Copy a file in Post Build of Eclipse/Truestudio - windows

I was using arm-objcopy but it doesn't work with my .h file I need to copy to another project.
xcopy "../${project_loc}/src/folder/file.h" "....\OtherProject\folder\folder2\file.h" /Y
The error I get is "Invalid number of parameters". Earlier it was working enough to delete the existing file and ask "Is this File or Directory". /Y is supposed to quiet that according to xcopy docs, but then I find Copy file(s) from one project to another using post build event...VS2010 which suggests otherwise? Either way it didn't let the copy happen quietly.
Project_loc from What are the predefined variables in eclipse?
I would've thought this wouldn't take an hour. Google disagrees with me.
I flipped the first set of / to \ and now I'm back to
Does ....\Project\folder\folder2\file.h
specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D =

xcopy "${ProjDirPath}\src\folder\file.h" "..\..\OtherProject\folder\folder2\file.h" /Y
I had a typo somewhere in the destination, but I used ${ProjDirPath} as ${Project_loc} did not exist for the source.


Command Line - Delete Files in Location 2 if they Exist in Location 1, then copy to Location 2

I have looked through a lot of the questions here, and have put together about as much as I can without running into problems.
Goal - I want to check files in Folder 1 that have a date modified of > yesterday. If they exist in Folder 2, I want them deleted in Folder 2. Finally, I want to copy them over to Folder 2.
Here is what I have for the delete step.
cmd /k For %%F In ("Path_Folder_1\*.*") Do If Exist "Path_Folder_2\%%~nxF" Del "%%F" "Path_Folder_2\%%~nxF"
I figured I would do the copy step later, unless it can be combined with this step. Also, I do not know how to integrate the date check into this. I've seen "forfiles" but am not able to understand how to do the same thing with it.
Thanks so much for your help!

Copy an image and rename it to match other file names

I have ZERO bat knowledge so thought I would ask here, if I may.
I have an image C:\Users\Dane\Pictures\Doom.jpg. I wish for this image to be copied and for it to be renamed to the exact name of 379 non-image type files which are in another folder which is G:\Doom. So I will have the same image 379 times but named to match the 379 files.
Would anyone be kind enough to write a bat file to do that? Thank you in advance.
This site is not a free code writing service; Rather give the subject an attempt and we will be happy to assist you. However, because I'm nice, I have a response for you.
This problem is pretty common and can be solved very easily using a FOR statement. In this example we will be searching a directory for every item stored inside. Each item will be added to the integer %%A. For more information do FOR /? inside a command window.
for %%a in ("Directory") DO (Action)
For copying files, we will use the copy command. Please keep note that we will be using parameter extensions to expand the %%A to have no extension using %%~na. More info here: Parameter Extensions
This script will copy & rename Doom.jpg to G:\Doom for each item in the directory.
Batch File:
for %%a in ("G:\Doom\*") do (copy "C:\Users\Dane\Pictures\Doom.jpg" "G:\Doom\%%~na.png")
Command Prompt:
for %a in ("G:\Doom\*") do (copy "C:\Users\Dane\Pictures\Doom.jpg" "G:\Doom\%~na.png")

Search for specific directory names within subdirectories and copy files (Windows batch)

need some help with this one
I have a directory that contains subdirectories from various applications so let's say directory is c:\home and each application has a subdirectory called the application name so we will have
These applications write large log files and they then get recreated every hour but into a different directory, called according t date and time like dd/mm/yyyy/hr and this is created within the actual subdirectory and a log file with the exact same name will be within each directory for each app. so we will end up with this
I want to list through the directories every hour and collect the latest log from each application, in other words in this instance I want to collect the following 2 only as they are the latest (end time 12 shows it is the 12th hour)
Now getting the file one by one is easy enough but the script is going to become too long and needs to be edited on a regular base to allow for new applications added to the directories.
I am able to do the copying, formatting the time/date section etc. I just need to find a way to search through the home directories for all subdirectories containing the latest timedate and then copy a file from it elsewhere.
So I tried this. Note timedateformat has been predefined:
for /D %%d in (c:\home\*\%timedateformat%\*) do (
for %%f in (%%d\.log) do (
xcopy %%f C:\destination\
but this obviously does not like the * part and therefore I will get no result.
Please if anyone is able to assist, I would greatly appreciate.
for /d %%F in ("c:\home\*") do xcopy "%%F\%timedateformat%\*.log" "c:\destination\"

