How do I sign API requests (AWS SigV4) to Lambda behind Proxy & API Gateway? - aws-lambda

I'm working on a project where we currently use Cognito User pools for auth., but after some research we found that if we want more fine-grained access-control we should use an Identity pool instead.
The theory is simple : first we create an Identity Pool that uses the Cognito user pool as Auth provider. Then in API Gateway we set up our Lambda to use Authorizer: AWS_IAM. To access it, User now has to :
Sign in to User pool, which gives user a JWT Token.
Exchange that JWT Token with the Identity pool for temporary AWS Credentials.
Use those new credentials to sign API request to the protected Lambda.
Steps 1 and 2 work fine, with a test user we manage to get the JWT Token and successfully exchange it for AWS credentials. They look like this (modified for security reasons):
awsAccessKey: ASIAZFDXSW29NWI3QZ01
awsSecretKey: B+DrYdPMFGbDd1VRLSPV387uHT715zs7IsvdNnDk
awsSessionToken: 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
The issue is the signing. Our Lambda is behind a CloudFront proxy + API Gateway. Requests to e.g are forwarded to the 'real' API origin at
Using Postman and setting AWS Signature, the request doesn't work and gives following error :
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.\n\nThe Canonical String for this request should have been\n'................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................'\n\nThe String-to-Sign should have been\n'............................................................................'\n
We found however, that by overriding the Host header to the real origin of the API, request now works fine :
So it seems that since the custom URL we use and the original API URL are different, signatures don't match. The problem is that by default browsers don't allow you to override Host header for security reasons, so our front-end signed requests always fail.
Maybe the proxy is also modifying other headers before forwarding to origin, which would also invalidate the signature from my understanding...
Any help appreciated in solving this issue!

I was facing a similar issue when trying to make a signed request to an API Gateway endpoint behind an Akamai proxy.
The trick to solve it was indeed to generate a request as if you were sending it directly to the API Gateway URL, sign that request using sigv4 and then send that signed request to the proxy endpoint instead.
I've put together a simple NodeJS code to exemplify how to do this:
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const { HttpRequest } = require("#aws-sdk/protocol-http");
const { SignatureV4 } = require("#aws-sdk/signature-v4");
const { NodeHttpHandler } = require("#aws-sdk/node-http-handler");
const { Sha256 } = require("#aws-crypto/sha256-browser");
const REGION = "ca-central-1";
const PROXY_DOMAIN = "";
const PROXY_PATH = "/proxypath";
const API_GATEWAY_PATH = "/apigateway/path";
const IDENTITY_ID = "{{identity-pool-region}}:{{identity-pool-id}}";
const POOL_REGION = "{{identity-pool-region}}";
const REQUEST_BODY = { test: "test" };
const METHOD = "POST";
const udpatedSignedRequestExample = async () => {
try {
const BODY = JSON.stringify(REQUEST_BODY);
const request = new HttpRequest({
body: BODY,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
port: 443,
method: METHOD,
console.log("request", request);
const credentials = await getCredentials();
const signedRequest = await signRequest(request, credentials);
console.log("signedRequest", signedRequest);
const updatedSignedRequest = updateRequest(signedRequest);
console.log("updatedSignedRequest", updatedSignedRequest);
const response = await makeSignedRequest(updatedSignedRequest);
console.log(response.statusCode + " " + response.body.statusMessage);
} catch (error) {
const getCredentials = async () => {
var cognitoidentity = new AWS.CognitoIdentity({ region: POOL_REGION });
var params = {
IdentityId: IDENTITY_ID,
const response = await cognitoidentity
return {
accessKeyId: response.Credentials.AccessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: response.Credentials.SecretKey,
sessionToken: response.Credentials.SessionToken,
expiration: response.Credentials.Expiration,
const signRequest = async (request, credentials) => {
const signer = new SignatureV4({
credentials: credentials,
region: REGION,
service: "execute-api",
sha256: Sha256,
const signedRequest = await signer.sign(request);
return signedRequest;
const updateRequest = (httpRequest) => {
httpRequest.hostname = PROXY_DOMAIN;
httpRequest.path = PROXY_PATH; = PROXY_DOMAIN;
return httpRequest;
const makeSignedRequest = async (httpRequest) => {
const client = new NodeHttpHandler();
const { response } = await client.handle(httpRequest);
return response;
Hope that helps.


How to create an account on NEAR protocol?

