Why my Jacoco report doesnt have proper UI in Azure Devops? - gradle

I have published a Jacoco Report(index.html) on Azure Devops Server but after publishing it doesn't look like as it should, It looks as follows:
With no proper UI. Don't know what I am missing here. As per the internet it should look like,
How can I achieve this ?


Variables in a Azure botframework Composer CICD Pipeline

Long time lurker, first-time question so apologies if I do this wrong.
I have successfully used the following to create a continuous deployment pipeline in Azure DevOps:
Composer CICD Pipeline Sample
However, I would like to use additional pipeline variables to insert into the appsettings.json file: such as additional API keys and the ApplicationInsights connectionString.
Does anyone have experience of doing this or can someone point me in the right direction?
Google has shone no light on this and unfortunately, I have found the botframework documentation to be lacking.
Azure deployments by the pipeline you reference do not use the appsettings.json file. Those settings are ignored.
The pipeline installs pipeline variable values in Azure as App Service Configuration Application Settings using the task "Configure App Service Settings". You might start there.

Rest api to get sonarqube info from bamboo build or vice versa

Is there any way I can get any sonarqube api which can provide the build number of bamboo or any bamboo api which can give sonarqube info.This would really help.
I have so far tried both side but i am surprised both the system are quite clueless about each other. Why it is not possible that a build which ran sonarqube as as one of it's job doesn't have any information about that. Also neither in sonar it tell which build has actually triggered that sonar execution
(Not sure I understand what exactly you are looking for, perhaps this ...? )
I don't believe you can relate a specific Activity (SonarQube analysis) to a specific build (Bamboo), just project to job.
You must have SonarQube Server configured in Bamboo
When executing your job, you can add these sonar.links optional parameters to the analysis step:
sonar.links.homepage Project home page.
sonar.links.ci Continuous integration.
sonar.links.scm Project source repository.
sonar.links.issue Issue tracker.
Maybe also specify sonar.host.url=$SONAR_HOST_URL (where SONAR_HOST_URL is the global setting in Bamboo) in the analysis step parameters.
Those populate the Project Overview page sidebar:
That should provide the links from SonarQube back to the other systems of interest.
If you have properly configured Bamboo, you should see a link in Bamboo to the SonarQube project, post execution.

Can't enable direct line app service extension in azure bot service

I want to develop .net core desktop client application to connect bot service direct line. for that I am following this document. But I couldn't make it work. Here is way to confirm that it has been properly configured. the web page should show output like below in case everything went fine.
but in my case I am getting output like below:
where "ib" and "ob" values are false for some reason. I found this and this issue reported on github but there is no conclusion.
any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Troubleshooting guid has been added to the document. verified steps below and getting proper results now:
Double check the code for using named pipes has been added to the
Confirm the bot is able to start up and run at all. Useful
tools are Test in WebChat, connecting an additional channel, remote
debugging, or logging.
Restart the entire Azure App Service the bot
is hosted within, to ensure a clean start up of all processes.
I followed Microsoft Docs on how to setup the bot project: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-service-channel-directline-extension-net-bot?view=azure-bot-service-4.0
I did a simple echo bot project and followed the sample code in Startup.cs Configure method.
Last thing I did is to resolve an issue HTTP 500.34 when I access the /.bot as described.
You need to add: <AspNetCoreHostingModel>OutOfProcess</AspNetCoreHostingModel> in .csproj after <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework>

Creating projects with SonarQube web api

Im trying to create a project with SonarQube web api, I can't find any good tutorial to create them.
I need to analyze a code and then get the information that SonarQube provides, I need to automatize all of this in a web application.
Is this possible to do with SonarQube web api?
The latest SonarQube versions have an api-documentation link. For SonarCloud you can find the documentation here. The documentation to create a new project is here. If you look at the details of api/projects/create you can see the parameters needed, the changelog and a response example. This API is available since version 4.0.

Azure WebJob with schedule 409 response on deployment

Have an issue when we try to deploy webjob to a web app via Visual Studio.
If we try to set 10 minutes interval it returns 409 response
If we try with one hour interval it is successful.
We have Standard app service plan, so it should be supported.
Always on is activated for web app.
We have also tried another approach that described here
There is Publish Succeeded. but if we look on webjob in VS Cloud Explorer it has Fail status
Any ideas how can we solve it?
After some researching, found the issue, but actually in old Azure portal.
It was necessary to set standard tier for the job collections that was created for jobs under web-apps.
New portal doesn't have simple way to get that (or I didn't find it as simple like I done that with old portal) and again the super-fine thing it's possibility to configure job schedule on the old portal, while it's not possible on new one... or again I didn't find that
