what does {} mean in hook state initialization react - react-hooks

I have seen a hook state initalize in this way.
const colors = [
{ value: 'ocean', text: 'Ocean', color: '#00B8D9' },
{ value: 'blue', text: 'Blue', color: '#0052CC' },
{ value: 'purple', text: 'Purple', color: '#5243AA' },
const [{ formBasicUsageExample }, setState] = useState({ formBasicUsageExample: colors[0] })
This looks strange to me. I never see people use {} to surround a state here. How to understand the {} around formBasicUsageExample? What is the effect here
I understand the concept of destructuring, and it looks it may be deal with that. But I dont get it in such context(normally in para list). Appreciate if a basic example provide to understand it.

Javascript Object destructuring
You are setting the state variable value with { formBasicUsageExample: { value: 'ocean', text: 'Ocean', color: '#00B8D9' }}
Then using javascript object destructuring to only fetch the value of formBasicUsageExample key.
const colors = [
{ value: 'ocean', text: 'Ocean', color: '#00B8D9' },
{ value: 'blue', text: 'Blue', color: '#0052CC' },
{ value: 'purple', text: 'Purple', color: '#5243AA' },
const [{ formBasicUsageExample }, setState] = useState({ formBasicUsageExample: colors[0] });
Here, formBasicUsageExample contains :
{ value: 'ocean', text: 'Ocean', color: '#00B8D9' }
If there is no {} provided,
const colors = [
{ value: 'ocean', text: 'Ocean', color: '#00B8D9' },
{ value: 'blue', text: 'Blue', color: '#0052CC' },
{ value: 'purple', text: 'Purple', color: '#5243AA' },
const [formBasicUsageExample , setState] = useState({ formBasicUsageExample: colors[0] });
Here, formBasicUsageExample contains :
{ formBasicUsageExample: { value: 'ocean', text: 'Ocean', color: '#00B8D9' }}
Simple Javascript example:
let person = { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'};
const {firstName} = person;

What's being done is technically destructuring.
It's just being done in a confusing manner. What formBasicUsageExample refers to on the left hand side of the assignment is the value in the returned object associated with that key, so in our case it will be whatever the value of colors[0] is.


Vuetify Data Table expand columns how to add expand button

I am new to Vuetify I and want to add expandable rows to my table. How can I add
{ text: '', value: 'data-table-expand' } to my headers?
My headers look like the following:
headers: VuetifyDataTableHeader<
IncidentNotificationPlan & {
inpOperation: unknown;
inpActionTypeIcon: unknown;
ttaat: string;
dueTime: string;
inpActionOperation: unknown;
>[] = [
{ text: $t('Ticket'), value: 'ticketNumber', width: '15%' },
{ text: '', value: 'user', width: '68px' },
{ text: $t('Plan Name'), value: 'name' },
{ text: '', value: 'inpOperation', width: '120px' },
{ text: $t('Host(s)'), value: 'hosts', width: '18%' },
{ text: $t('Action'), value: 'inpActionTypeIcon', width: '90px' },
{ text: $t('TTAAT'), value: 'ttaat', width: '90px' },
{ text: $t('Due Time'), value: 'dueTime', width: '120px' },
{ text: '', value: 'inpActionOperation', width: '120px' },
I want the icon to be displayed in the column of hosts. Can anybody help me out?

Update chart.js after form submission and page reload

I have a chart.js bar chart that pulls data via an ajax call to a Django APIView. The ajax call returns one dictionary with a stack of data inside I use to customize the chart. Here's the chart.js code:
var current_year = '{% url "saveskore:api-current-year-savings" %}'
url: current_year,
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var ctx = document.getElementById('current-year-chart');
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: data['dates'],
datasets: [
label: data['income_label'],
backgroundColor: "#8e5ea2",
data: data['income'],
label: data['expense_label'],
backgroundColor: 'green',
data: data['expenses'],
label: data['savings_label'],
backgroundColor: "#3e95cd",
data: data['savings_goal'],
label: data['avail_label'],
backgroundColor: "#pink",
data: data['avail_to_spend'],
options: {
legend: { display: false },
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Savings for ' + data['year']
Works great. Looks great.
But! I have a django formset on a separate page that updates the table data that the chart pulls from.
When I update the data in the formset and submit, redirecting to the chart page ... NO UPDATE OCCURS.
If I make some code change or otherwise reload the browser, VOILA, the chart updates.
I have read about either cache=false and chart.update(), but find i have not been able to make either work, mainly because the exact details on their use are not clear.
I would really appreciate input on this.
Have you tried chart.destroy() method ? and then build again the chart with the new data .. that works for me.. take a look at my example
let flag = 0;
var xChart = "";
function dibujar(valor, meses) {
try {
if (valor.length > 0) {
var canvas = document.getElementById('chart');
let tipGra = $('#slcTipGra').val();
if (flag !== 0) {
//rgba(54, 162, 235, 0.2)
if (tipGra === "bar" || tipGra === "horizontalBar") {
var data = {
labels: meses,
datasets: [
label: "Dólares($)",
backgroundColor: "#3e95cd",
borderColor: "#3e95cd",
borderWidth: 2,
hoverBackgroundColor: "#3e95cd",
hoverBorderColor: "#3e95cd",
data: valor,
var option = {
title: {
display: true,
fontSize: 20,
fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
text: 'Reporte Mensual de Ventas'
plugins: {
datalabels: {
color: 'white',
anchor: 'end',
align: 'start',
weight: 'bold'
scales: {
yAxes: [{
stacked: true,
display: true,
color: "rgba(255,99,132,0.2)"
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
display: true
if (tipGra === 'line') {
var data = {
labels: meses,
datasets: [
label: "Dólares($)",
fill: false,
lineTension: 0.1,
backgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,0.4)",
borderColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
borderCapStyle: 'butt',
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0.0,
borderJoinStyle: 'miter',
pointBorderColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
pointBackgroundColor: "#fff",
pointBorderWidth: 1,
pointHoverRadius: 5,
pointHoverBackgroundColor: "rgba(75,192,192,1)",
pointHoverBorderColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
pointHoverBorderWidth: 2,
pointRadius: 5,
pointHitRadius: 10,
data: valor,
var option = {
title: {
display: true,
fontSize: 20,
fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
text: 'Reporte Mensual de Ventas'
plugins: {
datalabels: {
backgroundColor: function (context) {
return context.dataset.borderColor;
borderRadius: 4,
color: 'white',
anchor: 'end',
align: 'end',
showLines: true
xChart = new Chart(canvas,
type: tipGra,
data: data,
options: option
flag = 1;
else {
} catch (err) {
I declare "xChart" as a global variable and a flag to know if it's the first chart to build. The example build 3 different types of charts (Vertical Bar, Horizontal Bar and Line) depending on the selection of the chart type "let tipGra = "$('#slcTipGra').val();"

