ERROR: syntax error at or near "." - JPA Pageable - spring

public interface PostRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Post, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT p.postComments FROM Post p WHERE p.webId = ?1")
Page<PostComment> findCommentsByWebId(String webid, Pageable pageable);
Post entity:
public class Post {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "web_id")
private String webId;
#Column(nullable = false, name = "title")
private String title;
#Column(nullable = false, name = "description")
private String description;
#Column(nullable = false, name = "mature")
private boolean mature;
#OneToOne(mappedBy = "post")
private Cover cover;
#JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
private User user;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "post")
private List<PostView> postViews;
#JoinTable(name = "post_tag",
joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "post_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "tag_id"))
private List<Tag> tags;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "post")
private List<PostDownvote> postDownvotes;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "post")
private List<PostUpvote> postUpvotes;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "post")
private List<PostComment> postComments;
#Column(name = "created_at")
private Timestamp createdAt;
#Column(name = "updated_at")
private Timestamp updatedAt;
The problem: When returning plain List<PostComment> from the query method everything works fine. But if I change it to Page<PostComment> (I need total elements count), I get the following error:
2022-08-03 22:29:41.399 ERROR 9192 --- [nio-8080-exec-3] o.h.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper : ERROR: syntax error at or near "."
Position: 14
Hibernate: select tags0_.post_id as post_id1_6_0_, tags0_.tag_id as tag_id2_6_0_, as id1_10_1_, as name2_10_1_ from post_tag tags0_ inner join tag tag1_ on where tags0_.post_id=?
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not extract ResultSet; SQL [n/a]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet
It is very difficult to debug this. Does anyone have any clue on what is wrong?
I need BOTH paging and total amount of elements.

Basically you are not able to fetch the part of the inner collection. But you could reach it from the another side of the bi-directional relationship
public interface PostCommentRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<PostComment, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT pc FROM PostComment pc WHERE = ?1")
Page<PostComment> findCommentsByWebId(String webid, Pageable pageable);
// or better using Spring Data naming conventions just
Page<PostComment> findAllByPostWebId(String webid, Pageable pageable);

If you only need a total count you should avoid querying list of entities which could be very memory intensive.
So in your PostCommentRepository try the following:
long countAllByPost_WebId(String webId);


Trying to Convert a SQL Query to a JPA Query

I want to convert this sql query to a JPA query, but I can't seem make sense of it... Should I use findByMarinaIdAndMovementGroupMeanId?? or findByMarinaIdAndMovementGroupMeanIdAndMovementMeanId??
select m.* from movement_group m
join movement_group_mean mgm on = mgm.movement_group_id
join movement_mean mm on mgm.movement_mean_id =
where = 1 and m.marina_id = :marinaId and = true;
public class MovementGroup {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String name;
private String code;
private LocalDateTime createdAt;
private LocalDateTime updatedAt;
private Boolean active;
private String iconUrl;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "movementGroup")
private Set<MovementGroupMean> movementGroupMeans;
#JoinColumn(name = "marina_id")
private Marina marina;
public class MovementGroupMean {
private MovementGroupMeanPK movementGroupMeanPK;
#JoinColumn(name = "movement_group_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private MovementGroup movementGroup;
#JoinColumn(name = "movement_mean_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private MovementMean movementMean;
public class MovementMean {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String name;
private MovementMeanType movementMeanType;
private Boolean active;
private LocalDateTime createdAt;
private LocalDateTime updatedAt;
#JoinColumn(name = "marina_id")
private Marina marina;
Not sure where the problem lies, so excuse the lengthy explanation on SQL->JPQL:
Replace your table names with your entity names
movement_group -> MovementGroup
Replace your joins with the java references, letting JPA use the relationship mapping you've defined instead.
"join movement_group_mean mgm on = mgm.movement_group_id" becomes "join m.movementGroupMeans mgm"
"join movement_mean mm on mgm.movement_mean_id = becomes "join mgm.movementMean mm"
Only tricky spot is your entities do not define a basic mapping for the marina_id value. So to get at m.marina_id, you will have to use the 'marina' reference and use its presumably ID value:
"m.marina_id = :marinaId" -> " = :marinaId"
Giving you JPQL:
"Select m from MovementGroup m join m.movementGroupMeans mgm join mgm.movementMean mm where = 1 and = :marinaId and = true"

How can I retrieve all the children of a record in this Hibernate #ManyToOne relation?

