reCAPTCHA validation failed, suspected as abusive usage - recaptcha

a customer of ours has been experiencing problems with ReCaptcha v3 for a few days now.
When they want to send a message themselves via a contact form, they get the following error message: Invalid Form - ReCaptcha validation failed, suspected as abusive usage.
When we try the same form via another computer/network, the form works normally. Even when we fill in the form via our phone on 4G/5G, everything just works. Should we be concerned? Or may the problem occur to them because they are on their own website every day.


An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (686578003)

in google payment method for subscribing new google developer account when we proceed continue to payment and enters all required information about Visa Card correctly, and click ay buy button, it process and at the end gives message for
card declined
while giving following error
An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. (686578003)
where as I've confirmed about card number while removing and resubmitting it. I've also cleared browsing data including cache and cookies. nothing works on my side.
Could anyone explain what it means with following error code
in google while purchasing developer account or developer console?

AuthorizeNet Omnipay Error

I am using omnipay package for my payment method in authorized.
I have two site on the same server, one is a live site that runs ssl and one that is for testing purposes only and do not run ssl.
Now, i dont have problem on paying in our testing site which it runs within our expectation. But, it seems odd in our live site because after entering my billing information, it returns an error that says:
An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant informing them of the error. The following is the result of the attempt to charge your credit card.
This transaction has been approved.
It is advisable for you to contact the merchant to verify that you will receive the product or service.
Where do u think the problem lies? I really need help on this. Thanks!
This means the relay response URL used by your application is not returning a successful response to Authorize.Net in time (5 seconds). As a result Authorize.Net is assuming the page is not functioning and displaying that message.
You either need to verify the URL is correct, not error-ing out, and responding within a few seconds.

record validation message and message box in ms access 2010

Good Morning All,
I'm working on a simple database. I use the validation record where the start date < end date, with a validation message to explain the issue to the user.
Also, I use a button in a form to add new record followed by a confirmation message.
The strange thing is that neither the validation message appear nor the confirmation !!.
In another form, I use the validation message for a field (not record) and confirmation message for adding the record and both of them work fine,
Any suggestions to fix the issue ?!,

Connection to CRM failing

We have a system where user enters his data in a form and we save Data in CRM (Its in cloud so we have no access to it and all that). Now suddenly we have started getting error everytime, we try to send data.
Error we get is:
An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail.
Inner Exception: Authentication Failure DefaultURL
It fails on every command i use like RetrieveMultiple, Create to name a few.
Nothing has been changed, it worked for 6-7 months without any change/problem and suddenly we are getting this error everytime we try to communicate with CRM system.
I have tried connecting to CRM after disabling our firewall and that didnt change anything, so nothing we have changed.
Does anyone getting this error recently? I have tried looking for this but their isn't much help I have found on any blog.
Any help will be appreciated.
After days of investigation, we found that the password we were using to connect to CRM expired and need updating. We updated the password and it worked.

Why is throwing an error when my relay response URL points to a CodeIgniter controller and not otherwise?

I'm not typically a web developer, but I'm a decent enough coder that I felt comfortable accepting a proposal from a friend to develop his brother's small business website. I'm nearly finished and I've been using CodeIgniter, which has been a huge help and was easy to jump into.
They have a handful of products they'd like available for purchase via the site, their preference was (which I have no previous experience with), and their host does not support SSL (, so I decided that's SIM was appropriate. If I test SIM outside of the CI application with a relay response page which simply spits out the available transaction details, everything goes as expected. If I try it with the relay response page set to a CI controller/method which simply echoes a string, displays the following 'error':
An error occurred while trying to
report this transaction to the
merchant. An e-mail has been sent to
the merchant informing them of the
error. The following is the result of
the attempt to charge your credit
This transaction has been approved.
It is advisable for you to contact the
merchant to verify that you will
receive the product or service.
My initial thought was that perhaps the rewrite rule I set up to circumvent having to include the index.php front controller was the issue, so I tried including it in the relay response URL with no change. I should also note that the controller in question implements a _remap() method, but the relay response method shouldn't be affected by it as it doesn't match it's regex.
Any insight(s) would be greatly appreciated.
This error occurs when your script doesn't respond within a specified amount of time. It also is displayed if anything other then a 200 success message is returned. So basically there is an error in your relay response URL.
You need to test this first by pulling up the page directly to see if it works and returns the proper header response. Then you can test it by sending a simulated POST response to it and see if it also responds properly. If those work make sure the script isn't taking too long to respond. If it is there probably are ways to optimize the slow page to give the response in the appropriate amount.
