enter image description hereI was trying to install telegram and other apps on sabayon linux genome 19.03by using the command line and also rigo but it says action aborted and some packages can not be fetched and try to update repositories but when i try to update repositories it says repositories is up to date now can someone tell me what to do?
Good morning,
i want to add bootswatch module to change theme of jhipster project as needed. Following the guide https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-jhipster-bootswatch I installed the npm install -g generator-jhipster-bootswatch module successfully. I get an error when I run the next command yo jhipster-bootswatch
enter image description here
The output of the yo doctor command reveals no problems with this
enter image description here
Do you have any tips to resolve this message?
enter image description here
Here is a screen shot of the commands.
process_helper is provided by a gem package named process_helper. It is very likely, that your package will contain a file Gemfile with a description of all the dependencies you will need - and you can install all of them using a command bundle install. Individually you can install packages by using eg. gem install process_helper for process_helper.
i am trying to use flair nlp framework ,
but getting error
# load the NER tagger
tagger = SequenceTagger.load('ner')
tried on local , remote and other machine . all failing as its not able to download a model from s3 .google colab also gives same error .
all give error message as:
OSError: HEAD request failed for url https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/alan-nlp/resources/models-v0.4/NER-conll03-english/en-ner-conll03-v0.4.pt with status code 301.
I was having the same issue, I don't know what happen with the link but I found another one.
You can look flair master repo https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/blob/master/flair/models/sequence_tagger_model.py
on the def _fetch_model(model_name) line 971.
There are using another path already "https://nlp.informatik.hu-berlin.de/resources/models", so they change to that path instead of alan-nlp.
So you can find your model here https://nlp.informatik.hu-berlin.de/resources/models/ner/
I had a similar problem to this.
Note that flair now hosts the majority of their models on Huggingface.
Most likely what you need to do is install the latest version of flair which has the sequence_tagger_model.py (and probably others) pointing to the right link.
I had to uninstall flair, and then reinstall it:
pip uninstall flair
pip install flair
to ensure it worked.
I am using qpython as a non-root user and I have googled it up but all recommendations don't work both manually and using pip...I keep on getting errors...
I get erors when I use both:
pip install requests from pip console
import pip
pip.main(['install','requests']) on python console
The error is something like:
cannot fetch base url https://pypi.python.org/simple/
could not find any downloads that satisfy the condition requests
if there is a workaround or a fix I would be happy to accept...
Did you use the newest version(>=2.0.7) Installing requests from QPYPI works well in the newest version. https://github.com/qpython-android/qpython/releases
Yes! This fixed my problem once I used the beta v2.1 from
Google play did not give me the latest version (I had 1.xx)
I was able to use QPYPY to install requests and it automatically installed the required library urllib3.
I have an issue with IBM Installation Manager 1.8.6. I selected the repository.config file under (IBM/Installation Manager/Eclipse) as the repository. However, when i later on press install, i get the following error message:
Repository expected to be an install package for Installation Manager, but repository property RequireContext does not contain expected value:
RequireContext=InstallKit:im.version=<display version of installable IM>, im.internal.version=<internal version of IM> ,
admin=<admin install command>, user=<user install command>.
You have to specify the repository contains the package that you want to install. The repository.config under IBM/Installation Manager/Eclipse does not reference to any packages. You can find more details from this link.