what to do when strong consistency is required, but entity (might) need to be shared across boundary - microservices

I'm currently developing an infrastructure as a service application. I define 3 bounded context Billing, Cloud and Hosting. There's a wallet entity (or aggregate how should I define it?) which may appear in several bounded context. Billing is interested in transaction_date, invoice_id while Cloud and Hosting are interested in balance (whether a user has enough balance to buy a service).
So since each bounded context interested in difference fields here's my first design. I use upstream/downstream pattern to replicate wallet entity from Billing into Cloud and Hosting using event message (eventual consistency). Btw there's a case where a user buys hosting and cloud at the same time. so both cloud service and hosting service check if wallet has enough balance using the replicated data. Let's say that wallet doesn't have enough balance to buy both cloud and hosting at the same time. so now race condition occurs. Domain expert says that race condition like this should never occur. So how do I properly design bounded context/context map in this case.
Edit: I'm also thinking of merge the Cloud and Hosting context together and name it Infrastructure context, but that would be hard to scale.

If the domain expert says a race condition like this should not occur, they are by implication saying that if the cloud/hosting contexts cannot be sure that there are funds in the wallet they should reject the sale. The only context which can have a strongly consistent view of a wallet's balance is the billing context.
The cloud and infrastructure contexts don't really care about the balance of the wallet. They care about the balance available to them.
This suggests that a reservation pattern is applicable:
someone wants to spend X units from wallet Y in context Z
context Z checks if the balance of wallet Y available to it is greater than X
if it is, it deducts X from its view of the balance of wallet Y available to it and we're done (presumably something will later generate a billing event)
if it's not, it communicates a desire to reserve enough (A) of wallet Y to the billing context; it might reject the spend attempt or just wait... at some point that someone will retry the spend attempt (presumably there's a reason they wanted to spend...)
the billing service checks if there's enough unreserved balance in wallet Y to satisfy the reservation
if there isn't, nothing needs to happen
if there is, an event saying that A units of wallet Y is now reserved for context Z is published
You can elaborate on this with eventual unreservations (in which case, to prevent double-spend, you want the source of truth for unreservations in context Z to be context Z: the failure mode must always be "lose the sale").


saga pattern: what about if compensation action fails

We're trying to understand how to compensate a "saga compensation failure".
We have two microservices, and two databases, one per microservice.
Customer microservice
Contract microservice
Use case: Customer alias modification.
Request is sent to "Customer microservice".
a. Customer alias is modified on customer table, but its state is pending.
b. A customer modified event is sent.
customer modified event is received by "Constract microservice".
a. Received Customer is updated on all contracts (we're using mongodb), since customer information is embedded in each contract.
b. A contract updated event is sent.
contract updated event is received by "Customer microservice".
a. Customer's state is set to confirmed.
If 3.a fails a compensation action is performed, but what about if it fails?
This can be handle with combination of below approaches:
Implement Retry pattern for Compensate Action
Exception handling - exception can be save and, this can be resolve through - Automated process like Retry mechanism through separate application
This is extension of approach#2, If Automated process unable to resolve, generate exception report which can be review manually and action can be taken based on the issue.
It looks like you are using the term saga but you really mean you want a transaction. If you really need a transaction do that (you can look at solutions like https://docs.temporal.io/ for providing that)
[personally I think transactions between services are bad, and if I need transaction between services, I try to rethink my design but your milage may vary]
You didn't specify the reason on why contracts would reject the change - if there are business rules that one thing but if these are "technical reasons" like availability etc. then the thing to do is to make sure the event is persistent and was sent (e.g. like outbox pattern on the sending side) and have the consuming service(s) handle it when it can
If there are business rules involved then maybe it is a bad example but I'd expect a person can still change their alias regardless and the compensation would be keeping some of the contracts with the old alias or something a long these lines.
by the way, it seems you have a design issue that causes needless temporal coupling between your services.
If the alias is important in contracts but owned by the customers service, the alias stored in the contracts should be considered as cached.
In this case the customers service can close the update regardless of what other services do. it can fire the event and you can complete the process when you can on the contracts service. when a contract is read you can check if there's a newer version of the customer and if so get it. you may also (depending on the business reqs. specify that the data is correct as of the last update)
ISOLATION: As local transactions are committed while the Saga is running, their changes are already visible to other concurrent transactions, despite the possibility that the Saga will fail eventually, causing all previously applied transactions to be compensated. I.e., from the perspective of the overall Saga, the isolation level is comparable to “read uncommitted.”
Eventually other services will read those inconsistent events, they will also take wrong decisions according to these, they will increase the number of events which should not be happen at all.
In the end there will be tons of events to rollback (how is that possible if your system let users to do more than allowed in real world ? Can you get back an ice cream from a kid which is sold 5 minute ago !)

