Custom signed efi getting invalid. "Certificate type not approved for application." - boot

I'm trying to boot an efi loader signed with my custom keys. I've already enrolled its public key in mokmanager, still it is getting blocked in uefi when secure boot is turned on. It looks like the efi is not signed properly.
[root#hp-fedora]/tmp/test# ls
DB.auth DB.crt DB.key KEK.cer KEK.esl noPK.auth PK.auth PK.crt PK.key refind_x64.efi.signed
DB.cer DB.esl KEK.auth KEK.crt KEK.key myGUID.txt noPK.esl PK.cer PK.esl refind_x64.efi
[root#hp-fedora]/tmp/test# openssl x509 -in DB.crt -out DB.cer -outform DER
[root#hp-fedora]/tmp/test# sbsign --key DB.key --cert DB.crt --output refind_x64.efi.signed refind_x64.efi
Signing Unsigned original image
[root#hp-fedora]/tmp/test# pesign --show-signature --in=refind_x64.efi.signed
certificate address is 0x7f338a625f88
Content was not encrypted.
Content is detached; signature cannot be verified.
The signer's common name is mykeys DB
No signer email address.
Signing time: Thu Aug 11, 2022
There were certs or crls included.
[root#hp-fedora]/tmp/test# pesigcheck -i refind_x64.efi.signed -n 0 -c DB.cer
Searching db DB.cer
Searching db DB.cer
Certificate type not approved for application.
pesigcheck: "refind_x64.efi.signed" is invalid.


SelfSignedCertificate not accepted in MS Edge (Win 10)

To get Edge to trust the localhost development server, I created a selfsigned certificate following this tutorial. I just replaced all instances of client-1.local by localhost.
So in short, I created a trusted authority by creating a .pem-file with the commands
openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootSSL.key 2048
and then
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootSSL.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootSSL.pem
and imported those into the trusted authorities store in the MMC.
Then I created a private key with
openssl req -new -sha256 -nodes -out localhost.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout localhost.key -subj "/C=AU/ST=NSW/L=Sydney/O=Client One/OU=Dev/CN=localhost/"
and a certificate with
openssl x509 -req -in localhost.csr -CA rootSSL.pem -CAkey rootSSL.key -CAcreateserial -out localhost.crt -days 50000 -sha256 -extensions "authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer\n basicConstraints=CA:FALSE\n keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment\n subjectAltName=DNA:localhost"
The certificate shows up as valid when double clicking on it.
For the exception I need to import the certificate into the browsers. For Firefox I got at first the error
You do not own the private key for the certificate
So I created a PKCS12 file
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ./sample.key -in ./sample.crt -out ./sample.p12
and imported that one in Firefox under "My Certificates". That works, I host with ng serve "ssl/localhost.crt" and Firefox with the imported .p12 accepts my localhost. Now for MS Edge it still complains, my certificate is not valid.
I also tried .pfx-merging, but no change. I also read the certificates should not be installed under My Certificates but as Authorities. That sounds wrong to me but I tried it and imported both the .crt and the .p12 into Authorities and Root Authorities, because why not, but no change. I also installed the certificate through the Windows Wizard.
What am I missing for MS Edge? I sadly have no way around it.
===== Update =====
Additional information:
Edge does not give any helpful error. Here is an image of the message. It is in German but all it says is the default text "The connection is not secure. The certificate is invalid. Your credit card information might be stolen." If there is some way to get a more informative message for Edge I would be very happy. In the developer console the message is:
This site does not have a valid SSL certificate! Without SSL, your site's and visitors' data is vulnerable to theft and tampering. Get a valid SSL certificate before releasing your website to the public.
The certificate files and the output of openssl x509 -text localhost.crt can be viewed here (password is pass or password, if necessary) and an image of the .crt here. It is sitting in my development folder, I host the site with
ng serve --ssl true --ssl-cert \"ssl/localhost.crt\" --ssl-key \"ssl/localhost.key\"
and access the server locally through localhost:3000.
I imported the .p12 file into edge through manage certificates -> My Certificates -> Import. The result looks like this.
What am I missing for MS Edge? I
The certificate does not contain any subject alternative names, which makes it invalid for Edge and Chrome. There is an attempt to specify these information, but the attempt is wrong.
I created a selfsigned certificate following this tutorial.
Looks like this tutorial is broken.
openssl x509 -req ... -extensions "authorityKeyIdentifier ... subjectAltName=DNA:localhost"
The -extension command line option is used to give the name of an extension section in a configuration file and not the extensions itself. Additionally the subjectAltName should be DNS:... not DNA:....
To fix create an extension file my.ext which includes the extensions you want to use:
keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
Then use this file as extension file with -extfile my.ext and specify the extension to use with -extensions myext:
openssl x509 -req ... -extfile my.ext -extensions myext

