Sucess local debugging but 502 error in when deplying teams messaging extension app - microsoft-teams

I'm developing a messaging extension app using the Teams Toolkit following examples in the docs.
The app is pretty simple, all it really does is call a third party API and returns results. Everything works fine when debugging, but as soon as I try to deploy the app it fails to function, returning a 502 error when the search query is executed.
I've tried adding AllowedDomains to the app manifest with no luck.


Android Management API WebApp create/patch failed with HTTP error code 503

I have an issue with Android Management API when trying to create/patch a WebApp with an icon. If the imageData is not correct, the API returns a detailed error but if the imageData is encoded as expected, the API returns a HTTP 503 error code with message "The service is currently unavailable.". I thought this error would be transient but the REST calls seem to always fail. Any information could be helpful.
This error usually occurs when adding icons on AMAPI webApps. This issue is still pending in our Engineering’s backlog, Unfortunately, we have no shareable timeline or additional info.
If you want to stay up to date with the latest updates for Android enterprise, we suggest that you join the Android Management API mailing list to receive monthly updates and service advisories directly to your inbox.
The API has been fixed. We no longer have this problem.

Microsoft Bot emulator with luis-endpoint issue

I am new to bot framework and am building a bot using microsoft.
It is working fine when i create and run locally.
When i try integrating with Luis it throws errors in emulator:
I have used the appid and apikey all same as in Luis portal.
Endpoint url is also exactly the same.
Earlier when i was using :
endpoint: https://${ process.env.LuisAPIHostName }
It was throwing error directly.
But when i use direct url: is my url)
It does not throw error on npm start.
But after first few commands it stops.
When i click on Luis trace i see errors as above.
But what surprises me is in emulator it shows the predictions for the entities.
If there is issue with endpoint, how is it doing the prediciton?

Receiving a 'Submit Failed' error when trying to make changes to API configuration

I have made a simple bot for Google Chat, which has been working perfectly fine for the past couple of weeks. I tried to make a change to the API configuration for Hangouts Chat, and am greeted by this error.
I have tried making different changes to the API, and receive the error every time. Even simple things such as disabling the bot status gives me the same issue.
I tried re-making the project from scratch, as well as trying a different account on the same domain. The issue persists.

Bot Framework always getting unauthorized response

I started using Microsoft Bot Framework and followed step by step all tutorials.
I has been able to register a new bot and to deploy it working good with emulator, but except it nothing else works.
Test connection to your bot chat do not works despite I get answer from emulator and from all connected channels, that where created and registered properly I always get an Unauthorized response or something like that, anyway no response, so nothing works.
I tried with Twilio, Web Chat, Telegram (Skype auth is pending) getting always the same response.
As it seems I strictly followed the tutorials, is there something else to do or to be approved? Or just the service is still not working at 100% as too young?
If you are using HTTP you need to disable basic auth because the connector won't send your appSecret in the clear.
The solution is to make sure you register as HTTPS, or if you need to use HTTP then disable the basic auth.
Took me a while to get it working locally too. Oddly for me it only works when those 'secret' fields are empty, as mentioned and running in debug.
Running without debugging seems to always result in a 401
Hi I was facing same problem to work bot locally in v3. I just made everything blank in web.config and it is working.
I solved the problem.
It was related to https. It's not well explained into tutorial but when you create and publish a service in Azure it is created as as shocased into tutorial, but it will not work as your service must run in https.
I so used to create a free ssl certificate then turned on SSL into my Azure service so everything started working.
I've cleaned up the getting started with the following; hopefully it will make it clearer for the next person who uses it:
Click the “Register a Bot” button and fill out the form. Many of the fields on this form can be changed later. Use a the endpoint generated from your Azure deployment, and don’t forget that when using the Bot Application template you’ll need to extend the URL you pasted in with the path to the endpoint at /API/Messages. You should also prefix your URL with HTTPS instead of HTTP; Azure will take care of providing HTTPS support on your bot. Save your changes by hitting “Create” at the bottom of the form.
Make sure you are using HTTPS. BotFramework will not work with basic auth so tokens are not passed in the clear.
Make sure that you republish your bot service after registering and getting the app Id and password. If you fail to do this you will get Unauthorized. The steps are 100% clear on this and I hit this for a minute.

App is not authorized to scopes after installing via chrome web store

We are in the process of creating our new app for v2 of the apps marketplace. Recently we have run into quite a major issue and we are having a lot of trouble resolving it.
We are testing the workflow where a domain admin installs via the chrome webstore listing. The actual installation of the app works, insofar as the app is installed on the domain and the scopes appear to be granted when looking at the "Manage API client access" section in the domain admin panel (
However, when we attempt to use the service account to get calendar or contacts info, we are getting "Requested client not authorized" errors.
"error" : "access_denied",
"error_description" : "Requested client not authorized."
However, if we manually add our service account + scopes to the domain in question, then accessing the data programmatically works fine (
So, clearly we are missing something here, with how installing a marketplace app via the chrome web store is supposed to work.
Other things to note:
Chrome webstore listing is marked as unlisted.
New marketplace app is not approved (obviously) as the tester received this specific error when attempting to install the marketplace app.
We got it figured out. The issue was in how we declared our contacts API scope in the marketplace sdk setup screen.
In the marketplace setup screen, we declared using the contacts scope without a trailing slash ("").
However in our app, we were sending oauth requests for the calendar feed with the slash at the end. (""). This mismatch caused the whole request to fail with the error message above.
If anyone runs into this and is baffled at why their service account requests are failing, make sure you are consistent with your slashes at the end!
I would suggest to Google that you should update the marketplace sdk screen to also be consistent and reject scopes that do not have a slash at the end. That would have saved us days of frustration.