Monolithic Web API to microservice design

We have a monolithic Web API layer in our application with a hundred end points. I am trying to break it into microservices using Azure Service Fabric.
When we break them into multiple services, we may end up having duplicate code.
Example: Let's say we have an Account Services to create an account. And there is a payment service to apply payments to transactions.
In this case, both services need the Customer class/domain. Probably the Account Services need an exhaustive customer with full details, but the payment might need a light weight one.
The question is do we need to copy several domain entities, and other layers like this? Doesn't that create more maintenance issues?
If we don't we end up copying the code and creating different services, one monolithic service same is the existing Web API.
Any thoughts on this?
2ndly, we have some cases where transactions are mentioned today. If we separate them, is there any good design to record failures and rollback without trying too much to maintain transactions?
Breaking a monolith up into proper microservices with appropriate boundaries for your domain is certainly more of an art than a science. The prerequisite to taking on such a task is a thorough understanding of your domain and the interactions within, and you won't get it right the first time. One of points that Evans makes in his book on Domain-Driven Design is that for any sufficiently complex domain, the domain model continually evolves because your understanding of the domain is continually evolving; you will understand it a little better tomorrow than you do today. That said, don't be afraid to start when you have an understanding that is "good enough" and be willing to adapt/evolve your model.
I don't know your domain, but it sounds to me like you need to first figure out in which bounded context Customer primarily belongs. Yes, you want to minimize duplication of domain logic, and though it may not fit completely and neatly into a single service, to the extent that you make one service take primary responsibility for accessing, persisting, manipulating, validating, and ensuring the integrity of a Customer, the better off you'll be.
From your question, I see two possibilities:
The Account Services bounded context is the primary stakeholder in Customer, and Customer has non-trivial ties to other Account Services entities and services. It's difficult to draw clear boundaries around a Customer in isolation. In this case, Customer belongs in the Account Services bounded context.
Customer is an independent enough concept to merit its own microservice. A Customer can stand alone. In this case, Customer belongs in its own bounded context.
In either case, great care should be taken to ensure that the Customer-specific domain logic stays centralized in the Customer microservice behind strong boundaries. Other services might use Customer, or perhaps a light-weight (even read-only) CustomerView, but their interactions should go through the Customer service to the extent that they can.
In your question, you indicate that the Payments bounded context will need access to Customer, but it might just need a light-weight version. It should communicate with the Customer service to get that light-weight object. If, during Payments processing you need to update the Customer's billing address for example, Payments should call into the Customer microservice telling it to update its billing address. Payments need not know anything about how to update a Customer's billing address other than the single API call; any domain logic, validation, firing of domain events, etc... that need to happen as part of that operation are contained within the Customer microservice.
Regarding your second question: it's true that atomic transactions become more complex/difficult in a distributed architecture. Do some reading on the Saga pattern: https://blog.couchbase.com/saga-pattern-implement-business-transactions-using-microservices-part/. Also, Jimmy Bogard is currently in the midst of a blog series called
Life Beyond Distributed Transactions: An Apostate's Implementation that may offer some good insights.
Hope this helps!

Event Sourcing: How to model relationship between different events?

I am new to Event Sourcing and I have encountered an example which I am not quite sure the pros and cons of different approaches.
Let's say this is a bank example, I have three entities Account, Deposit and Transfer.
My idea is, when a use deposits, command bank.deposit will create two events:
deposit.created and account.deposited. Can I or should I include the deposit.created event uuid in account.deposited as a reference?
Taking to the next step, if later the bank has a transfer feature, should I made a separate event account.transfer_received or I should created a more general event account.credited to be used by both deposit and transfer?
Thanks in advance.
A good article to review is Nobody Needs Reliable Messaging. One key observation is that you often need identifiers at the domain level.
For instance, when I look at my bank account, and see that the account history includes a specific deposit, there is an identifier for the deposit that is reported in the view.
If you imagine it from an event sourced perspective, before the deposit the balance was X, and the history did not include deposit 12345; after processing the deposit, the balance was X+Y and deposit 12345 was in the account history.
(This means, among other things, that if a second copy of deposit 12345 were to appear, the domain model would know to ignore it even if the identifier for the event were different).
Now, there are reasons that you might want to keep various message ids around. See Hohpe's work on Enterprise Integration Patterns; in particular Correlation Identifier.
should I made a separate event
Usually. "Make the implicit, explicit". The fact that two events happen to have similar representations is not a reason to blur them when the ubiquitous language distinguishes the two.
It's somewhat analogous, in motivation, to providing a task based ui or eschewing the user of generic repositories.

