NoClassDefFoundError on package in my OSGi maven plugin - osgi

I'm trying to parse WSDL files using the EasyWSDL library on my (atlassian) maven plugin project. I keep getting this error when I try to parse the file and it fails when the project tries to reach the TransformerFactoryImpl class from said "xalan" package. The package is located inside the JDK, so it's supposed to be available to runtime, yet for some reason it can't reach it.
I've tried importing the package through
section of the pom.xml, but that gives me the following error:
Unresolved requirements: [[my.plugin.package [304](R 304.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (]
Which makes it seem like the other packages of xalan are found, except for the xsltc.trax one.
I've tried creating a bundle extension for OSGi that exports this one package and exposes it to the classpath but due to lack of experience and pretty poor documentation on that matter I can't get that working either. Adding Xalan as a dependency and using <scope>provided</scope> does nothing as well.
I need to find a way to put this specific package on the classpath when the program is running. When I run unit-tests on my implementations they work just fine, so it seems to purely be a runtime classpath problem.
Is there anyone with experience on this matter? I've little experience with OSGi, and my experience with maven isn't huge either. So I'm hoping it's something I did wrong myself instead of this being an impossible problem to solve.


How the MANIFEST file is being generated in my AEM osgi bundle?

I created one maven project with aem-project-archetype version 13.
After installing the bundle to AEM, I am getting error in felix console that 3 of the imported bundles could not be resolved.
I am trying to find out that from where these are being included into my manifest file which is inside the target/MANIFEST folder.
so that i could modify the versions of the respective bundles.
the error i am geting in felix console, my bundle is in installed state, not active,version=[2.10,3) -- Cannot be resolved,version=[2.2,3) -- Cannot be resolved,version=[1.4,2) -- Cannot be resolved
When you're developing AEM applications, the OSGI bundle (and Manifest) is typically generated via the Felix maven-bundle-plugin.
The plugin writes your package imports based on the java packages you import in your all of your Java code. If you are importing from a maven dependency, say Sling the version for that import will be the package version from Sling.
The issue you are having here could be one of two
The package you are importing does not exists in OSGI (AEM Instance)
There a mismatch between the version in your maven dependencies and the version in OSGI (AEM instance). Hence OSGI cannot resolve the version you are importing.
2. is likely the case because sling is always bundled with AEM.
What can you do to debug/fix?
You can go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/depfinder
and try your packages there to see what version is actually exported
in OSGI.
Check wha versions of your dependencies you have in your pom.xml
and make sure the OSGI version is within the range specified by the
manifest imports. You can use maven dependency tree to list all
your dependencies and their versions.
This specific to AEM, if you are using uber-jar make sure you are
using the correct version for the correct AEM instance you're
Note that in manifest imports the range [2.10,3) means it accepts all versions between 2.10.0 and 3.0.0 but NOT including 3.0.0. In my experience, Maven bundle plugin will always write the range where the min is your maven dependency package version and the max is the next major version.
Changing the imports manually:
This is not recommended and has very specific use cases, but you could manually tell the bundle plugin what version to add to the imports. See import-package instruction in the bundle plugin docs
These imports are based on the code you compiled against. There are not some nasty little tidbits that are there to pester you. Their purpose is to verify that what you run against is compatible with what you compiled against. I assume that the runtime has a lower version than you require. This implies that your compile path as setup in Maven has later versions than your runtime. If you could run your code you would likely run into Class Not Found Exception or No Such Method errors.
And maybe not. But then you might have the worse situation that things are not correct (promises made during compilation might not be fulfilled) and problems might happen much later after damage has been done.
This stuff is there for a very good reason. They are like earth pin on plugs, they protect you.
How to fix this? Take a look at your dependencies. Your must ensure you compile against a version that is lower or equal then what is present in your runtime. You can first look at the versions in your POM. If these versions are not there then look at the compile path Maven uses.
Replacing the numbers in the manifest is like sawing off the earth pin on a plug because otherwise it won't fit in the wall ... bad idea.

"Circular reference involving containing bean" error while starting tomcat in IntelliJ

I did a "mvn clean package" which downloaded all the external dependencies and was successful. There are jars with overlapping classes and I see that above error when I try to run my application using IntelliJ IDEA. Same result on eclipse too. How can I solve this issue?
I also see
"Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:" of a method but I see that class in multiple jars downloaded by maven which are under /root/.m2/repository folder. A couple of those jars have same exact package path and name.
Please let me know if I have to provide more details on this issue.
It turned out to be an actual bug. Different implementations are provided with same class and root package by two different jars (It's a no-no). But still not sure why my VirtualBox VMs are loading that class from one jar 100% of the time while for all others in my team that class is loaded from the correct jar.

