How to inject a service with multiples implementations with Net6 - .net-6.0

Hello i am trying to inject dependency of service with multiples implementations (multiple classes that implement the IDBActionQuery interface). I have this code in my Program.cs
builder.Services.AddTransient<IDBActionQuery<Period>, Select<Period>>();
And i have this interface:
public interface IDBActionQuery<T>
Task<List<T>> execute(string query, params (string name, object val)[] pars);
Task<List<T>> buildAndExecute();
And this is my Select class:
public class Select<T> : DBMotorBase<T>, IDBActionQuery<T>
private readonly IPrintExceptions exceptions;
private readonly IGetPropertiesService propertiesService;
private readonly ISQLParametersService sqlParameterService;
private readonly ISerializeService serializeService;
private readonly IDeserealizeService<T> deserealizeService;
public Select(string _connection,
IPrintExceptions _exceptions, IGetPropertiesService _propertiesService,
ISQLParametersService _sqlParameterService, ISerializeService _serializeService,
IDeserealizeService<T> _deserealizeService) : base(_connection)
exceptions = _exceptions;
propertiesService = _propertiesService;
sqlParameterService = _sqlParameterService;
serializeService = _serializeService;
deserealizeService = _deserealizeService;
private string build(string schema = "dbo")
public async Task<List<T>> buildAndExecute()
return await execute(build(),null);
public async Task<List<T>> execute(string query, params (string name, object val)[] pars)
private async Task<List<T>> processCommand(SqlConnection sql,
string query, params (string name, object val)[] pars)
private async Task<List<T>> processReader(SqlCommand cmd)
However i am receiving this error:
Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType:
Why is that???

The constructor of Select<T> should only contain Classes/Interfaces that can be injected. To do that, they must be registered as services like you did with Select<T>.
This is why it's throwing the Some services are not able to be constructed. It can't resolve the services you specified in the constructor. It can't create a fitting instance.
Guessing from your code, the problem is "string _connection". Try injecting "string _connection" via the e.g. IConfiguration or IOptions pattern instead. (Of course the other constructor parameters need to be registered services too!)
Something like this:
"ConnectionOptions": {
"Connection": "..."
public Select(IOptions<ConnectionOptions> options,
IPrintExceptions exceptions,
IGetPropertiesService propertiesService,
ISQLParametersService sqlParameterService,
ISerializeService serializeService,
IDeserealizeService<T> deserealizeService)
: base(options.Connection)
_exceptions = exceptions;
_propertiesService = propertiesService;
_sqlParameterService = sqlParameterService;
_serializeService = serializeService;
_deserealizeService = deserealizeService;
If the "string _connection" property is a regular db connection string, I'd use IConfiguration instead.
Check out this question and similar ones for some detailed explanations.


How to design a REST service to response with different levels of information?

I would like to have a single service that can respond with different levels of information:
Level 1:
"field_1": "value_1",
"field_2": "value_2"
Level 2:
"field_1": "value_1",
"field_2": "value_2",
"field_3": "value_3"
Level 3:
"field_1": "value_1",
"field_2": "value_2",
"field_3": "value_3",
"field_4": "value_4"
My first approach is using a parameter in the request such like this:
public <ResponseObject> getInfo(..., #RequestParam levelInfo) {
service.getInfo(..., levelInfo);
public <ResponseObject> getInfo(..., levelInfo) {
if (levelInfo == 1)
return setupResponseLevel1();
if (levelInfo == 2)
return setupResponseLevel1();
if (levelInfo == 3)
return setupResponseLevel1();
private <ResponseObject> setupResponseLevel1() {
return responseObject;
private <ResponseObject> setupResponseLevel2() {
responseObject = this.setupResponseLevel1();
return responseObject;
private <ResponseObject> setupResponseLevel3() {
responseObject = this.setupResponseLevel2();
return responseObject;
#JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL)
public class ResponseObject {
private String field_1;
private String field_2;
private String field_3;
private String field_4;
// Getters & setters...
