ruby flatten nested array to create CSV file - ruby

I have a nested array in ruby 2.4.4 that I need to flatten and send to a CSV.
A sample row of the data structure:
{"sublevel1"=>{"detail1"=>"text", "detail2"=>24, "detail3"=>nil},
The closest I've gotten is below but it doesn't unnest the deeper levels.
filename = "/home/myfile.csv"
headers = list.values[0].keys
data =
csvoutput = CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << headers
data.each do |single_row|
csv << single_row
File.write(filename, csv_output)
Thanks for your help


Adding Headers to a created CSV file in Ruby - keep getting errors

I've been trying to use Ruby to create a CSV file from json data. I was able to create the file, but I need to add a few headers. I tried following suggestions and answers from similar questions posted here on Stack Overflow, but I keep getting errors. Can anyone give me some pointers?
Here's my code.
require 'csv'
require 'json'"your_csv.csv", "w") do |csv|
JSON.parse("tojson.txt").read).each do |hash|
csv << hash.values
#csv.each { |line| line['New_header'] = line[0].to_i + line[1].to_i }
And here is the error I'm getting:
Anyone have any suggestions?
This is not how you add headers to a csv file. When you generate csv content, a header row is just a regular row. And should be generated as such. Example:"your_csv.csv", "w") do |csv|
csv << ['new_header', 'value1', 'value2'] # the headers
JSON.parse("tojson.txt").read).each do |hash|
row = [generate, values, for, headers, above]
csv << row
You don't have a #csv variable. You have a csv one.

How do I serialize data and write it into a CSV file?

I have a bunch of data that needs to be written into a CSV file. Currently I'm doing this:"file.csv" , 'w' ) do |writer|
readfromCSV.each do |x|
writer << x
I need to serialize all the data and write it into the CSV file.
I'm new to serialization, I read about Marshal.dump(x) which serializes the array, but it throws an error when I try to do writer<<x.
I read about the option dump(ary_of_objs, io = "", options =, but could not understand how to implement it in this case. explains the functions in the csv module.
say you want to make the first column string in the csv lowercase;"file.csv" , 'w' ) do |writer|
readfromCSV.each do |row|
# row is a csv row, pretty much an array
row[0] = row[0].downcase
writer << row
#alternatively, you could do it manually eg. writer << ["this", "rocks"]

Reading every line in a CSV and using it to query an API

I have the following Ruby code:
require 'octokit.rb'
require 'csv.rb'
CSV.foreach("actors.csv") do |row|"node_attributes.csv", "wb") do |csv|
csv << [Octokit.user "userid"]
I have a csv called actors.csv where every row has one entry - a string with a userid.
I want to go through all the rows, and for each row do Octokit.user "userid", and then store the output from each query on a separate row in a CSV - node_attributes.csv.
My code does not seem to do this? How can I modify it to make this work?
require 'csv'
DOC = 'actors.csv'
DOD = 'new_output.csv'
holder =
You can navigate it by calling
=> data in the array
=> moar data in array
make sense?
#make this a loop
profile = []
profile[0] = holder[0][0]
profile[1] = holder[1][0]
profile[2] = 'whatever it is you want to store in the new cell', "a") do |data|
data <<
#end the loop here
That last bit of code will print whatever you want into a new csv file

How do I tell CSV to make a column instead of a row?

I wrote a very simple program with Nokogiri to scrape a website and create a CSV file. It is getting the correct data and making the CSV, but the data is pushed into one cell (A1), and I would rather it come out as a column, with each value separated by a comma.
How do I tell CSV to make a column for each value separated by a comma instead of putting all the info into a single cell?
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'csv'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(''))"webpagedata.csv", "wb") do |csv|
data = doc.css('.information h3 a').map { |link| link['href'] }
puts data
csv << [data]
The result from doc.css('.information h3 a').map { |link| link['href'] } is already an array, so when you add it to your CSV file you don’t need to wrap it in [...].
Change the line
csv << [data]
csv << data
The CSV library deals mainly in rows, so if you want to create a column rather than a row, then you need to add a (single entry) row for each entry of the column:"webpagedata.csv", "wb") do |csv|
data = doc.css('.information h3 a').map { |link| link['href'] }
data.each do |entry|
csv << [entry]
Note that in this case you do need the [...] around the entry, as you need to add an array not a single item.

Ruby - Builder - Trying to convert CSV rows as data sets for constructing several XML's

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I need to have a single CSV with headers and several rows. I'm iterating through the headers and storing then and then associating the row data to the header. I need to be able to iterate through each of the rows in the CSV to use for constructing an XML's data. The constructed XML is then dumped as a .xml file and the program starts on the next row in the CSV. Each row has a column that provides the name of the XML file.
Here's what I've got so far.
Read in the data from the CSV file. Collect the header and row data.
def get_rows
raw_data ='test.csv', {:skip_blanks => false, :headers => true})
data = []
raw_data.each { |row| data << row}
return build_header(data, raw_data)
take the header and row data and marry them up.
def build_header(data, raw_data)
(0..(data.length - 1)).each do |ri|
h = {}
raw_data.headers.each_with_index do |v, i|
h[v] = data[ri].fields[i]
return build_ostruct(h)
take the hash h and make an ostruct of it.
def build_ostruct(h)
x =
uniq = x.tc_name
y = uniq_name.to_s + ".xml"
#marshal dump for debugging
x.marshal_dump.each{ |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}" }
return xml_builder(x, y)
Below this I'm taking the new ostruct "x" and calling the column headers from the CSV to #populate the XML nodes
For example: x.column1, x.column2, x.column3
Now the part I'm getting hung up on is getting the ostruct to receive the new row of data per iteration run. The objective is to have the ostruct populate with each row from the CSV. Currently the hash is displaying the proper data set and my XML is populating as expected but only with the first row of data. How do I get this to iterate through all the rows and populate the ostruct with the data per iteration so I can create a bulk set of XML's?
Thanks in advance for any and all help!
Something like this should work:
require 'csv'
require 'nokogiri'
CSV.foreach('test.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
builder = do |xml|
xml.root do |root|
row.each do |k, v|
root.send k, v
end"#{row['tc_name']}.xml", 'w'){|f| f << builder.to_xml}
you are calling return in build_header, which ends the call. you need to collect your results in some way without immediately returning the first one, so that build_header can run for the entire set of rows.