I am working on a Spring Boot project using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate mapping. I have the following doubt about how can I implement the following query.
I have an User entity class like this:
#Table(name = "portal_user")
public class User implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5062673109048808267L;
#Column(name = "id")
private Integer id;
#Column(name = "first_name")
#NotNull(message = "{NotNull.User.firstName.Validation}")
private String firstName;
#Column(name = "middle_name")
private String middleName;
#Column(name = "surname")
#NotNull(message = "{NotNull.User.surname.Validation}")
private String surname;
#Column(name = "sex")
#NotNull(message = "{}")
private char sex;
#Column(name = "birthdate")
#NotNull(message = "{NotNull.User.birthdate.Validation}")
private Date birthdate;
#Column(name = "tax_code")
#NotNull(message = "{NotNull.User.taxCode.Validation}")
private String taxCode;
#Column(name = "e_mail")
#NotNull(message = "{}")
private String email;
#Column(name = "pswd")
#NotNull(message = "{NotNull.User.pswd.Validation}")
private String pswd;
#Column(name = "contact_number")
#NotNull(message = "{NotNull.User.contactNumber.Validation}")
private String contactNumber;
#Column(name = "created_at")
private Date createdAt;
#Column(name = "is_active")
private boolean is_active;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "user", orphanRemoval = true)
private Set<Address> addressesList = new HashSet<>();
#ManyToMany(cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE })
name = "portal_user_user_type",
joinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "portal_user_id_fk") },
inverseJoinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "user_type_id_fk") }
Set<UserType> userTypes;
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private User parent;
public User() {
public User(String firstName, String middleName, String surname, char sex, Date birthdate, String taxCode,
String email, String pswd, String contactNumber, Date createdAt, boolean is_active) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.middleName = middleName;
this.surname = surname; = sex;
this.birthdate = birthdate;
this.taxCode = taxCode; = email;
this.pswd = pswd;
this.contactNumber = contactNumber;
this.createdAt = createdAt;
this.is_active = is_active;
The instances of this class represents users of my system. An user can have a single specific parent (the concept is similar to that of a referral: an user can bring another user in the system). This is handled by this ManyToOne recursive relationship:
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private User parent;
Basically an user contains is parent (who bring him\her into the platform). It works fine. So retrieving an user I can easily retrieve the information of who is its parent (it is contained into the retrieved User object).
Now I need to implement the inverse behavior: I have to define a "query" that starting from a parent retrieve all its children.
The previous User entity class maps the following DB table:
The highlighter parent_id contains the FK that define this recursive relationship. So it contains the PK of another user that is the parent.
I have this UserRepository repository interface (it extents the JpaRepository interface)
public interface UsersRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Integer> {
User findByemail(String email);
List<User> findByUserTypes_TypeName(String typeName);
As you can see I am using a "query by method" style. Is it possiblem implement a behavior like this using "query by method" style? (in case also JPQL could be fine)
You can do this
List<User> findByParent_Id(Integer id);
Or you can do this
#Query("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE = ?1")
List<User> getReferredUsers(Integer id);
The relationship between the user and the parent is unidirectional in the given code. By making it bidirectional, it is easy to query the data in either ways.
Refer to below code to make it bidirectional. Also ensure the relevant FetchType to avoid the performance risk. Here FetchType.LAZY is used for one to many association so it queries the data using the proxy reference when needed.
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private User parent;
#OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "parent")
private Set<User> userSet = new HashSet<>();
Child entities are fetched only when parent.getUserSet is used because of the FetchType.Lazy
public Set<User> getUsers(int id) {
User parent = userRepository.getById(id);
return parent.getUserSet();

JPA, Simple One-To-Many Relationship Fetching Problem

Simple Fetch Problem I'm facing in a straight-forward OneToMany Relationship: One Author Many Books.
Here's Author :
#Table(name = "authors")
public class AuthorEntity {
private UUID id;
#Column(name = "first_name")
private String firstName;
#Column(name = "last_name")
private String lastName;
mappedBy = "author",
orphanRemoval = true,
fetch = FetchType.EAGER
private List<BookEntity> books; // Getters and Setters
Here's Book:
#Table(name = "books")
public class BookEntity {
#Column(name = "id")
private UUID id;
#Column(name = "title")
private String title;
#ManyToOne(optional = false)
name = "author_id",
referencedColumnName = "id"
private AuthorEntity author;
// Getters and Setters
I saved an author and a book through their respective repositories and I checked everything is fine, and here's my query to fetch the author :
SELECT a FROM AuthorEntity a JOIN a.books WHERE = :authorId
Now when I try to access author.getBooks() it says it is null, why doesn't it fetch ? Why do I always have to fetch the books separately ? What's the right query ?

