0` WITH n RETURN n,[ [ (n)->[r_c1:`CALCULATES`]->(x1) | [ r_c1, x1 ] ] ], ID(n) with params {name_0=Metric 1}
Request after the change:
MATCH (n:`Metric`) WHERE n.`name` = $`name_0` WITH n RETURN n,[ [ (n)->[r_c1:`CALCULATES`]->(c1:`Calculus`) | [ r_c1, c1, [ [ (c1)-[r_l2:`LEFT`]-(v2:`Value`) | [ r_l2, v2 ] ], [ (c1)-[r_r2:`RIGHT`]-(v2:`Value`) | [ r_r2, v2 ] ] ] ] ] ], ID(n) with params {name_0=Metric 1}
I am using the below to fetch Database rows to my Adapter, however I want to return rows from multi-filtered single query using either "LIKE" and/or "WHERE" and basically all sql query filter types, I can do one filter via MutableLiveData<String>();
end result would be like ...
#Query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE suburb LIKE '%' || :suburb || '%' postcode LIKE '%' || :postcode || '%' BETWEEN firstDate AND lastDate")
fun getFilteredRows(
suburb: String?,
postcode: String?,
firstDate: String?,
lastDate: String?): LiveData<List<MyTable>>
As per below, currently way only can pass one filter var.
ViewModel Class
class MyViewModel internal constructor(repository: MyRepository) : ViewModel()
//filter by suburb
var suburb = MutableLiveData<String>().apply {
//do I set as HashMap??
value = SUBURB
//LiveData Observer access
val filteredRows: LiveData<List<MyTable>> = suburb.switchMap {
//pass multiple filters to repository here
//but currently only can pass one string to repository
//MyViewModel function to set the suburb value
fun setSuburb(_suburb: String) {
suburb.value = _suburb
//companion object
companion object {
var SUBURB: String? = null
Repository Class
class Repository private constructor(private val dao: Dao)
//basic repo to dao communtication
fun getFilteredRows(suburb: String?) = dao.getFilteredRows(suburb)
Dao Interface
interface Dao
//here I want to receive multiple Strings to do filtering within the query
#Query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE suburb LIKE '%' || :suburb || '%'")
fun getFilteredRows(suburb: String?): LiveData<List<MyTable>>
I have tried with passing basic var Strings with no luck, seems only MutableLiveData is the way to pass variable to the Dao via ViewModel & Repository
** See Edit Below **
Not ideal to say the least, actually would not recommend, however, current work around is to "loop" through multiple MutableLiveData variables
ViewModel Class
var suburb = MutableLiveData<String>().apply { value = SUBURB }
var postcode = MutableLiveData<String>().apply { value = POSTCODE }
var limit = MutableLiveData<Int>().apply { value = LIMIT }
val filteredRows: LiveData<List<MyTable>> =
suburb.switchMap {
//set suburb MutableLiveData
var suburb = it
postcode.switchMap {
//set postcode MutableLiveData
var postcode = it
limit.switchMap {
//set limit MutableLiveData
var limit = it
repository.getFilteredRows(suburb, postcode, limit)
Using HashMap to pass multiple filters (Strings) to Dao SQl Query.
Tested a returned what was expected, so confirming this works.
Foreseeable issue is when needing to pass Strings & Int etc, may have to refer back to passing as Strings only & then do parse.ToInt() etc on Int String Values
build HashMap in my Fragment to pass to MyViewModel
lateinit var myModel: LiveData<MyTable>
var filters = HashMap<String, String>()
filters.put("suburb", myModel.value!!.suburb)
filters.put("postcode", myModel.value!!.postcode)
with(viewModel) {
//pass my HashMap to my ViewModel for update/change/set on filters MutableLiveData HashMap variable
MyViewModel Class
//initilise filters MutableLiveData HashMap variable
var filters = MutableLiveData<HashMap<String, String>>().apply { value = FILTERS }
//function to update/change/set filters MutableLiveData HashMap variable
//see setFilters(filters) used in above Fragment
fun setFilters(_filters: HashMap<String, String>) {
filters.value = _filters
//foreach on passed HashMap via switchMap{}
val filtered: LiveData<List<MyTable>> = filters.switchMap {
//initilise variables
var suburb = ""
var postcode = ""
//foreach loop on HashCookie :)
for (filter in it) {
suburb = filter.value
}else if(filter.key.equals("postcode")) {
postcode = filter.value
//pass strings to Dao
repository.getFiltered(suburb, postcode)
//companion object
companion object {
var FILTERS: HashMap<String, String>? = null
Repository Class
//send variables to the Dao Interface
fun getFiltered(suburb: String?, postcode: String?) = dao.getFiltered(suburb, postcode)
Dao Interface
#Query("SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE suburb LIKE '%' || :suburb || '%' AND postcode LIKE '%' || :postcode || '%' ")
fun getFiltered(suburb: String?, postcode: String?): LiveData<List<MyTable>>
I am trying to convert my code as clean as possible using the Kotlin's built-in functions. I have done some part of the code using for loops. But I want to know the efficient built-in functions to be used for this application
I have two array lists accounts and cards.
My goal is to search a specific card with the help of its card-number, in the array list named cards.
