Does anyone know why snmp mibs i have downloaded for a specific device is not working? - snmp

So i am trying to make a catalog of OIDs for a device, I downloaded the manufacturer's MIB for the device and placed it into the file path where SNMP mibs are stored on linux. but when i run an SNMP walk on the specific device using its ip and specify a directory for Mib location it gives me an error. For example, snmpwalk -v1 -c public -M /usr/share/snmp/mibs (device specific ip) gives me a result of the following with no specification on the device specific oids. Does anyone have any idea why that might be the case?
enter image description here


Can I identify and set network device names in an Anaconda kickstart file?

I'm creating a kickstart file for RHEL 8 and am trying to simplify network connectivity among machines. All of the machines will have onboard ethernet ports that will distribute eno1 and eno2 names, but also a separate card which will generate unique names when RHEL is installed.
My question is, can I use the kickstart to identify copper or fiber connections and give them names there or will I need to do this in the post-install section?
Can I use the kickstart to identify copper or fiber connections and give them names there or will I need to do this in the post-install section? From the Kickstart commands for network configuration you can set from the kickstart
B.4.1. network (optional)
Use the optional network Kickstart command to configure network information for the target system and activate the network devices in the installation environment. The device specified in the first network command is activated automatically. You can also explicitly require a device to be activated using the --activate option
--device= - specifies the device to be configured (and eventually activated in Anaconda) with the network command.
If the --device= option is missing on the first use of the network command, the value of the ksdevice= Anaconda boot option is used, if available. Note that this is considered deprecated behavior; in most cases, you should always specify a --device= for every network command.
The behavior of any subsequent network command in the same Kickstart file is unspecified if its --device= option is missing. Make sure you specify this option for any network command beyond the first.
You can specify a device to be activated in any of the following ways:
the device name of the interface, for example, em1
the MAC address of the interface, for example, 01:23:45:67:89:ab
the keyword link, which specifies the first interface with its link in the up state
the keyword bootif, which uses the MAC address that pxelinux set in the BOOTIF variable. Set IPAPPEND 2 in your pxelinux.cfg file to have pxelinux set the BOOTIF variable.
For example:
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=em1
Good Luck Pal

Bash-Ubuntu 18.04-ROS-Melodic: Ping to IP address does not return anything

I have a Velodyne Puck 16 sensor that I have been trying to connect to ROS Melodic for the past few days. My OS is Ubuntu 18.04. I was able to find out the address of the lidar using WireShark, as it is possible to see below:
So the IP is:
After very very carefully following the installation procedure in the official documentation everything I was trying was unsuccessful.
So I decided to apply a simple ping procedure to the address of the lidar:
ping it does not return any package of information despite it seems connected.
The problem I have is that, despite I know the IP address of my Velodyne 16 using Wireshark, the lidar does not answer to a simple test as the ping of the id.
Steps I followed:
1 Configure your computer’s IP
Below the connection procedure: I created a velodyne_interface connection, see below:
Existing Connection
2 Connecting your computer to LIDAR through terminal
emanuele#pc:~$ sudo ifconfig enp109s0
Add a static route to the LIDAR's IP address.
emanuele#pc:~$ sudo route add enp109s0
3 Checking the configurations [Problem is here]
To check the connection open your web browser and access the following sensor’s network address.
The problem is that I never get to see the webpage showing the lidar data. Basically I never get to see the page below provided in the official documentation:
What is happening? Why is that happening?
There is probably some problems with the routing. You can try debugging the routing issues, some googling will probably help there. Some commands which might help pinpoint the problem tracepath -n and ip route list.
The easiest solution to your problem would be to just configure the "velodyne_interface" you created to the same subnet as your velodyne lidar. So in the "velodyne_interface" set your ip to for example. Connect to the "velodyne_interface" connection, verify that you have the ip you set by typing ip a or ifconfig in some terminal and you should be able to access the Velodyne web interface from From there you can configure the velodyne sensor networking to the settings you like.

Net-SNMP host snmpwalk

I'm trying to get data on the host with net-snmp (
snmpwalk -v2c -c public
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::host = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID
Here's what it returns, the agent is configured on public to read-write and read-only.
The queried device ( most likely doesn't implement the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, which is located beneath the branch.
If you've just installed/enabled NET-SNMP, keep in mind that the default snmpd.conf configuration file is fairly restrictive regarding queries from different hosts. You will need to update the configuration file to publish data from this branch.
It means the agent doesn't support any SNMP information underneath or at
the oid you requested. Or it does, but you don't have access to it. (try it with 'private' community)

Identify mac or local ip address

I have a list of mac addresses and local ip addresses from my router.
In order to use the right ip address I need to identify which device is behind each ip address.
So my question is how can I know which device is linked to each address? Is there a way for me to find this out from my computer only?
You can obtain some information by portscanning.
sudo nmap -O $IP_ADDRESS
will return some information about the OS, you can possibly use this to identify which device is which?

Mac-os-x how to get network details like ip-address, subnet mask,etc

I am new to Mac-OS-X development. I want to get the users Network details just for displaying it in my application. Details such as the IP address, Subnet mask, status whether connected or not, etc.
Is it possible to get the same??
And secondly, Is the IP address different for wireless lan connections and the normal ethernet connections?? I am a little weak at networking concepts.
Any help will be appreciated.
note: I already tried searching the apple developer site for leads but wat i could find is only the System Configuration Programming guide
Strange.. There are no Frameworks or classes to get the IP address... But i somehow managed to get my hands on the following information.. First with this reference.. And secondly i found that..
As mentioned in the link, If we manually set the IP, then it gets stored in the preferences.plist.
But if we set the IP to DCHP, then we can get the ConfigMethod as "DCHP" and hence check the, it'll have the details for the IP address.
Hence with the use of both the plist and checking whether the ConfigMethod is "Manual" or "DCHP" we can get the current IP address albeit this is not documented anywhere.
