WLS2 ubuntu, valet 404 not found - ubuntu-20.04

I followed tutorial to setup valet in wsl2. I created a projects folder, cloned by laravel project to the folder, and ran valet park in the projects folder. I also added the .test domain to the hosts file in windows.
On opening projectname.test i am getting Valet - Not found. I am not sure if i am missing some steps here. Any help would be appreciated.


Laragon define external Composer path

I have just shifted from Wampserver to Laragon (portable). So far, everything is working fine.
However, I already have Composer installed in my system (so I removed it from the laragon/bin directory) and I am trying to point Laragon to it's location because Laragon can not install any framework as it fails to find the Composer.
I have already tried google this issue but could not find any relevant documentation or solution.

Laravel Valet 404 Error When Trying to View Site

I just cloned a repo from GitHub for a Laravel site and running it locally on valet.
I'm getting a 404 - Not Found error when I try to visit tmye local dev site, however I have the root folder in one of my valet paths directories, and have also tried running valet link in the root directory.
My other sites running in the same directory are loading just fine.
I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling valet.
Any other ideas? I've tried everything I could find when searching the error.
I figured out the solution:
Laravel likes a "public_html" directory while valet likes "public", so I created a symbolic link folder named public and all is fine and dandy.
This no longer seems to be an issue with valet, it recognizes both public and public_html directories

Laravel Valet - This Site Can't Be Reached

I have successfully followed the Setup a Mac Dev Machine until this tutorial: https://laracasts.com/series/setup-a-mac-dev-machine-from-scratch/episodes/10?autoplay=true
The problem is that when I go to SITENAME.dev, nothing shows up. Instead, I get the following message:
This site can’t be reached
test2.dev refused to connect. Did you mean http://test2.de/? Search Google for test2 dev ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I've tried this both for a laravel install (using the laravel installer) and a wordpress install. Neither one works.
Any idea why it is not working. I have followed the course step-by-step as well as the comments. For instance, I modified the .zshrc file as follows based on the course and comments:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
And, in case it is relevant, I am on Mac Sierra (freshly updated).
In short, where Jeffrey is able to get a home page of laravel, I get an error.
Any idea how to fix this?
Go to your site folder and execute the following commands:
cd your_project
composer global update
valet uninstall
rm -rf ~/.valet
rm -rf ~/.config/valet
valet install
valet link
valet open
It fixed this issue for me, and particularly after PHP upgrades.
Mac os mojave - version 10.14,
cd in your-project-folder-name and run
valet secure your-project-folder-name
composer global update
brew upgrade nginx
cd your_project
valet start
For more details read this blog
Have you actually started the valet service? Head over to the directory that you ran
$valet park
in, I'm assuming it's where you've also placed your project and type:
$valet start
into the terminal. That works for me.
Be sure you're over http://app.test and not https://app.test
Laravel Valet uses Not secure http as default.
By the way if you want to secure your app then use
valet secure YOURAPPNAME
Deleting the file (sudo rm /etc/resolver/dev) will clear this issue up.
IF valet is trying to open a HTTPS (SSL connection) type command line in your terminal
valet secure

Valet - phpMyAdmin throws 404 not found

Before installing Laravel and Valet on my dev environment (Ubuntu), I had installed PHP 7, MySQL and phpMyAdmin and everything was working fine.
In order to install Valet I had to disable apache2 as Valet was complaining during the instalation and add nginx and follow these steps https://github.com/cpriego/valet-linux/wiki/Requirements:%20Ubuntu
However after the instalation when I try to access the phpMyAdmin through the browser I'm getting the default white page 404 - not found. How can I fix this?
You have parked your workspace directory using
valet park
Clone the phpmyadmin repository using
git clone https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin --depth=1
cd phpmyadmin
composer install
In the same directory just download phpmyadmin package & extract it. You will be able to access it from
If you have phpmyadmin already installed from your last setup, you don't have to download it & install it again.
I was facing the same thing migrating to valet from lamp, this is what I did:
1- Navigate to original phpmyadmin folder
cd /usr/share/phpmyadmin
2- Then add a link to valet
valet link
Hooray! you can now access it at: phpmyadmin.test
If you changed a port 8080. You can try this
I tried this and it failed to work for me, I found a workaround, check the link for my solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/47211246/8768078

Restoring vendor directory in a laravel 5.1 project with composer

I rebuilt my vm development and cloned my laravel project from its repo. When I tried to hit the site, I got the fatal error that the vendor directory was missing in the project root. Sure enough, vendor is listed in the .gitignore.
I've looked over the installation instructions, and I don't see where it explicitly says how to build the vendor directory. I'm new to this, so I'm supposing it's done with composer (I started this site about a month ago and my recollection of the installation is a little fuzzy).
How do I build laravel's vendor directory with composer?
I needed to run composer install.