Then I have to validate the pin. If the pin is correct, by getting that gift card's customerId I have to search the account in the array list named accounts. Then I have to update the balance of the account.
These are the class which I have used
class Account{
constructor( )
var id : String = generateAccountNumber()
var name: String? = null
set(name) = if (name != null) field = name.toUpperCase() else { field = "Unknown User"; println("invalid details\nAccount is not Created");}
var balance : Double = 0.0
set(balance) = if (balance >= 0) field = balance else { field = 0.0 }
constructor(id: String = generateAccountNumber(), name: String?,balance: Double) {
this.id = id
this.balance = balance
this.name = name
class GiftCard {
constructor( )
var cardNumber : String = generateCardNumber()
var pin: String? = null
set(pin) = if (pin != null) field = pin else { field = "Unknown User"; println("Please set the pin\nCard is not Created");}
var customerId : String = ""
set(customerId) = if (customerId != "") field = customerId else { field = "" }
var cardBalance : Double = 0.0
set(cardBalance) = if (cardBalance > 0) field = cardBalance else { field = 0.0; println("Card is created with zero balance\nPlease deposit") }
var status = Status.ACTIVE
constructor(cardNumber: String = generateCardNumber(),
pin: String,
customerId: String,
cardBalance: Double = 0.0,
status: Status = Status.ACTIVE){
this.cardNumber = cardNumber
this.pin = pin
this.customerId = customerId
this.cardBalance = cardBalance
this.status = status
This is the part of code, I have to be changed :
override fun closeCard(cardNumber: String, pin: String): Pair<Boolean, Boolean> {
for (giftcard in giftcards) {
if (giftcard.cardNumber == cardNumber) {
if (giftcard.pin == pin) {
giftcard.status = Status.CLOSED
for (account in accounts)
account.balance = account.balance + giftcard.cardBalance
giftcard.cardBalance = 0.0
return Pair(true,true)
\\invalid pin
return Pair(true,false)
\\card is not present
return Pair(false,false)
Both classes are not very idiomatic. The primary constructor of a Kotlin class is implicit and does not need to be defined, however, you explicitly define a constructor and thus you add another one that is empty.
// good
class C
// bad
class C {
Going further, Kotlin has named arguments and default values, so make use of them.
class Account(
val id: String = generateAccountNumber(),
val name: String = "Unknown User",
val balance: Double = 0.0
Double is a very bad choice for basically anything due to its shortcomings, see for instance https://www.floating-point-gui.de/ Choosing Int, Long, heck even BigDecimal would be better. It also seems that you don’t want the balance to ever go beneath zero, in that case consider UInt and ULong.
Last but not least is the mutability of your class. This can make sense but it also might be dangerous. It is up to you to decide upon your needs and requirements.
enum class Status {
class Account(private var _balance: UInt) {
val balance get() = _balance
operator fun plusAssign(other: UInt) {
_balance += other
class GiftCard(
val number: String,
val pin: String,
private var _status: Status,
private var _balance: UInt
) {
val status get() = _status
val balance get() = _balance
fun close() {
_status = Status.CLOSED
_balance = 0u
class Main(val accounts: List<Account>, val giftCards: List<GiftCard>) {
fun closeCard(cardNumber: String, pin: String) =
giftCards.find { it.number == cardNumber }?.let {
(it.pin == pin).andAlso {
accounts.forEach { a -> a += it.balance }
inline fun Boolean.andAlso(action: () -> Unit): Boolean {
if (this) action()
return this
We change the return type from Pair<Boolean, Boolean> to a more idiomatic Boolean? where Null means that we did not find anything (literally the true meaning of Null), false that the PIN did not match, and true that the gift card was closed. We are not creating a pair anymore and thus avoid the additional object allocation.
The Boolean.andAlso() is a handy extension function that I generally keep handy, it is like Any.also() from Kotlin’s STD but only executes the action if the Boolean is actually true.
There's probably a million different ways to do this, but here's one that at least has some language features I feel are worthy to share:
fun closeCard(cardNumber: String, pin: String): Pair<Boolean, Boolean> {
val giftCard = giftcards.find { it.cardNumber == cardNumber }
?: return Pair(false, false)
return if (giftCard.pin == pin) {
giftCard.status = Status.CLOSED
accounts.forEach {
it.balance += giftCard.cardBalance
Pair(true, true)
} else
Pair(true, false)
The first thing to notice if the Elvis operator - ?: - which evaluates the right side of the expression if the left side is null. In this case, if find returns null, which is equivalent to not finding a card number that matches the desired one, we'll immediately return Pair(false, false). This is the last step in your code.
From there one it's pretty straight forward. If the pins match, you loop through the accounts list with a forEach and close the card. If the pins don't match, then we'll go straight to the else branch. In kotlin, if can be used as an expression, therefore we can simply put the return statement before the if and let it return the result of the last expression on each branch.
PS: I won't say this is more efficient than your way. It's just one way that uses built-in functions - find and forEach - like you asked, as well as other language features.
PPS: I would highly recommend to try and find another way to update the lists without mutating the objects. I don't know your use cases, but this doesn't feel too thread-safe. I didn't post any solution for this, because it's outside the scope of this question.