My API will be very large and I need to find a pattern that I can reuse in many services.
Do you know any cleaner way to do it?
EDIT: I'm sorry, I did not explain with the properly precision.
I like the ideas of the answers but I have added more code to the #Service so that you understand that the problem is not only the presentation of the response (JSON) but also the saving of the cost of obtaining the information (queries to BBDD).
You could use #JsonView annotation for that. A simple example would look like this
public class Views {
public static class LevelOne {
public static class LevelTwo extends LevelOne {
public class ResponseObject {
private String field_1;
private String field_2;
private String field_3;
and method for serializing
public String toJson(Class<?> view) {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
return objectMapper.writerWithView(view).writeValueAsString(this);
if the toJson method is called with Views.LevelOne.class as an argument, only the field_1 and field_2 will be serialized. If it is called with Views.LevelTwo.class, all three fields would be serialized.
You can choose which view to use based on parameter as you suggested.
What about a URL scheme along the lines of:
public <ResponseObject> getInfo(..., #PathVariable String levelInfo) {
where 2 is the level. As the level is part of your domain, i.e. it has relevance to your clients, you could capture that in the database with a level column for each field, 1,2,3,4 etc then use the repository to:
which could return a package of information containing all the required fields. So if you ask for level 1, you only get level 1 fields. If you ask for level 4, you get all fields up to and including level 4
Spring JPA LessThanEqual documentation

Jackson #JsonFilter is not getting applied when used at field or method level

I am using Spring version 4.3.3 and Jackson version 2.8.3. I am trying to filter out specific fields from an entity bean based on some custom logic that is determined at runtime. The #JsonFilter seems ideal for this type of functionality. The problem is that when I put it at the field or method level, my custom filter never gets invoked. If I put it at the class level, it gets invoked just fine. I don't want to use it at the class level though since then I would need to separately maintain the list of hardcoded field names that I want to apply the logic to. As of Jackson 2.3, the ability to put this annotation at the field level is supposed to exist.
Here is the most basic custom filter without any custom logic yet:
public class MyFilter extends SimpleBeanPropertyFilter {
protected boolean include(BeanPropertyWriter beanPropertyWriter) {
return true;
protected boolean include(PropertyWriter propertyWriter) {
return true;
Then I have the Jackson ObjectMapper configuration:
public class MyObjectMapper extends ObjectMapper {
public MyObjectMapper () {
SimpleFilterProvider filterProvider = new SimpleFilterProvider();
filterProvider.addFilter("myFilter", new MyFilter());
Then finally I have my entity bean:
public class Project implements Serializable {
private Long id;
private Long version;
#JsonFilter("myFilter") private String name;
#JsonFilter("myFilter") private String description;
// getters and setters
If I move the #JsonFilter annotation to the class level where #Entity is, the filter at least gets invoked, but when it is at the field level like in the example here, it never gets invoked.
I have the same need but after examining the unit tests I discovered that this is not the use-case covered by annotating a field.
Annotating a field invokes a filter on the value of the field not the instance containing the field. For example, imagine you have to classes, A and B, where A contains a field of type B.
class A {
#JsonFilter("myFilter") B foo;
Jackson applies "myFilter" to the fields in B not in A. Since your example contains fields of type String, which has no fields, Jackson never invokes your filter.
I have a need to exclude certain fields based on the caller's permissions. For example, an employee's profile may contain his taxpayer id, which is considered sensitive information and should only be serialized if the caller is a member of the Payrole department. Since I'm using Spring Security, I wish to integrate Jackson with the current security context.
public class EmployeeProfile {
private String givenName;
private String surname;
private String emailAddress;
private String taxpayerId;
The most obvious way to do this is to Jackson's filter mechanism but it has a few limitations:
Jackson does not support nested filters so adding an access filter prohibits using filters for any other purpose.
One cannot add Jackson annotations to existing, third-party classes.