I would like to learn how to create an account using RPC or REST calls on NEAR protocol.
If you want to create a subaccount (a.frol.near when you own frol.near): Submit a transaction with CREATE_ACCOUNT, TRANSFER, ADD_KEY actions. Here is an example of such a transaction.
If you want to create *.near account, you need to submit a transaction with create_account function call on near contract. Here is an example of such a transaction, and here is a code snippet from the tutorial in the docs using near-api-js JS library:
const HELP = `Please run this script in the following format:
node create-testnet-account.js CREATOR_ACCOUNT.testnet NEW_ACCOUNT.testnet AMOUNT
const { connect, KeyPair, keyStores, utils } = require("near-api-js");
const path = require("path");
const homedir = require("os").homedir();
const CREDENTIALS_DIR = ".near-credentials";
const credentialsPath = path.join(homedir, CREDENTIALS_DIR);
const keyStore = new keyStores.UnencryptedFileSystemKeyStore(credentialsPath);
const config = {
networkId: "testnet",
nodeUrl: "",
if (process.argv.length !== 5) {;
createAccount(process.argv[2], process.argv[3], process.argv[4]);
async function createAccount(creatorAccountId, newAccountId, amount) {
const near = await connect({ ...config, keyStore });
const creatorAccount = await near.account(creatorAccountId);
const keyPair = KeyPair.fromRandom("ed25519");
const publicKey = keyPair.publicKey.toString();
await keyStore.setKey(config.networkId, newAccountId, keyPair);
return await creatorAccount.functionCall({
contractId: "testnet",
methodName: "create_account",
args: {
new_account_id: newAccountId,
new_public_key: publicKey,
gas: "300000000000000",
attachedDeposit: utils.format.parseNearAmount(amount),
If you don't need a named account, you can just generate a new ed25519 key-pair, and the hex representation of the public key will be your account id (it won't be recorded on chain until you/someone transfers some NEAR tokens to it, and so it is called "implicit" account). Example for such an account.
Here is a detailed tutorial on how to construct a transaction. Ultimately, you will submit your transaction via JSON RPC broadcast_tx* endpoints.

How to get access token with MSAL

I stitched together a lot of tutorials and documentation in order to get an access token with MSALin my JavaScript code. Here are the results of my research.
npm install #azure/msal
import the necessary class from #azure/msal
import {
} from "#azure/msal";
Make the msal object
const config: Configuration = {
auth: {
clientId: <client id - your app's client id>,
authority: `<tenantid>`,
redirectUri: <the redirect Uri>,
const params: AuthenticationParameters = {
authority: `${Tenantid}`,
scopes: [`${AppIDUri}/user_impersonation`], <-- the API that you're trying to call
const myMSAL = new UserAgentApplication(config);
Get access token
try {
const login = await myMSAL.acquireTokenSilent(params);
return login.accessToken;
} catch (error) {
await myMSAL.loginPopup(params);
const login = await myMSAL.acquireTokenSilent(params);
return login.accessToken;
Azure/Msal authentication inside PowerApp Component Framework returns AADSTS50177 error

How to restrict API Key when calling the Reverse Geocoding API from Browser?

I am using Google Reverse Geocoding API from Browser.
The API works fine when using API Key with no restriction.
For example:,-87.64823779999999 - OK
But as I am calling the API from the browser, I would like to restrict the API Key, preferably request originating from certain domains.
Now, as per the restriction guideline, HTTP Referer restrictions won't work for the Geocoding API (one of the Google Web Service API). It returns error "API keys with referer restrictions cannot be used with this API." in such case!
The other option is to use IP address restriction. But it seems to be more suited if the call was originating from the server. In that case server address could be added in the restriction.
How can I secure (restrict) the API Key if I want to continue to call the Geocoding API from the browser?
I figured out that I have to use Maps Javascript API in order to be able to call the Reverse Geocoding (Address Lookup) from browser (client) with HTTP Referer restrictions in place for the API Key.
In my initial implementation I used fetch(requestUrl) from the browser as it seemed very convenient and ended up with the above problem.
Example (using TypeScript):
Enable Maps Javascript API
Install required packages
npm install #googlemaps/js-api-loader
npm i -D #types/google.maps
import { Loader } from '#googlemaps/js-api-loader';
const loadScript = async (): Promise<void> => {
const loader = new Loader({
version: 'weekly',
await loader.load();
export async function reverseGeo(
lat: number, long: number
): Promise<string> {
await loadScript();
const geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
const latlng = {
lat: lat,
lng: long,
try {
const { results } = await geocoder.geocode({ location: latlng });
if (results && results[0]) {
return results[0].formatted_address;
} catch (e) {
// handle exception
throw new TypeError('Zero result or reverse geo Failed'); // or handle other way
import { reverseGeo} from './reverseGeo';
it('should test reverseGeo', async () => {
console.log(reverseGeo(22.5726, 88.3639));

