How to use Katalon to insert record into sql database - katalon

Hi anyone can guide me on how can I insert record into database by using Katalon. I am able to login database in Katalon using custom keyword.

try to use groovy string :
insertquery = "INSERT INTO <<TableName>> VALUES ('${email}', '${number}', 'DEV_CH')"


SQL command not properly ended on insert query

I just want to alter my datas in my table this query seems good but oracle says ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended im new in oracle from mysql.
Here's my code:
You can't put a WHERE clause on an INSERT statement in Oracle. And after looking at the MySQL documentation I don't see where you can use a WHERE clause like this in MySQL either.
Did you mean to use an UPDATE statement?

using an update query inside a select SQL injection (oracle)

I got an SQL injection point which allows me to insert anything after a Select keyword , such as :
is there anyway to complete this query to make an update for a table ? without using a ";" ?
It's not possible to do this in oracle , unless you use an existing user function to do so

Crystal report query to Oracle with Allow multi value parameter

I use Crystal report 2011 to create report from with data from Oracle database. I have a Allow multi values parameter name userid (userid is string).
I want to query
Select ... from table where userid in {?userid};
I try {?userid}, ({?userid}), '{?userid}' ... but it's not working.
what should I do?
Put the cursor on the place where you want it, and double click on the parameter.

How to execute select query on oracle database using pi spark?

I have written a program using pyspark to connect to oracle database and fetch data. Below command works fine and returns the contents of the table:"jdbc")
Now I do not want to load the entire table data. I want to load selected records. Can I specify select query as part of this command? If yes how?
Note: I can use dataframe and execute select query on the top of it but I do not want to do it. Please help!!
You can use subquery in dbtable option
.option("dbtable", "(SELECT * FROM tableName) AS tmp where x = 1")
Here is similar question, but about MySQL
In general, the optimizer SHOULD be able to push down any relevant select and where elements so if you now do"a","b","c").where("d<10") then in general this should be pushed down to oracle. You can check it by doing df.explain(true) on the final dataframe.

EF4 Oracle Identity Insert

Does anyone know if its possible to call an oracle's sequence.NextVal from ef4 without using StoredProcedure? I have an Oracle db from a client which I cannot modify, so stroedproc are not an option for me. I use ef4 ctp5.
For example, you can execute an SQL command:
OracleParameter param = new OracleParameter("p", OracleDbType.Integer, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output);
oContext.Database.SqlCommand("begin SELECT sequence_name.nextval into :p FROM dual; end;", param);
int i = (int)param.Value;
I have tested this code using dotConnect for Oracle 6.0.86, it works.
I'm not familiar with ef4 but can you execute regular queries like this?
SELECT sequence_name.nextval
FROM dual;