Why file cannot be found to copy

I am writing a batch script which will copy a file from a folder into the C:\ drive:
COPY C:\RANDOMFILES\Weekly Reprort_Hew*.xls C:\Weekly Reprort_Hew???????????.xls
The filename in the RANDOMFILES folder is: Weekly Reprort_Hew, 6-29-2014 10-30-00 PM-642.xls (The date and time and the number at the end will always change so I used the * in the filename being copied in the script)
When I run the batch script, I get the following message:
c:\RANDOMFILES>COPY C:\RANDOMFILES\Weekly Reprort_Hewlett*.xls C:\Weekly Reprort
The system cannot find the file specified.
How can I fix the issue?
You need double quotes to handle spaces etc. Double check the spelling too.
COPY "C:\RANDOMFILES\Weekly Reprort_Hew*.xls" "C:\Weekly Reprort_Hew???????????.xls"
Don't know why it is not working - is it hidden? Maybe the spaces in the name?
The following will work though:
FOR %%I in (C:\RANDOMFILES\Weekly Reprort_Hew*.xls) DO COPY "%%I" C:\
The destination file name isn't necessary; if not otherwise specified, it will remain unchanged provided the destination is different. That may be why the plain COPY command isn't working.
"It is an not-so-well-known fact that the question mark wildcard will match exactly one character only when the wildcard does not appear at the end of a file name. " from

Why does xcopy not copy files when using these parameters?

I have a simple xcopy script that I'm running from the command line that reads a CSV file of directories and file names. I've used a very similar script with no problems before. Here is the script:
Z:\HOME\>for /f "delims=, tokens=1,2,3,4" %i in (Z:\HOME\MissingImages.csv) do
echo f | xcopy "Y:\%j\%k\%l" "C:\Horizon\%j\%k\%l" >> Z:\HOME\MissingImagesLog.txt
However, it is not copying any of the files over
Here is an entry from the log file:
Does C:\Horizon\K\00\6bef500f.IMG specify a file name
or directory name on the target
(F = file, D = directory)? f
0 File(s) copied
It's finding the images because if I change the root directory to something else the script will just populate the log file with 0 File(s) copied for all entries, so the files are there and can be seen...
Also, the Z:\ drive is on a network and not local, but again I have used a very similar script across a network without problems (it just takes longer).
I've tried different options like /i, /s, etc. but I can't seem to get it to copy any files over.
xcopy will also report 0 File(s) copied if you use forward slashes "/" in paths instead of backslashes "\", though ONLY if you've enclosed the path in quotes.
This fails with "0 File(s) copied"
xcopy "pathname1/file" pathname2\file
This fails with "Invalid number of parameters"
xcopy pathname1/file pathname2\file
This works just fine
xcopy pathname1\file pathname2\file
It asks because it doesn't know whether you want to copy to directory (to be created) or you provide the full target pathname.
This will ask:
xcopy pathname1\file.from pathname2\
However, adding slash will tell that you copy to directory:
xcopy pathname1\file.from pathname2\to\
But I haven't found the way to tell explicitly that I want to copy and rename file, except
echo Y | xcopy pathname1\file.from pathname2\
I played a bit with your case (with for, do and xcopy) and found out that even if it asks Does SOMEFILE specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D = directory)? it is provided with f from echo and it's copied successfully. Thus, it's not a problem with file/directory specifying, but with copying through network itself.
Well, that's annoying; I found the issue. It looks like when I generated my CSV file, it put a space at the end of each line, so xcopy was looking for files that had a space after the extension.
The thing that was throwing me off was that it was finding the files, but couldn't copy them, making me think it was a network or xcopy issue.
I just ran a sed script to remove the eol spaces and the xcopy script is now working as expected.