Jackson filters are not designed to be generic. The intent is to write a custom filter for each class you wish to apply filtering. For example, I you need to filter classes A and B, then you have to write an AFilter and a BFilter.
For my use-case, the solution is to use a custom annotation introspector in conjunction with a chaining filter.
public class VisibilityAnnotationIntrospector extends JacksonAnnotationIntrospector {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Object findFilterId(Annotated a) {
Object result = super.findFilterId(a);
if (null != result) return result;
// By always returning a value, we cause Jackson to query the filter provider.
// A more sophisticated solution will introspect the annotated class and only
// return a value if the class contains annotated properties.
return a instanceof AnnotatedClass ? VisibilityFilterProvider.FILTER_ID : null;
This is basically a copy SimpleBeanProvider that replaces calls to include with calls to isVisible. I'll probably update this to use a Java 8 BiPredicate to make the solution more general but works for now.
This class also takes another filter as an argument and will delegate to it the final decision on whether to serialize the field if the field is visible.
public class AuthorizationFilter extends SimpleBeanPropertyFilter {
private final PropertyFilter antecedent;
public AuthorizationFilter() {
public AuthorizationFilter(final PropertyFilter filter) {
this.antecedent = null != filter ? filter : serializeAll();
public void serializeAsField(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, BeanPropertyWriter writer) throws Exception {
if (isVisible(bean, writer)) {
this.antecedent.serializeAsField(bean, jgen, provider, writer);
} else if (!jgen.canOmitFields()) { // since 2.3
writer.serializeAsOmittedField(bean, jgen, provider);
public void serializeAsField(Object pojo, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, PropertyWriter writer) throws Exception {
if (isVisible(pojo, writer)) {
this.antecedent.serializeAsField(pojo, jgen, provider, writer);
} else if (!jgen.canOmitFields()) { // since 2.3
writer.serializeAsOmittedField(pojo, jgen, provider);
public void serializeAsElement(Object elementValue, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, PropertyWriter writer) throws Exception {
if (isVisible(elementValue, writer)) {
this.antecedent.serializeAsElement(elementValue, jgen, provider, writer);
private static boolean isVisible(Object pojo, PropertyWriter writer) {
// Code to determine if the field should be serialized.
I then add a custom filter provider to each instance of ObjectMapper.
public class VisibilityFilterProvider extends SimpleFilterProvider {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
static final String FILTER_ID = "dummy-filter-id";
public BeanPropertyFilter findFilter(Object filterId) {
return super.findFilter(filterId);
public PropertyFilter findPropertyFilter(Object filterId, Object valueToFilter) {
if (FILTER_ID.equals(filterId)) {
// This implies that the class did not have an explict filter annotation.
return new AuthorizationFilter(null);
// The class has an explicit filter annotation so delegate to it.
final PropertyFilter antecedent = super.findPropertyFilter(filterId, valueToFilter);
return new VisibilityPropertyFilter(antecedent);
Finally, I have a Jackson module that automatically registers the custom annotaion introspector so I don't have to add it to each ObjectMapper instance manually.
public class FieldVisibilityModule extends SimpleModule {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public FieldVisibilityModule() {
public void setupModule(Module.SetupContext context) {
// Append after other introspectors (instead of before) since
// explicit annotations should have precedence
context.appendAnnotationIntrospector(new VisibilityAnnotationIntrospector());
There are more improvements that can be made and I still have more unit tests to write (e.g., handling arrays and collections) but this is the basic strategy I used.
You can try this approach for the same purpose:
strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE
discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING,
length = 2
name = "project"
use = Id.CLASS,
include = As.PROPERTY,
property = "#class"
value = BasicProject.class,
name = "basicProject"
value = AdvanceProject.class,
name = "advanceProject"
public abstract class Project {
private Long id;
private Long version;
public class AdvanceProject extends Project {
private String name;
private String description;
public class BasicProject extends Project {
private String name;
I don't think you will make it work. I was trying and these are results of my investigation, maybe it will be helpful.
