Laravel - 404 on some routes - only on local (Sail) - laravel

Pulling my hair out with this one.
I have an API that is working completly in both staging and production environments but recently has started return some 404 on two of the routes locally, and I cant work out why. (No changes have been made to the site locally).
Below is the affected route group:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['api.auth']], function () {
Route::post('role_update', 'App\Http\Controllers\MobileApi#role_update');
Route::post('request_items', 'App\Http\Controller\MobileApi#request_items');
Route::post('download_log', 'App\Http\Controllers\MobileApi#download_log');
Route::post('log_time', 'App\Http\Controllers\MobileApi#log_time');
Route::post('log_search', 'App\Http\Controllers\MobileApi#log_search');
The role_update & log_time routes return 404 locally and run perfectly in production and in the staging environment.
All of these routes are shown as generated on route:list.
I have run route:clear & route:cache & route:optimize to no beneficial effect.
I know that the methods are rechable on the controller and that the middleware isnt the issue as if I use one of the working routes URI's to call one of the non working route methods it works. For example, if I switch things around so that a post to download_log actually points to the role_update method the 404 disappears.
Interestingly I cannot change the URI's of any of these routes or they immediatly start throwing 404's even when confirmed that they are registered in route:list. I also can't add any new routes as they all throw 404's.
This makes me suspicious that the routes are being cached and not overridden somewhere?
My local environment is laravel sail - there has been no updates between this working and not working.
Laravel version - 8.30.1
Any help with this would be greatly appretiated.
N.B - we have also just noticed that the role_update route is actually returning a 404 on the production and staging servers but only from our android application - its working on both iOS and postman. Very odd.

this problem is occur with me. if you update laravel may solve
composer install
composer update

For anyone finding this - I am the issue - I very stupidly forgot one of the variables required to access the API - to add to my stupidity, during testing I had the API throwing 404's if that variable was missing.
The reason it was working on some environments and not others is that my postman requests had the required variable in them just by chance! Obviously this would usually throw and error that I could work out be I had forced it to be 404's during development.
Sorry for any time taken thinking about this!


some laravel route not changing to https

There are some my route not going to HTTPS in my Javascript code
loadSettingTable("{{ route('') }}");
they become like this, so my datatable can't be load because mixed content.
but my css and JS file already become HTTPS.
I already give this on my AppServiceProvider and ENV
//AppServiceProvider.php on Boot
if(env('REDIRECT_HTTPS')) {
But some of it work fine with this code, why my code with route name not giving https?
I found the error myself, but don't really know why this error happens on my production server not staging server. I remove $url->formatScheme('https'); because it giving some error on production but not always and it's fixed my problem.

Problem with Laravel routes - all sub folder traffic ending up in route view

Sorry - was difficult to give this one a clear title! But I have an issue and a difference between how my local laravel install is dealing with some routes compared to my live server.
Locally, I have this working:
Route::get('/blog', 'BlogController#home');
Route::get('/blog/{post_slug}', 'BlogController#viewPost');
As you can probably guess, I want to serve up a list of posts via the home() function if /blog is hit. Then all other traffic with a "slug" after /blog/, I want to load the blog post.
This all works locally.
However on live,
Is serving up the home() function every time.
Where would I start with debugging this. Laravel versions? Server caching?
Maybe you can do this in laravel 5.7+
Route::prefix('blog')->group(function () {
Route::get('/', 'BlogController#home');
Route::get('/{post_slug}', 'BlogController#viewPost');
before just use: php artisan optimize, to clear all cache route and config.
for more info see the docs

