I'm using utPLSQL on an Oracle 19c database.
The business logic to be tested is deployed in schema BUSINESS_LOGIC, the unit tests are deployed in schema UNIT_TESTS.
When I collect the code coverage within an Azure DevOps pipeline it seems to pick up only that from schema UNIT_TESTS. How can I get the coverage from schema BUSINESS_LOGIC?
utPLSQL-cli is called from a Powershell script (connection parameters are in the variables):
$argstr = #("run $db_user/$db_pw#$db_conn", "-f=UT_JUNIT_REPORTER", "-o=dbtest.xml", "-f=UT_COVERAGE_COBERTURA_REPORTER", "-o=dbcoverage.xml", "-f=UT_COVERAGE_HTML_REPORTER", "-o=html_coverage/coverage.html")
Start-Process -FilePath "\\my-server\utPLSQL-cli\bin\utplsql.bat" -ArgumentList $argstr -Wait -NoNewWindow
This is necessary because the tests are integrated in an Azure DevOps pipeline.
Thus the recommended approach to set the coverage does not work for me (
exec ut.run(ut_varchar2_list('BUSINESS_LOGIC'), ut_coverage_html_reporter());
I simply don't know where I could place the above statement to run the tests, gather the code coverage and report back to DevOps? I thought the command for the appropriate schema must be passed to the utPLSQL-cli?
I noticed that I used an up-to-date version of utPLSQL but not of utPLSQL-cli. Version 3.1.9 now supports a command line parameter to pass a list of coverage schemes: coverage-schemes.
This can be added to the argument list:
$argstr = #("run $db_user/$db_pw#$db_conn", ..., "--coverage-schemes=BUSINESS_LOGIC")
Now the coverage from BUSINESS_LOGIC is retrieved!
In my particular case I have to run the sonar analysis in the release, I can’t do it in the pipeline because it depends on the environment.
I have been using sonar in azure devops for several years but always running sonar from the pipeline
In this very special case I have to run the sonar in the release and this is where the error occurs.
Error in: Publish Quality Gate Result:
##[error]The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined
enter image description here
enter image description here
Run Code Analysis: no Warning and no error:
enter image description here
if i run it manually on my pc it works fine:
sonar-scanner.bat -D"sonar.projectKey=SQLAA" -D"sonar.sources=Develop" -D"sonar.host.url=https://sssss.ssss.uuuu" -D"sonar.login=nnnnnnnnnnnn" -D"sonar.sql.dialect=tsql" -D"sonar.language=sql" -D"sonar.exclusions=DefinitionName/**" -D"sonar.scm.disabled=true" -D"sonar.verbose=true"
I use standalone scanner
is a simple release
enter image description here
It was tried as seen in the images, but it gives an error
I have one project with Laravel 9 and I am performing testing with coverage report on it, The test cases successfully passed but I'm getting the below error, and if I remove --coverage-html tmp/coverage from command it's working fine. It means this error are occurring while generating a coverage report.
Please help me to figure out this issue.
XDEBUG_MODE=coverage ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html tmp/coverage
Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... Cannot use object of type Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config as array
Note: I haven't written any new test cases it has only default two test files which come with the default laravel setup.
I am trying to execute jmeter with Robot Framework but getting attribute error when I tried to pass extra parameter. I tried below solution but it doesn't work.
How to pass values to the user defined variable in jmeter's jmx file via robot framework
robot TestCases/TC2_jmeter.robot
TC2 jmeter
Get_weather_info | FAIL |
AttributeError: module 'string' has no attribute 'split'
TC2 jmeter | FAIL |
1 test, 0 passed, 1 failed
Sounds like usage of a deprecated string function
If you're using this library then it supposed to work with Python 2.7, I think you should be able to still get it, or alternatively identify and re-write the problematic piece of the library, it's open source in any case.
In general you should not need any extra libraries, it's quite possible to kick off a JMeter test in non-GUI mode or generate a HTML Reporting Dashboard using subprocess module
I am working in GitLab and I connect my GitLab with salesforce. I created a Gitlab-ci.yml in my project directory. Now when I execute the pipeline in GitLab testing phase pass but failed in integration part at following code PACKAGE_VERSION_JSON="$(eval sfdx force:package:version:list --concise --released --packages $PACKAGE_NAME --json | jq '.result | sort_by(-.MajorVersion, -.MinorVersion, -.PatchVersion, -.BuildNumber) | .[0]? // ""')"
Can anyone tell me how can I resolve this issue. ?
Please make sure that you have generated package in the same org,which you are using for git lab authentication.
We use VSTS build with standard SonarQube build steps:
SonarQube for MsBuild - Begin Analysis
... build
SonarQube for MsBuild - End Analysis
Some time after build I can see Analysis results in SonarQube - whether it Passed or Failed quality gate.
But the VSTS build is successful even if quality gate is Failed.
Is there a way to fail a VSTS build if quaility gate is failed?
Following this:
I've tried looking for report-task.txt file, but I can't see it anywhere.
I can probably just run MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe as command-line build step, as described here:
But I thought I should first try standard Build Steps for SonarQube
Here is a link to failing the build on quality gate violations with 5.3 or later, it uses the SonarQube for MSBuild - Begin Analysis task
This updated task is not available with TFS 2015 Update 1 but is available in Update 2 RC1 and VSTS (VSO).
I too had this requirement to fail the Build if sonar quality gate fails. I did created a power shell task after sonarqube display task. Here is the script to find the status:
function Get-SonarQubeStatus() {
# Step 1. Create a username:password pair
$credPair = "username:password"
# Step 2. Encode the pair to Base64 string
$encodedCredentials = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($credPair))
# Step 3. Form the header and add the Authorization attribute to it
$headers = #{ Authorization = "Basic $encodedCredentials" }
# Step 4. Make the GET request
$responseData = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://localhost/api/qualitygates/project_status?projectKey=<projectkey> -Method Get -Headers $headers -UseBasicParsing
#write-host $responseData.content
$x = $responseData.content | ConvertFrom-Json
$sonarQualityGateResult = $x.projectStatus.status
if($sonarQualityGateResult -eq "ERROR")
write-host "CI failed due to Sonarqube quality Gate"
exit 1