First of all, as #Faron noticed, the #JsonFilterannotation is applied for the class being annotated not a field.
Secondly, I see things this way. Let's imagine, somewhere in Jackson internals you are able to get the actual field. You can figure out if there is the annotation using Java Reflection API. You can even get the filter name. Then you get to the filter and pass the field value there. But it happens at runtime, how will you get the corresponding JsonSerializer of the field type if you decide to serialize the field? It is impossible because of type erasure.
The only alternative I see is to forget about dynamic logic. Then you can do the following things:
1) extend JacksonAnnotationIntrospector (almost the same as implement AnnotationIntrospector but no useless default code) overriding hasIgnoreMarker method. Take a look at this answer
2) criminal starts here. Kinda weird way taking into account your initial goal but still: extend BeanSerializerModifier and filter out fields there. An example can be found here. This way you can define serializer that actually doesn't serialize anything (again, I understand how strange it is but maybe one will find it helpful)
3) similar to the approach above: define useless serializer based on BeanDescription implementing ContextualSerializer's createContextual method. The example of this magic is here
Thanks to this really good blog, I was able to use #JsonView to filter out specific fields from an entity bean based on some custom logic that is determined at runtime.
Since the #JsonFilter does not apply for the fields within a class, I found this to be a cleaner workaround.
Here is the sample code:
public class TestEntity {
private String a;
private Date b;
private Integer c;
private List<String> d;
public class CustomViews {
public static interface GeneralAccess {}
public static interface SecureAccess {}
public static class GeneralAccessClass implements GeneralAccess {}
public static class SecureAccessClass implements SecureAccess, GeneralAccess {}
public static Class getWriterView(final boolean hasSecureAccess) {
return hasSecureAccess
? SecureAccessClass.class
: GeneralAccessClass.class;
public void test() throws JsonProcessingException {
final boolean hasSecureAccess = false; // Custom logic resolved to a boolean value at runtime.
final TestEntity testEntity = new TestEntity("1", new Date(), 2, ImmutableList.of("3", "4", "5"));
final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper().enable(MapperFeature.DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION);
final String serializedValue = objectMapper

Long Polling with Spring's DeferredResult

The client periodically calls an async method (long polling), passing it a value of a stock symbol, which the server uses to query the database and return the object back to the client.
I am using Spring's DeferredResult class, however I'm not familiar with how it works. Notice how I am using the symbol property (sent from client) to query the database for new data (see below).
Perhaps there is a better approach for long polling with Spring?
How do I pass the symbol property from the method deferredResult() to processQueues()?
private final Queue<DeferredResult<String>> responseBodyQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
public #ResponseBody DeferredResult<String> deferredResult(#PathVariable("symbol") String symbol) {
DeferredResult<String> result = new DeferredResult<String>();
return result;
public void processQueues() {
for (DeferredResult<String> result : this.responseBodyQueue) {
Quote quote = jpaStockQuoteRepository.findStock(symbol);
DeferredResult in Spring 4.1.7:
Subclasses can extend this class to easily associate additional data or behavior with the DeferredResult. For example, one might want to associate the user used to create the DeferredResult by extending the class and adding an additional property for the user. In this way, the user could easily be accessed later without the need to use a data structure to do the mapping.
You can extend DeferredResult and save the symbol parameter as a class field.
static class DeferredQuote extends DeferredResult<Quote> {
private final String symbol;
public DeferredQuote(String symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
public #ResponseBody DeferredQuote deferredResult(#PathVariable("symbol") String symbol) {
DeferredQuote result = new DeferredQuote(symbol);
return result;
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 2000)
public void processQueues() {
for (DeferredQuote result : responseBodyQueue) {
Quote quote = jpaStockQuoteRepository.findStock(result.symbol);

Spring - Qualify injection candidates by designated environment

Perhaps a more concise way to ask this question is: Does Spring provide a way for me to resolve ambiguous candidates at injection time by providing my own listener/factory/decision logic?
