When running flutter build IPA, this error occurs:
Parse Issue (Xcode): Module 'survey-kit' not found
Encountered error while archiving for device.
Where the error is located there is an #import survey-kit command:
Where the error is
For some reason, it is having a problem finding survey_kit, yet the rest of the imports it can find. Here is survey_kit next to all of the other modules:
What could be the reason for the import command not being able to find survey_kit specifically?
I am getting this error. It happened after I upgraded Flutter (but it didnt work because of older version of some packages) so I downgrade back and this happened. I dont get it. I am not importing twice on purpose. How can I solve this?
../../../../tools/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/device_preview-0.7.1/lib/src/state/store.dart:78:31: Error: 'basicLocaleListResolution' is imported from both 'package:flutter/src/widgets/app.dart' and 'package:device_preview/src/locales/locales.dart'.
final defaultLocale = basicLocaleListResolution(
Failed to package /Users/dominikstasiowski/Development/dsparx/cvf-app/czech-volley/flutter.
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
How can I solve this?
Trying to follow the installation guide here and most of the process is working. I'm having an issue with building it however.
When trying to build I'm getting this message:
C:...\gameboy.live>go build -o gbdotlive main.go
......\go\pkg\mod\fyne.io\fyne#v1.0.1\driver\gl\gl.go:20:2: missing go.sum entry for module providing package github.com/goki/freetype (imported by fyne.io/fyne/driver/gl); to add:
go get fyne.io/fyne/driver/gl#v1.0.1
Running the suggested command however raises another prompt:
C:...\gameboy.live>go get fyne.io/driver/gl#v1.0.1
go get fyne.io/driver/gl#v1.0.1: unrecognized import path "fyne.io/driver/gl": reading https://fyne.io/driver/gl?go-get=1: 404 Not Found
I've tried going for the version 1.4.3 driver too which raises a different error:
C:...\gameboy.live>go get fyne.io/fyne/gl#v1.4.3
go get: module fyne.io/fyne#v1.4.3 found, but does not contain package fyne.io/fyne/gl
Anybody familiar with this issue? FYI I'm on Windows and have MinGw installed already.
Just run go mod tidy before exec go build -o gbdotlive main.go.Have a try.
Facing a weird issue with a React/Typescript setup.
Running webpack -p on OSX/Windows compiles just fine with no errors from the TypeScript/TSX compiler at all.
However, on Ubuntu it will throw a TypeScript specific error, specifically:
ERROR in [at-loader] ./src/scenes/Component.tsx:5:23
TS2307: Cannot find module 'History'.
The specific line which throws an error is:
import {History} from "History";
package.json has both normal and #types package for History:
"#types/history": "4.6.0",
"history": "4.7.2",
And again, I can run webpack -p with the exact same code, same webpack configuration and same version on OSX without it throwing an error. Process is the same! However, on Ubuntu the build will fail with the above error.
The sinner was awesome-typescript-loader(at-loader). #3.2.x it threw this error; downgrading to #3.1.3 made it go away. This happened after upgrading packages apparently - but again, only seems to affect Ubuntu.
When I run the 'make' command at the terminal window to build vein-lte 1.3, I encounter a fatal error at applications/commons/ApplicationBase.cc: 18:0.
There seem to be an issue with including the header Operationalbase.h in ApplicationBase.h.
It complains that there is no such file or directory. The error is originating from the inet folder.
I really need help with resolving this.
I get the following error in Jenkins. I'm using Maven 3.0.4. Running on a Linux slave. Anyone have any solutions?
Error: Could not find or load main class org.jvnet.hudson.maven3.agent.Maven3Main
ERROR: Failed to launch Maven. Exit code = 1
The solution was not even related to the error message I was seeing. But nonetheless, I had a step where I install custom tools using the custom tools plugin. I never used the tools, but just installed them. And this gave me the above error.