macOS SecureTransport refuses to import a certificate accepted by OpenSSL

I'm trying to fix a failing test in the urllib3 open source Python project.
This test is called test_client_no_intermediate and tries to use a X.509 certificate called client_no_intermediate.pem. The goal is to fail with a "unknown CA" error. The test works as expected with OpenSSL: the import succeeds and the certificate is rejected.
However, on macOS with SecureTransport, the import fails with Import/Export format unsupported.. What's surprising is that it fails consistently on my machine with macOS 10.13.5 and Xcode 9.4.1 but only fails intermittently in continuous integration with macOS 10.12 and XCode 8.3.
Here is the certificate:
OpenSSL happily decodes it:
$ openssl x509 -noout -in client_no_intermediate.pem -text
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=FI, ST=dummy, O=dummy, OU=dummy, CN=SnakeOil/emailAddress=dummy#test.local
Not Before: May 12 18:34:26 2017 GMT
Not After : Dec 19 18:34:26 2021 GMT
Subject: C=FI, ST=dummy, O=dummy, OU=dummy, CN=SnakeOilClient/emailAddress=dummy#test.local
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
Public-Key: (1024 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Netscape Comment:
OpenSSL Generated Certificate
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
But SecureTransport fails on this specific certificate:
$ security verify-cert -c cacert.pem
$ security verify-cert -c client_no_intermediate.pem
SecCertificateCreateFromData: Unknown format in import.
What is wrong in this certificate?
The only thing obviously "wrong" with the certificate is the serial number is 38 bytes long.
Given the uniqueness requirements above, serial numbers can be
expected to contain long integers. Certificate users MUST be able to
handle serialNumber values up to 20 octets. Conformant CAs MUST NOT
use serialNumber values longer than 20 octets.
While there is also guidance that non-conformant CAs exist, it's possible that Apple put in a limit lower than 38 bytes.
That wouldn't explain intermittency, but having a certificate which doesn't look "conformant" is always asking for unreliability.

impossible gpg signature verification

shasum verified: ok
gpg --verify cryptsetup-1.7.3.tar.sign cryptsetup-1.7.3.tar.xz
the output is bad :
gpg: Signature made Sun 30 Oct 2016 01:56:01 PM UTC using RSA key ID D93E98FC
gpg: BAD signature from "Milan Broz <>"
gpg --verify v1.7.3-ReleaseNotes.sign v1.7.3-ReleaseNotes
this is good (although the warning):
gpg: Signature made Sun 30 Oct 2016 01:56:09 PM UTC using RSA key ID D93E98FC
gpg: Good signature from "Milan Broz <>"
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 2A29 1824 3FDE 4664 8D06 86F9 D9B0 577B D93E 98FC
I make another test on another website:
and everything is good as well.
Then I go to the author's blog (Milan Broz's blog), but the download link leads to the same website.
I tried some previous packages and had the same issue:
cryptsetup-1.7.1.tar.sign with cryptsetup-1.7.1.tar.gz & cryptsetup-1.7.1.tar.xz
cryptsetup-1.7.2.tar.sign with cryptsetup-1.7.2.tar.gz & cryptsetup-1.7.2.tar.xz
If I miss something here, plz tell me what.
otherwise, is there a place where I can have a correctly signed version of this software?
thanx folks.
is there a place where I can have a correctly signed version of this software?
Try from the official website: (now -- Nov. 2017, 9 months later, in 1.7.5 or 2.0-rc1)
this is good (although the warning):
The warning is expected. See "Check PGP Signature and Install Veracrypt 1.17":
The "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner." means that the Veracrypt public key is not signed by you or by anybody whose key you have signed, so there is no direct line of trust between you and the Veracrypt developers.
This is as expected.