In fact, arguably the #Environmental qualifier on the member field below is unnecessary: if an #Inject-ion is ambiguous... let me help? In fact, #ResolveWith(EnvironmentalResolver.class) would be alright too..
When Spring attempts to inject a dependency (using annotations) I understand that I need to #Qualifier an #Inject point if I am to have multiple components that implement that interface.
What I'd like to do is something like this:
class MyFoo implements Foo {
private Bar bar;
class ProductionBar implements Bar {
#Environmental({Environment.Dev, Environment.Test})
class DevAndTestBar implements Bar {
I would expect that I need to create some kind of ambiguity resolver which would look something (vaguely) like this:
class EnvironmentalBeanAmbiguityResolver {
// set from configuration, read as a system environment variable, etc.
private Environment currentEnvironment;
public boolean canResolve(Object beanDefinition) {
// true if definition has the #Environmental annotation on it
public Object resolve(Collection<Object> beans) {
for (Object bean : beans) {
// return bean if bean #Environmental.values[] contains currentEnvironment
throw new RuntimeException(...);
One example of where this would be useful is we have a service that contacts end-users. Right now I just have a hacked together AOP aspect that before the method call to the "MailSender', checks for a "Production" environment flag and if it is not set, it sends the email to us instead of the users email. I'd like to instead of wrapping this in an AOP aspect specific to mail sending, instead be able to differentiate services based on the current environment. Sometime's it is just a matter of "production" or "not production" as I've demonstrated above, but a per-environment definition works too.
I think this can be reused for region too... e.g. #Regional and #Regional(Region.UnitedStates) and so on and so forth.
I'd imagine #Environmental would actually be a #Qualifier that way if you wanted to depend directly on something environmental you could (an #Environmental(Production) bean would likely depend directly on an #Environmental(Production) collaborator - so no ambiguity for lower level items --- same a #Regional(US) item would depend on other #Regional(US) items expiclitly and would bypass my yet-to-be-understood BeanAmbiguityResolver)
I think I solved this!
Consider the following:
public interface Ambiguity {
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(BeanDefinitionHolder holder);
public #interface Ambiguous {
Class<? extends Ambiguity> value();
public #interface Environmental {
public static enum Environment {
Development, Testing, Production
Environment[] value() default {};
public class EnvironmentalAmbiguity implements Ambiguity {
/* This can be set via a property in applicationContext.xml, which Spring
can use place holder, environment variable, etc. */
Environment env = Environment.Development;
public boolean isSatisfiedBy(BeanDefinitionHolder holder) {
BeanDefinition bd = holder.getBeanDefinition();
RootBeanDefinition rbd = (RootBeanDefinition) bd;
Class<?> bc = rbd.getBeanClass();
Environmental env = bc.getAnnotation(Environmental.class);
return (env == null) ? false : hasCorrectValue(env);
private boolean hasCorrectValue(Environmental e) {
for (Environment env : e.value()) {
if (env.equals(this.env)) {
return true;
return false;
public class MySuperDuperBeanFactoryPostProcessor implements
BeanFactoryPostProcessor, AutowireCandidateResolver {
private DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
private AutowireCandidateResolver defaultResolver;
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory arg)
throws BeansException {
if (arg instanceof DefaultListableBeanFactory) {
beanFactory = (DefaultListableBeanFactory) arg;
defaultResolver = beanFactory.getAutowireCandidateResolver();
throw new FatalBeanException(
"BeanFactory was not a DefaultListableBeanFactory");
public Object getSuggestedValue(DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
return defaultResolver.getSuggestedValue(descriptor);
public boolean isAutowireCandidate(BeanDefinitionHolder holder,
DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
Ambiguity ambiguity = getAmbiguity(descriptor);
if (ambiguity == null) {
return defaultResolver.isAutowireCandidate(holder, descriptor);
return ambiguity.isSatisfiedBy(holder);
private Ambiguity getAmbiguity(DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
