How to configure netflix dgs? - spring-boot

This is a really simple question, but hard to find the answer.
I'm using kotlin DSL and gradle (so build.gradle.kts and settings.gradle.kts).
I'm using netflix-dgs and spring boot like so:
And of course a few others (e.g. extended scalars).
I've figured out how to edit my generateJava task:
tasks.withType<> {
schemaPaths = mutableListOf("$projectDir/src/main/resources/schema")
packageName = ""
How do I edit the rest of the configuration mentioned here?
I tried a file, I've looked briefly at extending #DgsAutoConfiguration, but without any luck.

you can configure properties in the applciation.yml file or whatever is relevant in your case. Since you are using spring boot, DGS will pick up properties from your application properties file.


Different YAML configuration file for junit test using an Externalized configuration in Spring Boot

I am following a tutorial on using external configuration files for Spring Boot. I got everything to work exactly as intended but I'm having issues overriding the default YAML config for my tests.
Could someone please point me in the right direction or advice if using '#PropertySource' is the best way to load config files into the project (There is a bunch of properties and I would like to keep the application.yaml as clean as possible)
Project Structure:
src: - main/resources/foo.yml <-- always loads this one
- test/resources/foo.yml <-- never loads
What I tried:
#PropertySource(value = "classpath:foo.yml")
Doesn't load test/resoruces/foo.yml to the classpath
How I usually change config properties but in this case, it's not a profile so it doesn't work.
Spring boot: 2.2.7.RELEASE
Try this:
#TestPropertySource(properties = { "spring.config.location=classpath:foo.yml" })

Primitive Axon App run as Fat JAR Doesn't Autoconfigure Axon Beans

RESEARCH: At I've made up a simple Axon-app to show that JAR-artifact built with Gradle-plugin com.github.johnrengelman.shadow doesn't autoconfigure Axon beans when (when run as JAR). Though it runs fine under Intellij.
From project root in terminal:
run gradle clean build shadowJar;
java -jar build/simpleaxon.jar;
Stacktrace is enclosed here. I expect that Axon Autocongiguration provides beans like CommandBus, Snapshotter and other by default.
QUESTION: How to autoconfigure default axon beans in a fat jar?
So, this took my some investigation to get a hunch what is going wrong, but I know what the problem is.
Quick notice, it's not an Axon specific thing, rather the plugin you are using.
I ran your sample project and indeed ended up with the same result; no Axon beans were being wired, ever. That led me to investigate the process of creating fat JAR's step by step. First Maven, then Spring Boot with Maven, then Gradle with Spring Boot and finally with the Shadow plugin you are referring too.
This endeavour landed me on this issue, which states as much as "projects which require the use of META-INF files need to add this to the shadow plugin, and this should be documented".
The portion referenced through this is the following:
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.transformers.PropertiesFileTransformer
// Left out all other specifics from your 'build.gradle' file
shadowJar {
// Required for Spring
append 'META-INF/spring.handlers'
append 'META-INF/spring.schemas'
append 'META-INF/spring.tooling'
transform(PropertiesFileTransformer) {
paths = ['META-INF/spring.factories' ]
mergeStrategy = "append"
getDestinationDirectory().set(new File(projectDir, "./build"))
After adding that piece of logic to your build.gradle file, I could run your sample project as expected.
I've hit a similar issue when using Axon in a multimodule Gradle project. The app would not work when packaged and worked fine in IDE. The exact error I was getting was
org.axonframework.messaging.annotation.UnsupportedHandlerException: Unable to resolve parameter 0 in handler
The reason for this was because ParameterResolverFactories were not loaded due to the META-INF/services resources not being resolved correctly in the shadow jar plugin as #Steven hinted.
I've managed to fix it with simply (using Kotlin DSL in Gradle):
tasks.shadowJar {
#Steven 's solution was the only one working for me, after searching for a long time for other solutions.
The Gradle Kotlin Version looks like this
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.transformers.PropertiesFileTransformer
plugins {
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.1.2"
tasks.shadowJar {
// Required for Spring.
// The shadowJar plugin should merge the services correctly, but it doesn't!
PropertiesFileTransformer().apply {
paths = mutableListOf("META-INF/spring.factories")
mergeStrategy = "append"

Spring Boot 2: Using external Property-Files

I have a executeable jar what I want to configure by properties outside of the jar. What works fine is, when putting it to config folder close to the jar. But I have a second property-file what seems not to be picked up and I would like to have the best practice for that.
The folder config looks like:
In the config-folder you will find:
Both property-files are also in the src/main/resources folder.
My StartClass looks like:
public class MigrationShrinkApplication implements CommandLineRunner {}
My bat file looks like:
java -jar migration-shrink-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dspring.config.location=./config/
I wanted to separate Spring-Configuration from Application-Configuration, thats why I have two different property-files.
Thank you!
The #PropertySource annotation is not necessary.
As of Spring Boot 2.0, you can declare additional locations with:
Keep in mind that those additional locations are searched before others, so values can be overridden in the other locations.
See the Spring Boot reference documentation.

How to remove a dependency in Gradle depending on the Spring Boot runtime environment?

Not sure if this is a Gradle question or a Spring Boot one, but here goes...
I am using Spring security and LDAP in a spring boot application.
I have the following dependencies in my build.gradle:
compile ''
compile ''
The second of these supplies an embedded LDAP server that is only needed during development.
I have established a SB #Profile and configure/load an LDIF file into the embedded server within a class that has the #Profile('development') annotation.
The question is: how to remove the second dependency when not in dev mode?
I establish the property within my config/application.yml file, thusly:
active: development
Can I reference so that I can somehow exclude the unneeded dependency?
For posterity, what I ended up doing...
At the top of my build.grade file:
def readActiveProfile() {
final config = new org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml().loadAll(new File('config/application.yml').newReader())
final defaultPart = config?.take(1)
final activeProfile = readActiveProfile() ?: ['development']
This reads the config file that I am keeping my externalised settings in (one of which is the setting defining the active profile).
And then, in the dependencies section:
compile ''
if( ! ('production' in activeProfile))
compile ''
This works well enough for my purposes, but doesn't feel quite right; I was assuming that there would be a more idiomatic "Gradle way" of doing this.

Using Spring DSL in a Grails Plugin

I'm trying to use the Spring DSL functionality in a Grails plugin. However, it doesn't work. Here's what I have in my plugin's conf/spring/resources.groovy file:
import org.springframework.aop.scope.ScopedProxyFactoryBean
// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
baseSvcProxy(ScopedProxyFactoryBean) {
targetBeanName = 'baseService'
proxyTargetClass = true
However, it seems to be completely ignored. If I move the exact same code to the application's conf/spring/resources.groovy file everything works perfectly. Is there something that needs to be done differently for plugins for this to work?
In order to modify the spring context from a Grails plugin you need to use the doWithSpring section of your plugin by hooking into the runtime configuration. Resources.groovy is ignored in plugins.