In Hyperledger Composer, what does a "Participant" represents?

In a B2B blockchain network, is "Participant" meant to represent the business or the person that acts on behalf of the business (e.g. an employee) or both?
In most of the examples that I have seen, "Participant" seems to represent the business. But once you start thinking about security and Participant-Identity mapping, "Participant" as a person makes more sense.
In Hyperledger Composer, your 'active' Participant (or 'a' participant) may operate at a transactional level, in that it uses an identity to perform actions (adding assets, submitting transaction(s) that update those assets, query execution etc) - and needs at least one identity associated with it, to execute such transactions. At an Hyperledger Composer level, that Participant can be a person, or (if so implemented by the author's use case) it can be represented as a participant entity eg. Payroll Administrator (and still have an identity or identities mapped to it). Think for example also, of needing access control - who can see what at a Participant level? In Hyperledger Composer, one participant can have multiple identities - but only one is submitted (as an identity signature) with a transaction at a time.
Now from a 'business' perspective (irrespective to any Composer context) a business (organisation) can also 'participate' in a business network as a 'party' (so, a complex network of companies, working together to accomplish certain goals and have a business relationship with each other, narrowed down to specific business flows). To implement this on a blockchain, the parties will want to reduce this down to a level where identities and participants (and all the other elements of the modeled network) are defined in the network they join. So really, its just a question of context, and I think you'll now see what modeling and using a Participant in Hyperledger Composer means, and the outer context.
Participant: Participants represent the organizations or people who take part in the digital business network. Participants are defined in the business network model.
And: https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/managing/participantsandidentities.html

Microservices: model sharing between bounded contexts

I am currently building a microservices-based application developed with the mean stack and am running into several situations where I need to share models between bounded contexts.
As an example, I have a User service that handles the registration process as well as login(generate jwt), logout, etc. I also have an File service which handles the uploading of profile pics and other images the user happens to upload. Additionally, I have an Friends service that keeps track of the associations between members.
Currently, I am adding the guid of the user from the user table used by the User service as well as the first, middle and last name fields to the File table and the Friend table. This way I can query for these fields whenever I need them in the other services(Friend and File) without needing to make any rest calls to get the information every time it is queried.
Here is the caveat:
The downside seems to be that I have to, I chose seneca with rabbitmq, notify the File and Friend tables whenever a user updates their information from the User table.
1) Should I be worried about the services getting too chatty?
2) Could this lead to any performance issues, if alot of updates take place over an hour, let's say?
3) in trying to isolate boundaries, I just am not seeing another way of pulling this off. What is the recommended approach to solving this issue and am I on the right track?
It's a trade off. I would personally not store the user details alongside the user identifier in the dependent services. But neither would I query the users service to get this information. What you probably need is some kind of read-model for the system as a whole, which can store this data in a way which is optimized for your particular needs (reporting, displaying together on a webpage etc).
The read-model is a pattern which is popular in the event-driven architecture space. There is a really good article that talks about these kinds of questions (in two parts):
Many common questions about microservices seem to be largely around the decomposition of a domain model, and how to overcome situations where requirements such as querying resist that decomposition. This article spells the options out clearly. Definitely worth the time to read.
In your specific case, it would mean that the File and Friends services would only need to store the primary key for the user. However, all services should publish state changes which can then be aggregated into a read-model.
If you are worry about a high volume of messages and high TPS for example 100,000 TPS for producing and consuming events I suggest that Instead of using RabbitMQ use apache Kafka or NATS (Go version because NATS has Rubby version also) in order to support a high volume of messages per second.
Also Regarding Database design you should design each micro-service base business capabilities and bounded-context according to domain driven design (DDD). so because unlike SOA it is suggested that each micro-service should has its own database then you should not be worried about normalization because you may have to repeat many structures, fields, tables and features for each microservice in order to keep them Decoupled from each other and letting them work independently to raise Availability and having scalability.
Also you can use Event sourcing + CQRS technique or Transaction Log Tailing to circumvent 2PC (2 Phase Commitment) - which is not recommended when implementing microservices - in order to exchange events between your microservices and manipulating states to have Eventual Consistency according to CAP theorem.