How can I codesign an app without being in the mac developer program?

When I try the following:
mba:Utilities ryan$ sudo codesign -fs /Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\
I get this error:
/Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp no identity found
Apparently I don't have a proper code signature, but if I sign up for the mac developer program, it would work.
How can I get a signature without enrolling in the mac developer program?
You need to create a self-signed certificate.
Open Keychain Access.
Choose Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Create Certificate ...
Enter a name
Set 'Certificate Type' to 'Code Signing'
Then, your command should look like this, if your certificate name is my-new-cert:
sudo codesign -fs my-new-cert /Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\
This works on OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Instructions from here:
Although I can't understand why you are trying to resign the Boot Camp Assistant, you can use the codesign tool with a self-signed CA and identity.
Apple has steps to do so in their developer documentation TN2206: OS X Code Signing In Depth.
If you need to create a self-signed certificate using the openssl command line and use it for signing you can do this:
1) Create the configuration file with the following content:
[ ca ]
default_ca = CA_default
[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_ca
#req_extensions = v3_req
[req_distinguished_name ]
CN =
[ CA_default ]
x509_extensions = usr_cert
[ usr_cert ]
[ v3_ca ]
basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
keyUsage = critical, cRLSign, digitalSignature, keyCertSign
extendedKeyUsage = critical, serverAuth, clientAuth, codeSigning, emailProtection
2) Run the following commands to create the certificate and pack both the certificate and the key in a .p12 file (PKCS12):
openssl req -subj '/' -config -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout selfSignedKey.pem -out selfSigned.pem -days 365
openssl pkcs12 -export -out -inkey selfSignedKey.pem -in selfSigned.pem
3) Create a new .keychain file and import the file into the keychain
(I believe you can do this with the command line as well if you don't want to use the Keychain Access application).
4) Then you can use the certificate to sign:
codesign -s "" --force <binaryToSign>
You can add --keychain <MyKeyChain.keychain> if needed.

How to generate a PKCS12 (.p12) from a .SPC (code signing certificate) and .PKCS12 (private key)?

I have a code-signing certificate (SPC) file from GoDaddy. The file was generated from an existing private key:
.... snipped ....
I generated a certificate signing request and sent this to GoDaddy:
.... snipped ....
GoDaddy then returned me an SPC file. My research shows that typically you'd have a SPC/PVK pair but obviously my private key isn't of PVK type.
I've tried several methods (pvkimprt, pvk2pfx, openssl, keytool) but can't seem to convert my key to PVK type or my SPC to a PKCS12 type independently without both the certificate (SPC) and private key being in a single key-store.
The command that I appear to need to do this in one step is:
openssl pkcs12 -in cert_from_godaddy.spc -inkey private.key -export -out full_code_signing_chain.pkcs12
However, running that I just get:
Loading 'screen' into random state - done
No certificate matches private key
But, the certificate (SPC) is for the private key. What am I doing wrong?!
Background: I'm trying to generate a .p12 file sign an Adobe AIR application
To be honest I can not understand at all what you are trying to do.
You got back the SPC file which is just the #PKCS7 der encoding with your certificate.
You also have your private key.
All you need to do is import the certificate to the pkcs12 keystore to have the signed certificate with your private key.
Here is how I created a .p12 file from GoDaddy's .spc file:
1. Right click myCert.spc, Install Certificate (to install the .spc into Windows)
2. Double click myCert.spc (to open it in certmgr), export to a .cer file.
3. Import that .cer file into Firefox.
4. From with Firefox: backup what you just imported to create a .p12 file.
Then you can use that .p12 file to sign your code.
To create a P12 truststore from a private key and a SPC file do the following steps with OpenSSL:
(Optional): Extract the private key from an old P12 truststore:
openssl pkcs12 -in old.p12 -nocerts -out privateKey.pem
Extract the certificate chain from the SPC file:
openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in godaddy.spc -print_certs > certificates.pem
Create the new P12 truststore:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out new.p12 -inkey privateKey.pem -in certificates.pem
