When generating Test Summaries with Gradle, I like to remove the Standard output.
More specific, the button "Standard output" and everything that is shown when clicking onto should not be part of the Test Summary:
Test Summary
How can this be achieved?
I'm running unit tests on my GetModelAsync() and CreateModelAsync() methods in VS17. I then run Assert.Equal checks on the model fields to ensure they match the expected values.
I want to be able to see the final state of my models, which will help me determine why a test is failing or allow me to manually check my models. I'm thinking something similar to tracking variables in the debugger would make sense, although I don't want to actually run the debugger.
Is there a way to do this?
You can write to the console in your tests and it will show up in Test Explorer. You may want to serialize complex objects to JSON first before doing this. For example:
Note, for Visual Studio's built in test runner, you have to go through a few steps to see the console output. In the Test Explorer window, click the name of your test, then in the results panel click the Output link, which will open a separate window to show the console output. It's all very unintuitive.
I'm using XUnit, and in both the Visual Studio Test Explorer window and the Resharper Unit Test runner window, I'm no longer seeing the "output" hyperlink that would show the contents of WriteLine commands.
Is there a setting in the IDE that I need to change?
This is a change in xunit2. It no longer captures output from Console.WriteLine, etc. This is because it now runs tests in parallel, in multiple threads, and there's no way of knowing what test the output comes from. It is still possible to capture output, but you need to use xunit's ITestOutputHelper in order to do so. See the xunit docs for more details.
I am able to finish the installation process successfully.
Currently I am trying to run the scripts from MTAF. I am following the process and procedures mentioned in the Installation and User guide. But at the moment, I am not able to run any of the automated scripts. I am getting different messages like - "No test cases executed" / "Perhaps an error occurred. See the output window". For your reference, I have attached the main screen prints for the configurations I am using.
It would be of much help if you can point me to some person or group wherein I can get some help/directions to proceed further.
Corresponding to your setting on the 2nd screen, you have to change it from runtests.bat to path of PhpUnit execution file (../pear/phpunit.bat)
Additionally, you need specify in 'Project properties' -> 'PhpUnit configuration' -> 'Use bootstrap' + 'Use XML Configuration' references to ../mtaf/bootstrap.php and ../mtaf/phpunit.xml respectively.
It will be enough to run tests.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 SP1. When I run "All Tests in Solution", I get code coverage results to show up just fine. However, when I run a subset of tests using "Tests in Current Context", I only see "Cannot find any coverage data (.coverage or .coveragexml) files. Check test run details for possible errors."
A Google search shows that others do get code coverage results when running a subset of tests. Is there a configuration I'm missing somewhere?
I think I figured out the reason for this, but it still doesn't make complete sense. If I run the tests in the current context by going to "Test -> Debug -> Tests in Current Context", it doesn't work (code coverage is not generated). However, if I do "Test -> Run -> Tests in Current Context", then it works. So far so good, it kind of makes sense that it would only work when not in Debug mode.
But the strange part is if I use the keyboard shortcut for "Test -> Run -> Tests in Current Context" (Ctrl-R, T), it does not work. So I have to run it from the menu instead of using the keyboard shortcut, otherwise it says no code coverage was generated.
In NUnit, I'm used to writing Trace statements in the test, and having them show up in the trace tab of the NUnit gui.
On a new project, I'm moving to the built in Unit Testing in Visual Studio Professional Addition, which I believe is an interface to mstest.exe.
Test Code:
Public Sub TestPagesInheritFromBasePage()
Dim webUI As Assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType(WebUI.BasePage))
Dim badPages As New List(Of String)
For Each t As Type In webUI.GetTypes()
Debug.Write(t.Name + ", ")
Trace.Write(t.Name + ", ")
If t.BaseType Is GetType(System.Web.UI.Page) Then badPages.Add(t.Name)
If badPages.Count > 0 Then
Assert.Fail("{0}: do not inheriting from BasePage", String.Join(", ", badPages.ToArray()))
End If
End Sub
I'm getting a failure, so I know the Debug.Write and Trace.Write lines are executing.
I've read through the MSDN docs on writing these tests, and I can view the trace output if executing at the command line, via:
mstest.exe /testcontainer:mydll.dll /detail:debugtrace
However, I can not find the trace output when executing the tests directly in visual studio. Is there another preferred method of outputting information during a unit test, or am I missing an option to see trace info in visual studio?
Both of the answers below (Console.Write and Debug.Write) worked, the results were in Test Results Detail (TestResult Pane at the bottom, right click on on Test Results and go to TestResultDetails). Also, I set Debug and Trace constants in project properties.
Try using Console.WriteLine() instead. I use that in my unit tests and it works fine - it displays text in unit test result output window.
Usually I use this method to print something in the output window of visual studio:
To see the results double click on the test in the "Test Results" window (Accessed from the main menu item "Tests" >> window menu >> Test Results)
All earlier answers are actually correct but require more or less mouse-clicking.
If you would like to see the output immediately without an extra click, just add the columns Debug Trace and/or Output (StdOut) (whether you're using Debug.Write or Console.Write) to the Test Results pane through right-clicking on the test result and then 'Add/Remove Columns'.