How to OSGIfy a library

I'm working on a project, it's integration project, we are using Apache Camel and Apache Karaf.
In the project, I need to use the Jira REST Java client library.
So I've read quite a lot of various articles and threads about how to wrap non-OSGI library to OSGI bundle, but I'm really not sure if I got it right.
So, I've created a POM file with a dependency to the needed library. Made a package and tried to deploy it to Karaf, of course, Karaf complained for missing packages.
So, I've found corresponding maven dependency, added it, package goes into <Import-Package> and dependency into <Embed-Dependency>.
Another round, deploy, find dependency, add, ... and again, and again, until Karaf is fine with the bundle.
Is that really correct? It seems to me like quite crazy, so I guess I don't got it as usualy :)
Finally, the package get to stable that was on my work computer, I checked it quickly and went home, there I continued but, strange, the same POM / package, compiled on my personal computer is not working, again complaining about missing package, but this time, this package is for sure in the POM file and for sure it is embeded in the package, I can see it there.
This missing package is this time org.apache.commons.codec.
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle jiraclient.bundle [134]: Unable to resolve 134.0: missing requirement [134.0] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=org.apache.commons.codec)
at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.resolveBundleRevision([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.jar:]
at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.jar:]
at org.apache.felix.framework.BundleImpl.start([org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.jar:]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.startBundle([6:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.2.6]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.startBundles([6:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.2.6]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.startAllBundles([6:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.2.6]
at org.apache.felix.fileinstall.internal.DirectoryWatcher.process([6:org.apache.felix.fileinstall:3.2.6]
So, now I'm totally confused, what is wrong :(
Pretty please, guys, help me. Thanks!
The POM file is long, so I guess link is better:
Yes OSGi is IMHO "far from easy to use" in terms of its deployment model, requiring 100% bundles with osgi metadata in MANIFEST.MF files. And you need a PhD in mathematics to understand the BND tool. And unfortunately many JARs are not OSGi bundles.
Looking at your pom.xml file with all the imports|exports, and that "not easy to understand" syntax, would just take 5-sec for any average engineer to understand that this "something is wrotten in the state of Denmark" ; eg OSGi != the world we live in. This must and should be easier IMHO.
You can install a plain JAR in Karaf using the wrap url handler:
Another trick is to create an uber JAR, eg to put it all in a single JAR file and then you can deploy that.
There is also FAB (Fuse Bundles) which makes OSGi deployment easier, as it handles much of this craziness for you at deploy time, instead of you having to deal with the OSGi MANIFEST.MF madness:

Missing websphere.jar when migrating project from WAS4 to WAS7

I have been assigned a job to compile an old Websphere(WAS4) project, so we can find out which parts of it need to be changed for the project upgrating( to WAS7).
But when I was trying to fix the jar errors, wesphere.jar is missing!! And WAS7 installation path never hava this jar anymore, searching google failed. And I don't like to install older WAS again to just get this jar.
please anybody can help with this, providing an WAS4 version webspere.jar???
TKX in advance!
The jar file itself isn't important, the classes within it are. I don't recall what was in websphere.jar, but there's a good chance that what was is now in j2ee.jar. In fact, if your code isn't using any WebSphere-specific extensions, there's a good chance j2ee.jar is the only jar from WebSphere that you'll need for compiling.
But you should be able to see what specific classes are being complained about by the compiler and if necessary search for those by opening the jar files in like WinZip.
(Keep in mind that the larger changes are the changes to J2EE and Servlet specification levels.)

Spring jar dependencies

Trying to build Spring-based application one needs to figure out all necessary dependencies the application will have.
For example, I was using HibernateTemplate, and each time I run the application the ClassNotFound exception comes out. So I “google” for jars that contains this particular class, after search mvnrepository to find appropriate artifact. Always confuse about which version to use.
And it’s happened again and again, and only after few hours and few dozens of dependencies added the application become runnable.
But even after that, I tried to use my app. on different computer with slightly different parameters, and slf4j class not found error appeared, even after testing extensively on the developer machine, still some dependencies missing.
Now it works fine, but I want to distribute my application, and not sure if on another system there will no dependency missing.
So, what is the best practice to determine all necessary dependencies not only at design time but in runtime too? Is there any tool for that?
How one can manage versions confusion, when there are dozens of dependencies each with its own version?
They both resolve dependencies, so you keep a dependency file and it does all the heavy lifting of making sure everything is included in your builds. Use the full spring dependency list. I had problems with SLF4J too.
