no sudo cyipopt anaconda install : ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - anaconda

I am trying to install cyipopt package without sudo via anaconda on python 3.
I run conda install -c conda-forge cyipopt.
Then upon attempting to import cyipopt (import cyipopt) I get the error,
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I do not know what is. I presume it is a package ?
I found some relevant solutions, but I do not understand either of them or seem to missing some context.
In the solution to my problem that is given is to find and move it somewhere I have access to it. But I do not know where to find this package nor where an appropriate location for it is.
Meanwhile Cannot open shared object file suggests changing/adding a path but I am not sure what paths are meant. I do not understand what is meant by the environment variable here and where I am to export it to.


Pip install local package in conda environemnt

I recently developed a package my_package and am hosting it on GitHub. For easy installation and use, I have following
from setuptools import setup
description='My super cool package',
Now I am trying to install this package in a conda environment:
conda create --name myenv python=3.9
conda activate myenv
pip install git+''
So far so good. If I try to use it in the project folder, everything works perfectly. If I try to use the packet outside the project folder (still inside the conda environment), I get the following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my_package'
I am working on windows, if that matters.
I'm verifying that both python and pip are pointing towards the correct version with:
which pip
which python
Also, when I run:
pip show my_package
I get a description of my package. So pip finds it, but as soon as I try to import my_package in the script, I get the described error.
I also verified that the package is installed in my environment. So in /c/Anaconda3/envs/my_env/lib/site-packages there is a folder my_package-1.0.dist-info/
Further: python "import sys, print(sys.path)"
shows, among other paths, /c/Anaconda3/envs/my_env/lib/site-packages. So it is in the path.
Check if you are using some explicit shebang in your script pointing to other Python interpreters.
Eg. using the system default Python:
#!/bin/env python
While inside your environment myenv, try to uninstall your package first, to do a clean test:
pip uninstall my_package
Also, you have a typo in your python_requieres --> python_requires.
And I actually tried to install with your, and also got ModuleNotFoundError - but because it didn't properly install due to install_requires:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement some_package==1.0.0
So, check also that everything installs without errors and warnings.
Hope that helps.
First thing I would like to point out (not the solution) regards the following statement you made:
If I try to use it in the project folder [...] If I try to use the packet outside the project folder [...]
I understand "project folder" means the "my_package" folder (inside the git repository). If that is the case, I would like to point out that you are mixing two situations: that of testing a (remote) package installation, while in your (local) repository. Which is not necessarily wrong, but error-prone.
Whenever testing the setup/install process of a package, make sure to move far from your repository (say, "/tmp/" equivalent in Windows) and, preferably, use a fresh environment. That will eliminate "noise" in your tests.
First thing I would tell you to do -- if not already -- is to create a fresh conda env and install your package from an empty/new folder. Eg,
$ conda env create -n test_my_package ipython pip
$ cd /tmp # equivalent temporary or new in your Windows
$ pip install git+
If that doesn't work (maybe a problem with your pip' git+http code), do another way: create a release for your package (eg, "v1") and then install the released version by indicating the zip package URL (that you get from your "my_package" releases page on Github):
$ pip install

Converting .py files into .exe

I have downloaded and installed py2exe (windows). I can't run any of the modules like in either IDLE or in Jupyter. In IDLE the error is related to importing the file "". In Jupyter, I can't even load the script. It says that the file is "not UTF - 8 encoded."
I have tried changing the working directory to the py2exe folder.
from . import runtime
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
The script should run and create a directory named "Build"
Please help me understand this error conceptually. Is this related to the installation directory I had chosen (C:\anaconda3\site-packages instead of C:\anaconda3)

Biopython, import error with "import Bio"

I have installed Biopython by Anaconda on Windows.
When I try import Bio I get this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Bio'
Simone.. it looks like your installation did go wrong somehow. Regardless of why and how try the following stepwise approach to see if your import error remains.
On Windows (the dots denote your installed program path specifics):
e.g. go to: C:\....\Anaconda...\Lib\site-packages
find and remove folders using delete.
folder 1: "\Bio"
folder 2: "\biopython-1.70.dist-info"
The version value 1.70 might be 1.69 when using conda for installation.
Empty your trashbin. This way the system can't do tricks and recover or link to deleted files and folders.
Install pip if its not and grab it from here.
try pip install biopython --no-cache-dir
Voila! Hope it works now for you too... Enjoy!
In case its not check windows environment variables\path.. via control panel>advanced system settings to include PATH to site-packages. Or do similar on other OS.

