ansible playbook to find active vlan access interfaces - ansible

I want to write an Ansible script for Cisco Catalyst. My target is all ports that are access ports will be configured with spanning-tree bpduguard enable and if there is configured spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter that will be disabled.
I wrote the below script and got the below result where "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"
if anyone could help I will be very glad.
- name: bpdu guard enable
hosts: catalyst
gather_facts: false
ansible_connection: ansible.netcommon.network_cli
ansible_network_os: cisco.ios.ios
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: enable
ansible_user: ****
ansible_password: ******
- name: Gather listed l3 interfaces
state: gathered
register: f
- name: debug the collected output and file
with_items: '{{ f["gathered"] }}'
msg: '{{ item["name"] }} is mode {{ item["mode"] }}'
when: 'item["mode"] is defined and item["mode"] == "access"'
- name: conf push no bpdufilter
- no spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter
parents: '{{ item["name"] }}'
when: 'item["mode"] is defined and item["mode"] == "access"'
- name: conf push bpduguard
- spanning-tree bpduguard enable
parents: '{{ item["name"] }}'
when: 'item["mode"] is defined and item["mode"] == "access"'


Ansible Tower how to pass inventory to my playbook variables

I am setting up a vmware job in Ansible Tower to snapshot a list of VM's, ideally, this list should be generated by AWX/Tower from the vSphere dynamic inventory. Inventory is named "lab_vm" in AWX and use either the hostname or the UUID of the VM.
How do I pass this through in my playbook variables file?
host: '{{ lookup("env", "VMWARE_HOST") }}'
username: '{{ lookup("env", "VMWARE_USER") }}'
password: '{{ lookup("env", "VMWARE_PASSWORD") }}'
vcenter_datacenter: "dc1"
vcenter_validate_certs: false
vm_name: "EVE-NG"
vm_template: "Win2019-Template"
vm_folder: "Network Labs"
my playbook
- name: vm snapshot
hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
- community.vmware
- include_vars: vars.yml
- name: create snapshot
# hostname: "{{ host }}"
# username: "{{ user }}"
# password: "{{ password }}"
datacenter: "{{ vcenter_datacenter }}"
validate_certs: False
name: "{{ vm_name }}"
state: present
snapshot_name: "Ansible Managed Snapshot"
folder: "{{ vm_folder }}"
description: "This snapshot is created by Ansible Playbook"
You're going about it backward. Ansible loops through the inventory for you. Use that feature, and delegate the task to localhost:
- name: vm snapshot
hosts: all
become: false
gather_facts: false
- community.vmware
- include_vars: vars.yml
- name: create snapshot
datacenter: "{{ vcenter_datacenter }}"
validate_certs: False
name: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
state: present
snapshot_name: "Ansible Managed Snapshot"
folder: "{{ vm_folder }}"
description: "This snapshot is created by Ansible Playbook"
delegate_to: localhost
I've not used this particular module before, but don't your want snapshot_name to be unique for each guest?

Ansible: Get Variable with inventory_hostname

I have the following passwords file vault.yml:
server1: "pass1"
server2: "pass2"
server3: "pass3"
I am loading these values in a variable called passwords:
- name: Get Secrets
passwords: "{{ lookup('template', './vault.yml')|from_yaml }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- name: debug it
var: passwords.{{ inventory_hostname }}
The result of the debugging task shows me the result I want to get: The password for the specific host.
But if I set the following in a variables file:
ansible_user: root
ansible_password: passwords.{{ inventory_hostname }}
This will not give me the desired result. The ansible_password takes "passwords" literally and not as a variable.
How can I achieve the same result I got when debugging the passwords.{{ inventory_hostname }}?
Regarding the part
... if I set the following in a variables file ...
I am not sure since I miss some information about your use case and data flow. However, in general the syntax ansible_password: "{{ PASSWORDS[inventory_hostname] }}" might work for you.
- hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
SERVER1: "pass1"
SERVER2: "pass2"
SERVER3: "pass3"
localhost: "pass_local"
- name: Debug var
- name: Set Fact 'ansible_password'
ansible_password: "{{ PASSWORDS[inventory_hostname] }}"
- name: Debug var
var: ansible_password
In that way you can access a element by name.

