How to connect GCP filestore with two vpc - google-cloud-filestore

I need to know if it is possible to create a gcp Filestore on one vpc and connect to it from another vpc without using shared vpc or vpn. Is it expensive to set vpn with the filestore. I mean if the vpn is expensive, I can create one Filestore by vpc instead of using single filestore.


How can I connect to AWS Documentdb with Robo 3T?

Using the latest Robo 3T and the command line provided by AWS
I get this Error:
SSL tunnel failure: Network is unreachable or SSL connection rejected by server.
Reason: Connect failed
I have also tried following THIS walkthrough but had no joy.
I have read that it is possible to SSH to a EC2 instance on the same VPC and access documentdb this way but ideally I would like to access it directly and not pay for an extra EC2 instance. If I have that right?
I have tried via Mongo shell too and get the following response:
Error: couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed: NetworkTimeout: Error connecting to (<IP address>) :: caused by :: Socket operation timed out :
exception: connect failed
What I suspect is happening is that either you do not have an EC2 instance in the same VPC as your DocumentDB cluster or that EC2 instance is not reachable from your laptop. I'd first connect to the EC2 instance with SSH to establish connectivity and then use that EC2 instance to SSH proxy from Robo3T.
For context, Amazon DocumentDB clusters deployed within a VPC can be accessed directly by EC2 instances or other AWS services that are deployed in the same VPC. Additionally, Amazon DocumentDB can be accessed by EC2 instances or other AWS services in different VPCs in the same region or other regions via VPC peering.
The advantage of deploying clusters within a VPC is that VPCs provide a strong network boundary to the Internet. A common way to connect to DocumentDB from your laptop is to create an EC2 instance within the same VPC as your DocumentDB cluster and SSH tunnel through that EC2 instance to your cluster:
To minimize costs for local development, start with the smallest EC2 instance size and utilize the start/stop functionality when not using the cluster.
The same can be done with DocumentDB. When you are developing, you can save on instance costs by stopping the cluster when it is no longer needed:
An alternative is to utilize AWS Cloud9: This solution still requires an EC2 instance in the same VPC as your Amazon Document. What is useful about this solution is that Cloud9 provides a mechanisms to automatically shutdown the EC2 instance if it has been idle for 30-minutes, for example, to help save costs.

connect lambda to another vpc via an EC2 vpn tunnel

We have 2 separate VPC's and dont need to do any peering. one VPC has an openvpn software running for vpn purposes and a lambda in another vpc that needs access to the resource in the openvpn VPC. so how can this be done if we try to create a tunnel from an EC2 instance running in the Lambda's VPC that is connected to the other VPC via vpnclient? Would this work in this scenario or are there any other alternatives. The Lambda would like to reach the elasticsearch service running in the other VPC via VPN client running in the EC2 instance
Please create VPC peering between these 2 VPCs & configure route tables of both.
In case of need further help, please do let me know

Is it possible to connect to database hosted in local machine through AWS lambda

I launched one RDS instance,s3 and EC2 in AWS and its is triggered properly using lambda. Now I wish to change the change the RDS and EC2 from AWS to local machine. My lambda is triggered from s3.
How do I connect the local database through lambda in AWS?
It appears that your requirement is:
You wish to run an AWS Lambda function
Within the function, you wish to connect to a database running on your own computer (outside of AWS)
Firstly, I would not recommend this strategy. To maintain good performance, you should always have an application as close as possible to the database. This means on the same network, in the same location and not going across remote network connections or the Internet.
However, if you wish to do this, then here's some things you would need to do:
Your database will need to be accessible on the Internet, so that you can connect to it remotely. To test this, try accessing it from an Amazon EC2 instance.
The AWS Lambda function should either be configured without VPC connectivity (which means that it is connected to the Internet) or, if you have configured it for VPC connectivity, it needs to be in a Private Subnet with a NAT Gateway enabling Internet access.
(Optional) For added security, you could lock-down your database to only accept connections from a known IP address. To achieve this, you would need to use the VPC + NAT Gateway so that all traffic is coming from the Elastic IP address assigned to the NAT Gateway.
I agree with John Rotenstein that connecting your local machine to a Lambda running on AWS is probably a bad idea.
If your intention is to develop or test locally, I recommend the serverless framework, and the serverless-offline plugin. It will allow you to simulate Lambda locally, and you can pass database config values through as environment variables.
See: Running AWS Lambda and API Gateway locally: serverless-offline

RDP - Non VPC EC2 instance to VPC (Public) EC2 Instance: Not Working

I have few EC2 instances across VPC and non-VPC.
VPC Instance
Without VPC
I can access (RDP) all the servers from outside world. I have given RDP access to all ( to ensure that I am not missing out anything.
However, I can't access VPC-Dev1 from EC2-Dev1 or vice-a-versa. Is there any specific firewalls related setup I need do to allow AWS instances to get access to each other?
Any help much appreciated!
If you are trying to make the calls using the private IPs, try using the public IPs.

Why am I unable to associate an Elastic IP to an EC2 instance in a second VPC on AWS?

I have for a long time a VPC (with 1 subnet) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with several instances each having an Elastic IP address.
For new needs, I have defined a second VPC (with 1 subnet also) on my same account: for some reasons, I can't associate EIP (which is allocated with no problem) to instances launched in VPC #2: the interactive wizard of the console only presents me the instances of the first VPC.
Is it a known limitation or am I doing something wrong?
Two questions:
How many EIP's do you have on your account?
Is the 2nd VPC using a NAT instance to access the Internet?
EIP addresses should only be used on instances in subnets configured to route their traffic directly to the Internet Gateway. EIPs cannot be used on instances in subnets configured to use a NAT instance to access the Internet. (