import local package over global package

I'm working on a support library for a large Python project which heavily uses relative imports by appending various project directories to sys.path.
Using The Hitchhiker's Guide to Packaging as a template I attempted to create a package structure which will allow me to do a local install, but can easily be changed to a global install later if desired.
One of the dependencies of my package is the pyasn1 package for the encoding and decoding of ASN.1 annotated objects. I have to include the pyasn1 library separately as the version supported by the CentOS 6.3 default repositories is one major version back and has known bugs that will break my custom package.
The top-level of the library structure is as follows:
In my setup configuration file I define the install directory for my library to be a local directory called .lib. This is desirable as it allows me to do absolute imports by running the command import site; site.addsitedir("MyLibrary/.lib") in the project's main application without requiring our engineers to pass command line arguments to the setup script.
package_dir = {'pyasn1': 'pyasn1-0.1.6/pyasn1'},
data_files = []
The problem I've run into with doing the installation this way is that when my package tries to import pyasn1 it imports the global version and ignores the locally installed version.
As a possible workaround I have tried installing the pyasn1 package under a different name than the global package (eg pyasn1_0_1_6) by doing package_dir = {'pyasn1_0_1_6':'pyasn1-0.1.6/pyasn1'}. However, this fails since the imports used internally to the pyasn1 package do not use the pyasn1_0_1_6 name.
Is there some way to either a) force Python to import a locally installed package over a globally installed one or b) force a package to install under a different name?
Use virtualenv to ensure that your application runs in a fully known configuration which is independent from the OS version of libraries.
EDIT: a quick (unix) solution is setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable, which works just like PATH for Python modules (module loaded from first path in which is found, so simply append you directory at the beginning of the PYTHONPATH). Anwyay, I strongly recommend you to proceed with virtualenv, since it was specifically engineered for handling situations like the one you are facing.
The process is easily automatable if you write a setuptools script specifying dependencies with install_requires. For a complete example, refer to this one I wrote
Note that you can easily insert the steps below in a shell script.
First create a virtualenv and enter it:
$ virtualenv $name
$ cd $name
Activate it:
$ source bin/activate
Now cd to your project directory and run the installer script:
$ cd $my_project_dir
$ python ./ --prefix $path_to_virtualenv
Note the --prefix $path_to_virtualenv, which is used to tell the script to install in the virtualenv instead of system-wide. Call this after activating the virtualenv. Note that all the depencies are automatically downloaded and installed in the virtualenv.
Then you are done. When you want to leave the virtualenv, issue:
$ deactivate
On subsequent calls, you will only need to activate the virtualenv (step 2), maybe using a if you really want.
As noted on the virtualenv website, you should use virtualenv >= 1.9, as the previous versions did not download dependencies via HTTPS. If you consider plain HTTP to be sufficient, then any version should do.
You might also try relocatable virtualenvs: setup it and copy the folder to your host. Anyway, note that this feature is still experimental.

Jython 2.5 and virtualenv on windows

I have installed Jython 2.5 on Windows, then setuptools and finally virtualenv (1.8.4) using easy_install. Now I am trying to create a new virtual environment using the following command line :
jython \Lib\site-packages\virtualenv-1.8.4-py2.5.egg\ jython_env
But the creation of the new virtual environment fails with the following error:
os.symlink(py_executable_base, full_pth)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'symlink'
I guess this is because Windows does not handle symlinks but does anyone already meet this issue, is there any workaround ?
A little bit late, but for the benefit of others who may read this page...
I recently encountered the same issue with jython2.7.0 and managed to get around this by hacking jython's Lib/ (mine was under C:\jython2.7.0) to add at the bottom:
def symlink(target, file):
''' Just copy files in Windows,
maybe you could use mklink system calls instead '''
from shutil import copy
copy(file, target)
Don't forget to remove the compiled bytecode version of the os module otherwise the changes won't be loaded.
Then try running virtualenv -p /path/to/jython.exe jython-env-name.
Note that you should either have python2*.dll from your jython bin/ directory in your system PATH , have the dll registered or else copy the dll into your new virtualenv's bin directory.
