Docker for Windows: No permissions over folders inside `C:\ProgramData\Docker` - windows

I'm not sure since which version, but the permissions for the files and subfolders inside the C:\ProgramData\Docker folder have changed. I'm not able to display the current owner and I'm not able to delete the contents of the volumes anymore.
Below image shows the permissions over the plugins folder, but every file and folder inside C:\ProgramData\Docker is showing the same thing.
The current user is a member of the groups Administrators and docker-users.
Is this a known issue for anyone and is there a nice way to fix this?


Icacls permissions not applying as I expect

I am running a batch file as part of a larger application.
If certain conditions are met, a folder is created and permissions applied to the folder using icacls.
I have permission inheritance disabled on the parent folder, and I want to add to the ACL full permissions for the user "testuser".
I tried the following command...
icacls "V:\debugging\test" /grant testuser:F
The command completes successfully, however when logging in to the folder via CIFS, I do not have full permissions.
I can create files and folders but not modify them.
I cannot even rename a text file during creation, so I end up with a new file called 'New text document' and i have no permission to edit this.
What I need to happen is for the permissions to be applied to "V:\debugging\test" that allow me to read, modify and and write without exception and If possible I need those permissions to be inherited by any child folders that may be created.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Laravel and Dropbox file permissions conflict

I'm running apache on my Mac and have a website folder in Dropbox so I can work from a few different machines. Laravel works if /app/storage is 775. If 750, Laravel doesn't work. However, with the permission at 775, Dropbox tries to sync and fails with an "access denied" error.
I tried enabling Dropbox selective sync and unchecked the app/storage folder but it removed it completely from my computer which obviously breaks Laravel.
How can I make Dropbox and Laravel friends again?
I was able to get Dropbox to ignore the folder by following these steps.
I ignored the sessions and views folders but I may have only needed to ignore the sessions folder. I am not sure.
The steps were:
Copy the /apps/storage/views and /apps/storage/sessions folders
to your desktop
Delete the originals in /apps/storage/views and
Create empty view and session folders in /apps/storage/
Turn on selective sync via Dropbox and uncheck the
/apps/storage/views and /apps/storage/sessions
Both folders will be deleted by dropbox, re-add the copies you made
on your desktop.
Dropbox sync should not have any more conflicts and will now ignore files in views and sessions folders.

Mac App Sandbox testing - how remove existing folder access permissions

I'm currently adding Sandboxing support to my app.
Having give permission to my app to access a folder (by dragging it onto my Window) and I would now like to revoke that permission so that I can retest what happens before that permission is given.
How can I do that?
I'm not yet using URL bookmarks, and yet the permission persists across restarts of the application. I don't know if this is because it's a folder rather than a file?
Before you change the permissions of file or folder, you must store the current one for later use. I have never seen a method or system-call to restore previous permissions after a change.

Are file level delete permissions enforced in Windows?

Someone recently raised a bug against a filter driver I've been working on. They said that I'd made it possible for a limited user to delete Windows files even if they remove the permissions on the file for the user to be able to do that.
I've been looking at it and it's nothing to do with my driver, even a fresh install of Windows allows this. If you:
Logon as a user called "limiteduser" who's a non admin.
Create a text file
Edit the security for the file
Remove inherited permissions and remove "limiteduser" from having any rights to the file.
Once you've done this you find that:
You can't changed the contents of the file.
You can't rename/move the file or send it to the recycle bin
However you can:
Delete the file in explorer with shift-delete
Delete the file with cmd.exe (del myfile.txt)
Why is this? Is deleting files always a property of the parent folder? And if so why isn't renaming files?
I know this answer isn't complete at all, but I hope it will be helpful nonetheless.
You didn't mention which version of Windows you are using, but as the ones that use any version of the NTFS file system should behave the same I believe it doesn't matter.
The documentation on "File and Folder Permissions" in Windows 2008 Server states that:
Groups or users that are granted Full Control on a folder can delete any files in that folder, regardless of the permissions protecting the file.
So it would appear that part of the answer to your question:
Why is this? Is deleting files always a property of the parent folder? And if so why isn't renaming files?
would be that deleting is indeed a property of the parent folder - it looks to me that it's the Delete Subfolders and Filesspecial permission that allows you to override the permissions on the file.
Why the "Full Control" permission on the folder won't give rename permission is unclear to me, but my guess is that it's actually only Delete Subfolders and Filesthat has the power to override; to rename a file you would have to have permissions to write too.
I'm guessing that the reason that "Shift-Del" in Explorer and "del" in cmd works and not "Recycle" would be that recycling is a move/change operation.
See this Technet article for reference: How Permissions Work

Eclipse workspace as htdocs in XAMPP not working in Mac?

I've bought a MacBook Air(I've been converted from a PC guy to a Mac) today and I have recently installed XAMPP and Eclipse for Mac and I try to set the workspace for Eclipse as the htdocs folder in XAMPP. I always get the warning:
Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one!
The directory i try to set is /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs
I've been trying to set an another directory it works fine as long as it is not the one above. What have I done wrong? I want the directory above. Pls. help
The solution is this:
Go into the htdocs folder and hit CMD+I to bring up the "Get Info" window
In this window, go to the bottom right and click on the padlock icon, enter your password to unlock the permissions settings in the window
You'll see a list of users and their respective permissions. Change the "admin"'s permission to "Read & Write"
Click the padlock once more to save your changes and lock the permissions for the htdocs folder
Start up Eclipse and then select htdocs as your workspace, and
Voila! You're done.
Hope that helps.
It's likely a permissions issue. The application may not be requesting admin rights to write to (or in some way control) that directory, it may just be silently failing. Generally, you need to supply admin rights to modify anything under /Applications/.
I wouldn't recommend using /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/ as your workspace anyway. Your workspace should either be in your home directory (Documents or perhaps even Library though the former would be more intuitive), or in some other shared location if multiple users need to access it. Bundling it with the application itself would risk losing the data during an application upgrade, or in some other way confusing the issue.
Why do you want your data in the /Applications/ directory?
The problem here is that this workspace is locked. The quick solution is to delete /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/.metadata/.lock
The slightly longer solution is to try the following command whenever such a situation occurs:
find /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs -name "lock" -exec echo {} \;
This will show you any file in that directory that has lock in the name. Remember that hidden files start with a . (such as .lock or .metadata).
The even longer answer is that /Applications is outside of the userspace and should not be used for user documents (like code files). These should ideally be moved to somewhere in /Users or into a directory specifically created for this purpose (such as /home or /shared). I'm particularly fond of having a /Users/Shared directory for sharing files between accounts.