Ambiguous ambiguous = getAmbiguousAnnotation(descriptor);
if (ambiguous == null) {
return null;
Class<? extends Ambiguity> ambiguityClass = ambiguous.value();
return beanFactory.getBean(ambiguityClass);
private Ambiguous getAmbiguousAnnotation(DependencyDescriptor descriptor) {
Field field = descriptor.getField();
if (field == null) {
MethodParameter methodParameter = descriptor.getMethodParameter();
if (methodParameter == null) {
return null;
return methodParameter.getParameterAnnotation(Ambiguous.class);
return field.getAnnotation(Ambiguous.class);
Now if I have an interface MyInterface and two classes that implement it MyFooInterface and MyBarInterface like this:
public interface MyInterface {
public String getMessage();
#Environmental({ Environment.Testing, Environment.Production })
public class MyTestProdInterface implements MyInterface {
public String getMessage() {
return "I don't always test my code, but when I do, I do it in production!";
public class DevelopmentMyInterface implements MyInterface {
public String getMessage() {
return "Developers, developers, developers, developers!";
If I want to #Inject MyInterface I would get the same multiple bean definition error that one would expect. But I can add #Ambiguous(EnvironmentalAmbiguity.class) and then the EnvironmentalAmbiguity will tell which bean definition it is satisfied by.
Another approach would have been to use a List and go through them all seeing if they are satisfied by a given bean definition, this would mean that the dependnecy wouldn't need the #Ambiguous annotation. That might be more "IoC-ish" but I also thought it might perform poorly. I have not tested that.

Issues with my MVC repository pattern and StructureMap

I have a repository pattern i created on top of the entity framework. When i tried to implement StructureMap to decouple my objects, i kept getting StackOverflowException (infinite loop?). Here is what the pattern looks like:
IEntityRepository where TEntity : class
Defines basic CRUD members
MyEntityRepository : IEntityRepository
Implements CRUD members
IEntityService where TEntity : class
Defines CRUD members which return common types for each member.
MyEntityService : IEntityService
Uses the repository to retrieve data and return a common type as a result (IList, bool and etc)
The problem appears to be with my Service layer. More specifically with the constructors.
public PostService(IValidationDictionary validationDictionary)
: this(validationDictionary, new PostRepository())
{ }
public PostService(IValidationDictionary validationDictionary, IEntityRepository<Post> repository)
_validationDictionary = validationDictionary;
_repository = repository;
From the controller, i pass an object that implements IValidationDictionary. And i am explicitly calling the second constructor to initialize the repository.
This is what the controller constructors look like (the first one creates an instance of the validation object):
public PostController()
_service = new PostService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState));
public PostController(IEntityService<Post> service)
_service = service;
Everything works if i don't pass my IValidationDictionary object reference, in which case the first controller constructor would be removed and the service object would only have one constructor which accepts the repository interface as the parameter.
I appreciate any help with this :) Thanks.
It looks like the circular reference had to do with the fact that the service layer was dependent on the Controller's ModelState and the Controller dependent on the Service layer.
I had to rewrite my validation layer to get this to work. Here is what i did.
Define generic validator interface like below:
public interface IValidator<TEntity>
ValidationState Validate(TEntity entity);
We want to be able to return an instance of ValidationState which, obviously, defines the state of validation.
public class ValidationState
private readonly ValidationErrorCollection _errors;
public ValidationErrorCollection Errors
return _errors;
public bool IsValid
return Errors.Count == 0;
public ValidationState()
_errors = new ValidationErrorCollection();
Notice that we have an strongly typed error collection which we need to define as well. The collection is going to consist of ValidationError objects containing the property name of the entity we're validating and the error message associated with it. This just follows the standard ModelState interface.
