xPath: fetch element with an attribute containing the text of another element - xpath

Given I have the following HTML structure:
<button aria-labelledby="ref-1" id="foo" onclick="convey(event)">action 2</button>
<div class="anotherElement">foobar</div>
<div id="ref-1" hidden>target 2</div>
I would like to fetch button by its aria-labelledby attribute. I tried the following options:
//*[#aria-labelledby = string(.//*[normalize-space() = "target 2"]/#id)]
//*[#aria-labelledby = .//*[normalize-space() = "target 2"]/#id]
But wasn't able to fetch the element. Anyone has an idea what the right xPath could be?
Edit: simply put: how do I fetch the button element if my only information is "target 2", and if both elements can be randomly located?

//button[#aria-labelledby=(//*[contains(.,'target 2')]/#id)]
//button[#aria-labelledby=(//*[contains(text(),'target 2')]/#id)]

Since button and div are the same level siblings here you can use preceding-sibling XPath expression like this:
//div[text()='target 2']//preceding-sibling::button
pay attention with with your actual XML this will match 2 button elements.
To make more precise math I think we will need to be based on more details, not only the target 2 text


xPath - Why is this exact text selector not working with the data test id?

I have a block of code like so:
<ul class="open-menu">
<li data-testid="menu-item" class="menu-item option">
<strong>Text Here</strong>
<li data-testid="menu-item" class="menu-item option">
I'm trying to select a menu item based on exact text like so in the dev tools:
$x('.//*[contains(#data-testid, "menu-item") and normalize-space() = "Text"]');
But this doesn't seem to be selecting the element. However, when I do:
$x('.//*[contains(#data-testid, "menu-item")]');
I can see both of the menu items.
It seems that this works:
$x('.//*[contains(#class, "menu-item") and normalize-space() = "Text"]');
Not sure why using a class in this context works and not a data-testid. How can I get my xpath selector to work with my data-testid?
Why is this exact text selector not working
The fact that both li elements are matched by the XPath expression
if omitting the condition normalize-space() = "Text" is a clue.
normalize-space() returns ... Text Here ... for the first li
in the posted XML and ... Text ... for the second (or some other
content in place of ... from div/svg or div/small) causing
normalize-space() = "Text" to fail.
In an update you say the same condition succeeds. This has nothing to
do with using #class instead of #data-testid; it must be triggered
by some content change.
How can I get my xpath selector to work with my data-testid?
By testing for an exact text match in the li's descendant strong
.//*[#data-testid = "menu-item" and div/strong = "Text"]
which matches the second li. Making the test more robust is usually
in order, e.g.
.//*[contains(#data-testid,"menu-item") and normalize-space(div/strong) = "Text"]
Append /div/small or /descendant::small, for example, to the XPath
expression to extract just the small text.
data-testid="menu-item" is matching both the outer li elements while text content you are looking for is inside the inner strong element.
So, to locate the outer li element based on it's data-testid attribute value and it's inner strong element text value you can use XPath expression like this:
//*[contains(#data-testid, "menu-item") and .//normalize-space() = "Text"]
.//*[contains(#data-testid, "menu-item") and .//*[normalize-space() = "Text"]]
I have tested, both expressions are working correctly

Xpath: Select elements based on descendants that do not have a certain attribute

I am scraping through real estate listings from a certain site that contains multiple pages.
Here, I have summarized a structure nested deep in the DOM. I want to select all list items, based on the descendants that do not have a certain attribute name like <div id="nav-ad-container">
<ul class="photo-cards photo-cards_wow photo-cards_short photo-cards_extra-attribution">
<div id="nav-ad-container" class="zsg-aspect-ratio"></div>
However, given that the attribute and the attribute's name change in the DOM for each page.
For example:
#id = 'nav-ad-container' or #class = 'nav-ad-empty'
In general, I want to retrieve the list items that do not contain the name pattern 'nav-ad'.
Things that I've tried with no success (still selects every list item)
xpath + //li[not(contains(#class, 'nav-ad'))]
xpath + //li[not((contains(#class,'nav-ad')) or contains(#id,'nav-ad'))]
Can anyone guide me toward a solution? I feel like I'm pretty close but missing something.
filter by classname of list items or descendants:
(not tested)

I need to click this input only if it has "aria-checked ="true"

I need to click this input only if it has "aria-checked ="true"
<input class="mat-checkbox-input cdk-visually-hidden" type="checkbox" id="mat-checkbox-131-input" tabindex="0" aria-checked="true" style="" xpath="1">
aria_checked = true
if aria_checked = true
impressora_etiqueta = "//mat-checkbox[#id='mat-checkbox-23']/label/div"
page.find(:xpath, impressora_etiqueta).click
There are many ways to do what you want - simplest is probably
page.first('#mat-checkbox-23[aria-checked="true"]', minimum: 0)&.click
which will look for the first element with the given id and aria-checked = "true" and click it if one exists.
Note: the id in your test and sample HTML didn't match so I went the id from your test, adjust as needed. Also you have a class of cdk-visually-hidden shown -- If that's actually making the element not visible on the page, then this won't work and you'll need to add more surrounding HTML to your question with a better description of exactly what you're trying to do (you can't click on non-visible elements)

How to get descendants with a specific tag name and text in protractor?

I have the following structure (it's just for sample). In protractor, I am getting the top element by id. However, the other elements do not have id's. I need to get the "label" element that contains the text '20'. Is there an easy way in protractor to select the element with a specific tag that contains a specific text from all the descendants of a parent element?
<pc-selector _... id="Number1">
<div ...></div>
<div ...>
<div ...>
<check-box _...>
<div _ngcontent-c25="" ...>
<label _ngcontent-c25="">
<input _ngcontent-c25="" type="checkbox">
<span _ngcontent-c25="" class="m-checkbox__marker"></span>
20 More text to follow</label>
I could't find anythitng, so I have tried with xpath, but protractor complains that my xpath is invalid:
parentElement = element(by.id('Number1'));
return parentElement.element(by.xpath(".//label[contains(text(),'20'))]"));
Any ideas?
You have an additional bracket in your [contains(text(),'20'))] which is likely causing you issue but there are multiple other ways this can be achieved using a single XPath or chaining other locators.
The process is that you must find the div with the correct id first and then locate the label that is a child of it.
//Chained CSS
You also may be interested to learn about xpath axes which can allow us to do very dynamic selection.
You can use the direct xpath to access the label.

Xpath get element above

suppose I have this structure:
<div class="a" attribute="foo">
<div class="b">
<span>Text Example</span>
In xpath, I would like to retrieve the value of the attribute "attribute" given I have the text inside: Text Example
If I use this xpath:
.//*[#class='a']//*[text()='Text Example']
It returns the element span, but I need the div.a, because I need to get the value of the attribute through Selenium WebDriver
Hey there are lot of ways by which you can figure it out.
So lets say Text Example is given, you can identify it using this text:-
//span[text()='Text Example']/../.. --> If you know its 2 level up
//span[text()='Text Example']/ancestor::div[#class='a'] --> If you don't know how many level up this `div` is
Above 2 xpaths can be used if you only want to identify the element using Text Example, if you don't want to iterate through this text. There are simple ways to identify it directly:-
From your question itself you have mentioned the answer for it
but I need the div.a,
try this
use cssSelector for best result.
or else try the following xpath
//div[contains(#class, 'a')]
If you want attribute of div.a with it's descendant span which contains text something, try as below :-
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class = 'a' and descendant::span[text() = 'Text Example']]")).getAttribute("attribute");
Hope it helps..:)