AWS CDK passing API Gateway URL to static site in same Stack

I'm trying to deploy an S3 static website and API gateway/lambda in a single stack.
The javascript in the S3 static site calls the lambda to populate an HTML list but it needs to know the API Gateway URL for the lambda integration.
Currently, I generate a RestApi like so...
const handler = new lambda.Function(this, "TestHandler", {
runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,
code: lambda.Code.asset("build/test-service"),
handler: "index.handler",
environment: {
this.api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, "test-api", {
restApiName: "Test Service"
const getIntegration = new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(handler, {
requestTemplates: { "application/json": '{ "statusCode": "200" }' }
const apiUrl = this.api.url;
But on cdk deploy, apiUrl =
So the url is not parsed/generated until after the static site requires the value.
How can I calculate/find/fetch the API Gateway URL and update the javascript on cdk deploy?
Or is there a better way to do this? i.e. is there a graceful way for the static javascript to retrieve a lambda api gateway url?
You are creating a LambdaIntegration but it isn't connected to your API.
To add it to the root of the API do: this.api.root.addMethod(...) and use this to connect your LambdaIntegration and API.
This should give you an endpoint with a URL
If you are using the s3-deployment module to deploy your website as well, I was able to hack together a solution using what is available currently (pending a better solution at The following together allow for you to deploy a config.js to your bucket (containing attributes from your stack that will only be populated at deploy time) that you can then depend on elsewhere in your code at runtime.
In inline-source.ts:
// imports removed for brevity
export function inlineSource(path: string, content: string, options?: AssetOptions): ISource {
return {
bind: (scope: Construct, context?: DeploymentSourceContext): SourceConfig => {
if (!context) {
throw new Error('To use a inlineSource, context must be provided');
// Find available ID
let id = 1;
while (scope.node.tryFindChild(`InlineSource${id}`)) {
const bucket = new Bucket(scope, `InlineSource${id}StagingBucket`, {
removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY
const fn = new Function(scope, `InlineSource${id}Lambda`, {
runtime: Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
handler: 'index.handler',
code: Code.fromAsset('./inline-lambda')
const myProvider = new Provider(scope, `InlineSource${id}Provider`, {
onEventHandler: fn,
logRetention: RetentionDays.ONE_DAY // default is INFINITE
const resource = new CustomResource(scope, `InlineSource${id}CustomResource`, { serviceToken: myProvider.serviceToken, properties: { bucket: bucket.bucketName, path, content } });
context.handlerRole.node.addDependency(resource); // Sets the s3 deployment to depend on the deployed file
return {
bucket: bucket,
zipObjectKey: ''
In inline-lambda/index.js (also requires archiver installed into inline-lambda/node_modules):
const aws = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new aws.S3({ apiVersion: '2006-03-01' });
const fs = require('fs');
var archive = require('archiver')('zip');
exports.handler = async function(event, ctx) {
await new Promise(resolve => fs.unlink('/tmp/', resolve));
const output = fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/');
const closed = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
output.on('close', resolve);
output.on('error', reject);
archive.append(event.ResourceProperties.content, { name: event.ResourceProperties.path });
await closed;
await s3.upload({Bucket: event.ResourceProperties.bucket, Key: '', Body: fs.createReadStream('/tmp/')}).promise();
In your construct, use inlineSource:
export class TestConstruct extends Construct {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: any) {
// set up other resources
const source = inlineSource('config.js', `exports.config = { apiEndpoint: '${ api.attrApiEndpoint }' }`);
// use in BucketDeployment
You can move inline-lambda elsewhere but it needs to be able to be bundled as an asset for the lambda.
This works by creating a custom resource that depends on your other resources in the stack (thereby allowing for the attributes to be resolved) that writes your file into a zip that is then stored into a bucket, which is then picked up and unzipped into your deployment/destination bucket. Pretty complicated but gets the job done with what is currently available.
The pattern I've used successfully is to put a CloudFront distribution or an API Gateway in front of the S3 bucket.
So requests to https://[api-gw]/**/* are proxied to https://[s3-bucket]/**/*.
Then I will create a new Proxy path in the same API gateway, for the route called /config which is a standard Lambda-backed API endpoint, where I can return all sorts of things like branding information or API keys to the frontend, whenever the frontend calls GET /config.
Also, this avoids issues like CORS, because both origins are the same (the API Gateway domain).
With CloudFront distribution instead of an API Gateway, it's pretty much the same, except you use the CloudFront distribution's "origin" configuration instead of paths and methods.

Redirect link to distribution slack app

I'm trying to redirect URL to distribute (OAuth 2.0)my slack app with API gateway and lambda function (AWS) but I can't realize how to get the code.
the event that returns is null.
My lambda code :
// Lambda handler
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
var messageTest = {
client_id: CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
code: event.code
var queryTest = qs.stringify(messageTest);
https.get(`${queryTest}`, (res, err) => {
console.log("statusCode: ", res.statusCode);
console.log("headers: ", res.headers);
var data = [];
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
res.on('end', function() {
var result = JSON.parse(data.join(''))
My redirect URL is the lambda URL.
The event that i get is null.
How can i get the "code" from the oAuth 2.0?
Assuming you are using Lambda Proxy integration (and therefore you don't use a Body Mapping Template), the JSON payload that you send to your API Gateway will be received by your Lambda as a stringified JSON in event.body.
So, you'll need to parse that first and you can get your code.
const body = JSON.parse(event.body)
const code = body.code
Reference: Input Format of a Lambda Function for Proxy Integration