public class ValidationErrorCollection : Collection<ValidationError>
public void Add(string property, string message)
Add(new ValidationError(property, message));
And here is what the ValidationError looks like:
public class ValidationError
private string _property;
private string _message;
public string Property
return _property;
private set
_property = value;
public string Message
return _message;
private set
_message = value;
public ValidationError(string property, string message)
Property = property;
Message = message;
The rest of this is StructureMap magic. We need to create validation service layer which will locate validation objects and validate our entity. I'd like to define an interface for this, since i want anyone using validation service to be completely unaware of the StructureMap presence. Besides, i think sprinkling ObjectFactory.GetInstance() anywhere besides the bootstrapper logic a bad idea. Keeping it centralized is a good way to insure good maintainability. Anyway, i use the decorator pattern here:
public interface IValidationService
ValidationState Validate<TEntity>(TEntity entity);
And we finally implement it:
public class ValidationService : IValidationService
#region IValidationService Members
public IValidator<TEntity> GetValidatorFor<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
return ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IValidator<TEntity>>();
public ValidationState Validate<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
IValidator<TEntity> validator = GetValidatorFor(entity);
if (validator == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot locate validator");
return validator.Validate(entity);
I'm going to be using validation service in my controller. We could move it to the service layer and have StructureMap use property injection to inject an instance of controller's ModelState to the service layer, but i don't want the service layer to be coupled with ModelState. What if we decide to use another validation technique? This is why i'd rather put it in the controller. Here is what my controller looks like:
public class PostController : Controller
private IEntityService<Post> _service = null;
private IValidationService _validationService = null;
public PostController(IEntityService<Post> service, IValidationService validationService)
_service = service;
_validationService = validationService;
Here i am injecting my service layer and validaton service instances using StructureMap. So, we need to register both in StructureMap registry:
That's it. I don't show how i implement my PostValidator, but it's simply implementing IValidator interface and defining validation logic in the Validate() method. All that's left to do is call your validation service instance to retrieve the validator, call the validate method on your entity and write any errors to ModelState.
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Exclude = "PostId")] Post post)
ValidationState vst = _validationService.Validate<Post>(post);
if (!vst.IsValid)
foreach (ValidationError error in vst.Errors)
this.ModelState.AddModelError(error.Property, error.Message);
return View(post);
Hope i helped somebody out with this :)
I used a similar solution involving a generic implementor of IValidationDictionary uses a StringDictionary and then copied the errors from this back into the model state in the controller.
Interface for validationdictionary
public interface IValidationDictionary
bool IsValid{get;}
void AddError(string Key, string errorMessage);
StringDictionary errors { get; }
Implementation of validation dictionary with no reference to model state or anything else so structuremap can create it easily
public class ValidationDictionary : IValidationDictionary
private StringDictionary _errors = new StringDictionary();
#region IValidationDictionary Members
public void AddError(string key, string errorMessage)
_errors.Add(key, errorMessage);
public bool IsValid
get { return (_errors.Count == 0); }
public StringDictionary errors
get { return _errors; }
Code in the controller to copy the errors from the dictionary into the model state. This would probably be best as an extension function of Controller.
protected void copyValidationDictionaryToModelState()
// this copies the errors into viewstate
foreach (DictionaryEntry error in _service.validationdictionary.errors)
ModelState.AddModelError((string)error.Key, (string)error.Value);
thus bootstrapping code is like this
public static void BootstrapStructureMap()
// Initialize the static ObjectFactory container
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
and code to create controllers is like this
public class IocControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
return (Controller)ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType);
Just a quick query on this. It's helped me out quite a lot so thanks for putting the answer up, but I wondered which namespace TEntity exists in? I see Colletion(TEntity) needs System.Collections.ObjectModel. My file compiles without anything further but I see your TEntity reference highlighted in Blue which suggests it has a class type, mine is Black in Visual Studio. Hope you can help. I'm pretty keen to get this working.
Have you found any way to seperate validation into the service layer at all? My gut tells me that validating in the Controller is a bit smelly but I've looked high and low to find a way to pass validation error messages back to the controller without tightly coupling the service layer to the controller and can't find anything. :(
Again, thanks for the great post!