ExtJs 5 how add item to dashboard programmatically?

I need some help. When creating dashboard I know that it need to fill parts object
parts: {
portlet: {
viewTemplate: {
layout: 'fit',
html: 'messafe from portlet'
portlet2: {
viewTemplate: {
layout: 'fit',
html: 'message from portlet2'
also I know that I can use them below to render parts
defaultContent: [{
type: 'portlet',
title: 'Test1',
columnIndex: 0,
height: 500
}, {
type: 'portlet2',
title: 'Test2',
columnIndex: 1,
height: 300
}, {
type: 'portlet',
title: 'Test3',
columnIndex: 1,
height: 300
}, {
type: 'portlet',
title: 'Test4',
columnIndex: 2,
height: 350
}, {
type: 'portlet',
title: 'Test5',
columnIndex: 3,
height: 350
now my question is now add(do all this job) programmatically? for example I want to create new component on button click

change legend color using highchart-ng

I want to change legend color in highchart. I have used highchart-ng, the below code its not working, Please help me
scope.dvBarChartNG = {
options: {
chart: {
type: 'column',
backgroundColor: '#ffffff'
xAxis: {
yAxis: {
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0.2,
borderWidth: 0
*legend: {
itemStyle: {
'color' : '#000'
itemHoverStyle: {
'color' : '#000'
itemHiddenStyle: {
'color' : '#000'
series: [{
name: 'xxxx',
data: scope.yyyy.series.user,
color: '#cfffac',
borderColor: "#cfffac",
showInLegend: true
}, {
name: 'xxxx',
data: scope.yyyy.series.entity,
color: '#82c84c',
borderColor: "#82c84c",
showInLegend: true
my html code is

AngularJS $http.get JsonResult

I am building a dx-chart inside of an AngularJS file. I would like to use $http.get inside of my ng-controller. Here is the AngularJS file. However, when I try to use $http.get I still display the chart but there is not data passed in. If I remove the $http argument and $http.get in the dataSource, I am able to display my data using the Json format passed in from my URL.
AngularJS File
var app = angular.module('customCharts', ['dx']);
function ChartController($scope, $http) {
$scope.productSettings = {
dataSource: $http.get("http://localhost:53640/Home/PostChart"),
title: 'Displays Product Costs for items in our Database',
series: {
argumentField: "Name",
valueField: "Cost",
type: "bar",
color: '#008B8B'
commonAxisSettings: {
visible: true,
color: 'black',
width: 2
argumentAxis: {
title: 'Items in Product Store Database'
valueAxis: {
title: 'Dollor Amount',
valueFormat: 'currency'
Hope you have issue with controller declaration:
Can you modify your code as below:
var app = angular.module('customCharts', ['dx']);
app.controller('ChartController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.productSettings = {
dataSource: $http.get("http://localhost:53640/Home/PostChart"),
title: 'Displays Product Costs for items in our Database',
series: {
argumentField: "Name",
valueField: "Cost",
type: "bar",
color: '#008B8B'
commonAxisSettings: {
visible: true,
color: 'black',
width: 2
argumentAxis: {
title: 'Items in Product Store Database'
valueAxis: {
title: 'Dollor Amount',
valueFormat: 'currency'
Check here for syntax: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/controller
Try this
function ChartController($scope, $http) {
$http.get("http://localhost:53640/Home/PostChart").success(function (data) {
$scope.productSettings = {
dataSource: data,
title: 'Displays Product Costs for items in our Database',
series: {
argumentField: "Name",
valueField: "Cost",
type: "bar",
color: '#008B8B'
commonAxisSettings: {
visible: true,
color: 'black',
width: 2
argumentAxis: {
title: 'Items in Product Store Database'
valueAxis: {
title: 'Dollor Amount',
valueFormat: 'currency'