How to check the OS version of host which in dynamically added to inventory

I'm trying to get server name as user input and if the server OS is RHEL7 it will proceed for further tasks. I'm trying with hostvars but it is not helping, kindly help me to find the OS version with when condition:
- name: Add hosts
hosts: localhost
- username: test
password: test
- name: server1
prompt: Server_1 IP or hostname
private: no
- name: server2
prompt: Server_2 IP or hostname
private: no
- add_host:
name: "{{ server1 }}"
- cluster_nodes
- primary
- management
ansible_user: "{{ username }}"
ansible_password: "{{ password}}"
- add_host:
name: "{{ server2 }}"
- cluster_nodes
- secondary
ansible_user: "{{ username }}"
ansible_password: "{{ password}}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ hostvars['server1'].ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
When I execute the playbook, I'm getting below error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: \"hostvars['server1']\" is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/var/lib/awx/projects/pacemaker_RHEL_7_ST/main_2.yml': line 33, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - debug:\n ^ here\n"}
You need to gather_facts on the newly added host before you consume the variable. As an example, this will do it with automatic facts gathering.
- name: Add hosts
hosts: localhost
- username: test
password: test
- name: server1
prompt: Server_1 IP or hostname
private: no
- name: server2
prompt: Server_2 IP or hostname
private: no
- add_host:
name: "{{ server1 }}"
- cluster_nodes
- primary
- management
ansible_user: "{{ username }}"
ansible_password: "{{ password}}"
- add_host:
name: "{{ server2 }}"
- cluster_nodes
- secondary
ansible_user: "{{ username }}"
ansible_password: "{{ password}}"
- name: Gather facts for newly added targets
hosts: cluster_nodes
# gather_facts: true <= this is the default
- name: Do <whatever> targeting localhost again
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false # already gathered in play1
# Warning!! bad practice. Looping on a group usually
# shows you should have a play targeting that specific group
- debug:
msg: "OS version for {{ item }} is 7"
when: hostvars[item].ansible_distribution_major_version | int == 7
loop: "{{ groups['cluster_nodes'] }}"
If you don't want to rely on automatic gathering, you can manually play the setup module, e.g. for the second play:
- name: Gather facts for newly added targets
hosts: cluster_nodes
gather_facts: false
- name: get facts from targets

Ansible vars_prompt for host list into Import_playbook

I want to use a specific host / host list for an imported playbook which I get from a vars_prompt input. How can I do this? So far I wasn´t able to get this running.
I have two playbooks which I need to run separately and ios_check_routerports.yaml is the parent playbook:
- hosts: '{{ branch_number }}'
connection: network_cli
gather_facts: False
any_errors_fatal: no
throttle: 75
- name: "branch_number"
prompt: "Which branch do you want to check?"
default: all
private: no
- name: Check facts
gather_subset: hardware
- name: Create directory
path: /root/ansible/pb-outputs/ios_check_routerports/
state: directory
- name: Run playbook
import_playbook: ios_check_routerports_main.yaml
- hosts: '{{ branch_number }}'
connection: network_cli
gather_facts: False
any_errors_fatal: no
throttle: 75
- name: Check default-gateway
commands: sh run | i default-gateway
register: default_gateway
I tried to set a fact for the var {{ branch_number }} like this:
- set_fact:
devices: "{{ branch_number }}"
- hosts: '{{ devices }}'
connection: network_cli
The playbook always runs into an error because the hosts var is not defined. What am I doing wrong here?
try this: no need to create a new variable devices but a dummy host
in ios_check_routerports.yaml add a task:
- name: Register dummy host with variable
name: "DUMMY_HOST"
DEVICES: "{{ branch_number }}"
then :
- hosts: "{{ hostvars['DUMMY_HOST']['DEVICES'] }}"
connection: network_cli
as you create a new host, i suggest you to delete it if you havent need the variable branch_number so remove_host doesnt exit:
either you do a first task - meta: refresh_inventory
or you modify your host like this:
- hosts: "{{ hostvars['DUMMY_HOST']['DEVICES'] }},!DUMMY_HOST"

Ansible playbook to check connectivity to windows host and report status

I am trying to put together a playbook that will connect to hosts and report back if the connection was successful or not. The result of the connection check should be stored in a variable. I had a crack at this by using the ansible facts, however I cannot workout how to handle unsuccessful connections to hosts.
- name: Set Facts variables
server_domain: "{{ ansible_domain}}"
server_ip: "{{ ansible_ip_addresses[1] }}"
- name: Set PowerShell parameters
ps_params: '-server_ip "{{ ansible_ip_addresses[1] }}" -server_domain "{{ ansible_domain }}"'
- name: Execute Script
win_shell: "powershell.exe -file \\PSfile.ps1 {{ps_params}}"
Try this:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
ignore_errors: true
ignore_unreachable: true
# email_file The filename to attach to the email
# email_recipient email address to send the email to
# email_subject text to appear in the subject line
email_subject: "Windows Server Connection Report for {{ awx_inventory_name }}"
email_file: ./failed_connect_report.csv
ansible_port: 5985
- name: Write header and ensure the email file exists
path: "{{ email_file }}"
line: 'VM Name,IP Address,Distribution,Port,Note,Port,Note'
state: present
mode: '0774'
create: yes
insertafter: EOF
become: no
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: True
when: email_recipient != ''
- name: Test connectivity to port {{ ansible_port }}
register: result
- name: Did we fail to talk to this host?
- set_fact:
ip_addresses: "unknown"
- set_fact:
distribution: "unknown"
- name: Did we fail to talk to this host?
line1: "{{ inventory_hostname }},{{ ip_addresses }},{{ distribution }},{{ ansible_port }},FAILED - {{ result.msg | replace(',',' ') }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- set_fact:
failed1: "True"
when: ((result.unreachable is defined and
result.unreachable == True) or
(result.failed is defined and
result.failed == True)) and
email_recipient != ''
- name: Log the success
line1: "{{ inventory_hostname }},{{ ansible_facts.ip_addresses.0 }},{{ ansible_facts.distribution }},{{ ansible_port }},SUCCESS"
delegate_to: localhost
when: (failed1 is not defined) and
email_recipient != ''