Laravel Socialite InvalidStateException in AbstractProvider.php line 200

I'm building a web app in my local system (Ubuntu-14.04 64Bit) using laravel 5.3. I used Socialite to signin from social networks. I configured G+, Facebook, GitHug. I'm using Chromium as my default browser. Finally the problem is i'm getting
InvalidStateException in AbstractProvider.php line 200
frequently. i tried
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:clear
composer dump-autoload
these are helping to solve the issue temporarily, again the problem raising.
please help me in this issue..
I have the same issue and I've read a lot about this, that depend if the URL where you are at the moment of the login request has www. at the beginning or not.
Into config\services.php, if you have the redirect set as http://sitename.tld/callback/facebook the oauth works if you send the login request from sitename.tld, while if you try from www.sitename.tld you get the exception.
I haven't yet understood how to have it working with and without www at the beginning.
If the AbstractProvider.php line 200 fires the exception when the state of the user is not present means that the User cannot be created.
First check your code when you get the details from the provider(facebook, github) if you create a user and you return it.
If you have managed and logged in your app and you deleted the user from the user table remember to delete also the data from the socialite account table.
I was getting that exception because 'state' wasn't saved in session. But I was using asPopup method - Socialite::driver('facebook')->asPopup()->redirect(); so I saved session then - $request->session()->save();. So I solved this issue.
or try
session()->put('state', $request->input('state'));
$user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
it works
I have same issue and solved in 3 steps;
add request on the top
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
Pass request object to function
public function handleProviderCallback(Request $request)
try {
$user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception;
Clear cache.
php artisan cache:clear
I had the same error but my solution was a little different. I am posting here just in case someone else keeps hitting this post like I did for a possible answer.
I develop on Ubuntu 18.04 desktop since it is a server with a GUI. Socialite works great locally but as soon as I pushed/pulled the changes through git to the server, it quit.
I was running traces by recording what was sent to and from google. I "dd($_GET)" to get a raw dump before Socialite had a chance to get the info so I knew what was stored and ready for use. All info was there but Socialite didn't seem to "see" it. That is when I reasoned it was my apache2 header configuration interfering with the cookies/session data.
I had set header security in my apache2 configs. One of the settings was
Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*) "$1;HttpOnly;Secure;SameSite=Strict"
This setting was interfering with the cookie information that socialite needed. I removed that setting from my apache2 header config(by commenting out) and restarted Apache. Finally I removed all sessions in storage/framework/session/* and cleared them from my browser just to be sure. That worked for me.
After I got it working, one by one enabled and tested each of the following settings to have the framework secure what header info it can:
in my .env file
'http_only' => true, and
'same_site' => 'lax'(setting to "strict" did not seem to work)
in my config/session.php file.
Now it is back to testing security and tweaking things back if need be.

Laravel 5 Route Strange Behaviour

I have a Laravel site set up on a Homestead box, so I'm accessing it on I have a route called "news" but when I try to go to I get oddly bounced out to
If I change the routename to "news2" I can access the desired controller action as per normal at So somehow it's "news" itself that has become uncooperative - and I'm pretty sure that we aren't even getting as far as the NewsController, when I try to access that url.
Can anyone work out from these symptoms what might be going wrong? One "news"-related change I made at some point was to add $router->model('news', "App\News"); in the boot method of the RouteServiceProvider, but removing this doesn't seem to make the difference.
ETA: People keep asking for the routes.php file. I can literally remove everything from the file except
Route::get('news', function() {
return "hello world";
Route::get('news2', function() {
return "hello world";
and /news2 will work but /news will bounce me out. So I remain pretty convinced that the problem is somewhere deeper than routes.php...
I finally worked out what boneheaded action of mine had been causing this behaviour!
I had created a folder in /public named "news"... i.e. with the same name as an important route. Not sure exactly what havoc this was wreaking behind the scenes for Laravel every time a request for /news was being made, but one can assume it was nothing good.
Advice for anyone tearing their hair out over a route that "mysteriously doesn't work" - check your public folder for possible collisions!
This is a known issue Larvel missing port
The easiest way to solve this problem is to go to public/index.php and set the SERVER_PORT value.
Don't forget to set the base url in the config if you are using links on website, the url generator uses the base-url defined in the config.
Last option is to change the vm portfoward in VagrantFile to point to port 80 and use port 80 for your app.

Sentry on Laravel 4 with MAMP

I'm using Laravel on MAMP PRO (PHP 5.4). Both are vanilla install and I got Laravel working okay.
Next, Installed Sentry.
Inside of a login function on controller:
$user = Sentry::authenticate($credentials, false); // this works. I can see the $user
But then upon an immediate redirect I use a filter:
Route::filter('auth.admin', function()
var_dump(Sentry::check()); // ** this gives me a bool(false);
if ( ! Sentry::check())
return Redirect::route('admin.login');
So, I'm assuming that maybe there is a cookie that is not being set?
For anyone else with this issue, this is a summary of the most common solutions on the Internet as well as how I solved my issue. I'm on MAMP/OSX, but this apparently made zero difference as I literally put up a vagrant/virtualbox and still had the same issue.
** Set 'domain' => '' in your config/session.php. EVEN IF YOU ARE ON A SUB DOMAIN like, use ONLY the root domain ( in your 'domain' variable as I just wrote it. ** This was my issue.
Make sure your session storage folder has write permissions.
Make sure you have a >0 lifetime in your session.php
Make sure you don't have whitespaces after any closing PHP which could cause the application not to shut down properly.
Try Switching between database sessions and file sessions.
As a last resort, try upgrade to 4.2, if possible. 4.1 had a known issue (as referenced in google).
Your issue is may no be with Laravel OR Sentry. It's probably a file or configuration issue as illustrated above. I pulled my hair out tracking this from Sentry to Laravel to Cookies to Session to Blah... Only to realize that it was finally a cookie issue which was caused by me not setting my ROOT domain (I was using the full