org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.RollbackException

This is my orderservice implementation for creating and saving orders here with the customerid I'm getting customer and customer has a cart and in the cart product list is there and for that product list, I should create an order.
public Order save(int custid) {
Optional<Customer> cust = customerRepo.findById(custid);//here customer is there and inside customer cart is there inside cart medicine list is there.
Cart ct= cust.get().getCart();//getting cart from customer
if(ct.getMedicineList().size()!=0) {//create order only if the medicine list is not empty. there are 8 fields **orderDate,dispatchDate,status,medicineList,totalCost,customer and orderId(GeneratedValue)** I can't set the orderId cuz it is auto generated.
LocalDate todaysDate =;
LocalDate dispatchdate = todaysDate.plusDays(3);
List<Medicine> orderList= new ArrayList<Medicine>();
List<Medicine> cartList= new ArrayList<Medicine>();
Order ord = new Order();
ord.setTotalCost((float)ct.getTotalAmount());"Add order to the database");
return null;
this is my order controller
public ResponseEntity<Order> addOrder(#Valid #PathVariable("custid") int custid) {"Add order in database");
return new ResponseEntity<>(, HttpStatus.OK);
this is my medicine Entity
#Table(name = "medicine")
public class Medicine {
#Column(name = "medicine_id", nullable = false)
private int medicineId;
#Size(min = 3, message = "Minimum charecters in medicine name should be 3.")
#Column(unique = true, name = "medicine_name", nullable = false)
private String medicineName;
#Column(name = "medicine_cost", nullable = false)
private float medicineCost;
#Column(name = "mfd", nullable = false)
private LocalDate mfd;
#Column(name = "expiry_date", nullable = false)
private LocalDate expiryDate;
#Column(name = "medicine_quantity", nullable = false)
private int medicineQuantity = 1;
private String medicineCategory;
private String medicineDescription;
#ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "medicineList",fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Order> orderList;
this is my order Entity
public class Order {
#Column(name = "orderId")
private int orderId;
private LocalDate orderDate;
#ManyToMany(targetEntity = Medicine.class, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
#JoinTable(name = "ord_med", joinColumns = { #JoinColumn(name = "ord_id") }, inverseJoinColumns = {
#JoinColumn(name = "med_id") })
private List<Medicine> medicineList = new ArrayList<>();
private LocalDate dispatchDate;
private float totalCost;
private String status;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name="c_ord_fk",referencedColumnName = "customerId")
private Customer customer;
here when i try to create order for the list inside cart it gives me [36m.m.m.a.ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver[0;39m [2m:[0;39m Resolved [org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while committing the transaction]
i'm not sure but i think its because of the id but it is autogenerated. Idk how to create an order object for the list of products or is this the correct way to do it.
Actually I found the answer, all I have to do is when you use ManyToMany mapping the cascade type must be cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE,CascadeType.REFRESH} instead of {cascade = CascadeType.ALL} and it works fine. reference JPA: detached entity passed to persist: nested exception is org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException

How to write custom findAll() with Specification in JPA repository

When I use skuRepository.getAll(), it works OK, but when I apply filters, defined in Specification (List filteredRegs = skuRepository.getAll(specification)) I still get all the rows of the table
What should i do to apply the specifications to my custom method?
public interface SkuRepository extends CrudRepository<Sku, Integer>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Sku> {
#Query("select s from Sku s join fetch s.unit un join fetch s.supplier sup WHERE = sku_unit_id AND = supplier_id")
List<Sku> getAll(#Nullable Specification<Sku> var1);
#Query("select s from Sku s join fetch s.unit un join fetch s.supplier sup WHERE = sku_unit_id AND = supplier_id")
List<Sku> getAll();
Here is my entities.
When I make sampling by a Sku table using the Specification API, I see three separate selects in log: one for Sku entity, one for Unit and one for Suppliers. I want my app to make one select with joins.
I read that this is due to the fact that I use EAGER fetch type, so I change it to LAZY, but then I got another problem: "InvalidDefinitionException: No serializer found..." This is logical because related entities Unit and Supplier are not loaded.
Then I decided to write my custom getAll() with request:
#Query("select s from Sku s join fetch s.unit un join fetch s.supplier sup WHERE = sku_unit_id AND = supplier_id ORDER BY")
But now it does not support Specification.
Please advise what to do.
#Table(name = "sku")
public class Sku implements Cloneable, CloneableEntity {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
private int id;
#Column(name = "sku_code", length = 6, nullable = false, unique = true)
private String code;
#Column(name = "sku_name", nullable = false)
private String name;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "sku_unit_id", nullable = false)
private Unit unit;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "supplier_id", nullable = false)
private Supplier supplier;
#Column(name = "qty_in_sec_pkg")
private int quantityInSecondaryPackaging;
#Column(name = "sku_is_active", nullable = false)
private boolean isActive;
//constructors, getters, setters
#Table(name = "units")
public class Unit {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id ")
private int id;
#Column(name = "unit", nullable = false, unique = true)
private String unit;
#Column(name = "description")
private String description;
//constructors, getters, setters
#Table(name = "suppliers")
public class Supplier {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id ")
private int id;
#Column(name = "supplier_code", length = 6, nullable = false, unique = true)
private String supplierCode;
#Column(name = "supplier_name", nullable = false)
private String name;
#Column(name = "create_date", length = 19, nullable = false)
private String createDate;
#Column(name = "update_date", length = 19)
private String updateDate;
//constructors, getters, setters
You can't mix #Query and Specification
You can only use JpaSpecificationExecutor interface methods to use Specification.
Find more details here
