Pin a personal view in D365 - dynamics-crm

How to I pin a personal view in D365. It is a child entity to the case entity (not in the left navigation menu).
It is not appearing on the recent items in the main page when I go Advanced find -> Saved views and run the view.
Recent items are appearing for the views and record from the main page which I could pin from.

This should work, add/replace this part in browser address bar - &pagetype=entitylist&etn=YOUR_ENTITY_NAME.
Make sure you’re changing the entity name, then this will land on that main grid page. From there you can change to personal view and pin it.
If you know the view guid - then try similar to this:
Url="/main.aspx?appid=e2bc1066-488f-eb11-b1ac-000d3a56ead9&pagetype=entitylist&etn=account&viewid=%7b<GUID value of view id>%7d"
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Add buttons to sub-grid view

On the order form, there is a products section that has uses the default Order Product Inline Edit View. This view is not editable, but you can copy it and save it as a different name.
However, when you copy the view, the new view does not display all of the same buttons when viewing the sub-grid.
default view:
copied view (the lock pricing, move up and move down buttons are missing):
The copied view shows the + button and it's drop down menu correctly. Why hasn't it copied the other buttons, and how can i get them to show on my custom view?
I am happy to edit xml and upload that back to CRM if necessary.
FYI, this is all a pointless effort as the word template ignores the sequence order. What an utter waste of time.
I'm going to guess it's because the default view on the order of order products is a special one. It has special behaviours that arn't seen in the rest of 365, i.e. you don't get up, down, or lock on other views.
I would assume that the extra buttons only get shown on that default view and arn't really supported outside of that view.
Turns out it is actually quite easy to show these buttons for other views using the ribbon workbench.
Right click on the button in ribbon workbench under the subgrid section and click on customise
Select the command in the "solution elements" pane at the bottom
In the bottom right hand pane, right click on the enable rule "Mscrm.IsInlineEditView" and click "Remove from Command"
These buttons now show up for all views.

Navigation - SplitView or Pivot

I'd like to ask you, what do you think, which control is better for navigation. What I mean?
Now I have Pivot control with 2 PivotItems. One of them is named Contacts. This PivotItem contains Frame. And the frame makes new navigation on page with contacts (listview). Why Frame? When I click on some contact I need to show details of current contact. But I need to display it inside PivotItem, therefore I use inner frame. So I can still see main view and other pivot items. I think, that pivot is not right control for it. Or I should show contact details for whole screen, not only in pivotitem.
FrameA and FrameB. FrameA has navigated from Main to Page1. Page1 has a Pivot that hosts FrameB in PivotItem1 and FrameB has navigated from View1 to View 2 and from View2 to View 3
I suggest you start reading up on navigation basics for Windows 10 and look at some other apps how they do it.
You could use a navigation pane (which is mostly done using a SplitView), in which you show your contacts grid in the main panel and navigate to a single contact when clicking on it. The other item in your navigation pane would be the title for your 2nd pivot tab.
If you want to keep your contact list visibile at all time and show the details of a single contact next to it, the alternative is using master-detail. Either on a full screen, or by placing the master detail on the main panel of your SpltView.
You can find a master-detail control in the UWP Community Toolkit.

How create gmail like common control bar in Canjs?

For example we make a Gmail clone in canjs. Consider each item in the sidebar being rendered with a component of its own. Now I want a single control bar just like gmail to control the activities inside the components.
How should I approach it???
At present am looking at the change event of localStorage, is there a better solution to this???
I would recommend using an appstate Map or a page level component that holds the state for the features of your toolbar. If using an appstate, you could use to bind certain features of the appstate Map to the route, so the state of your app can be controlled by the URL. A page attribute, for example, would control which main page is displayed (say, the message list or the contacts list.) You could then listen for certain values of page in your stache template to switch to showing the correct page. This snippet would show the message-list whenever the page attribute of the appstate is 'messages': {{#is 'messages}}<message-list></message-list>{{/is}}
If you had more specifics of which feature is hardest to figure out how to implement, I might be able to give more specific advice.

HowTo: stay on account view while opening a contact on a column

I am using a simple tree view on the left side for a company to see linked entities like opportunities, contacts, etc.,
When I click on a contact, my browser gets redirected to the contact, but I want to stay on the company view and load the contact details into the second or third column or just any sector on that company view.
Getting redirected to each record every time I click a link is annoying because I lose my track and sometimes I want to see the parent details while I see the details of a child record. In this case I want to keep the company view while I can load one contact on the same view without any page load or redirection.
Note: I am using a demo access to Dynamics CRM 2015 online and installed a plugin from a third party to get a tree view. The above is not dependent on my tree view. This can also be done for activities for example which is listed on right column by default. By clicking on an activity, I would like to see the activity details loaded in some panel on the middle column or anywhere I want, without being redirected.
You probably can make do with a Quick View.
Let's say you want to do this trick with Accounts and Contacts, to display info for contacts inside an Account. It goes like this:
Create a lookup inside Account, to Contact entity. Put it on the form (you can make it not visible, doesn't matter).
Create a "Quick View" form inside Contact. They are built similar to normal forms. Include all the info you want to display.
Go back to Account form, INSERT -> Quick View. Select the lookup you made in point 1, and the quick view you just created.
The quick view will display on the Account form, grabbing info from the Contact selected inside the lookup. If you left the new lookup visible, you can play with it and see how it works.
4b. You probably will now need to "link" the treeview with the lookup somehow (since it's third-party I'm unable to offer any insight about it). It will require a bit of javascript for sure.
For more details, as usual, refer to MSDN
Ps: If you want to try it out fast, skip #1 and pick "Primary contact" as field in #3 (it's standad, and most likely already on the form)

SL3 dataform validation indicators don't show in tab pages

I have a Prism/SL3 application with a tab control and each page of the tab control is a "Region" that has its own view and viewModel. when I want to validate the main page, I call dataForm.ValidateItem(), then I go to all the child views and do the same. the problem is, only the pages which user has clicked on them (on the tab page), get instantiated and the pages that are never shown, don't have their view instantiated, thus I can't validate them.
any help?
I created a psuedo work around for this. It's very hacky, but it does work. My example involved walking the visual tree (up and down) to find respective controls that are invalid and then "expanding" the selected item. I have used an accordian in my example, but have also tested this with tab:
EDIT: Link updated.
