I'm trying to publish an APP at Google Play and I have some doubts about how Age Rating and Target Audiences work. I want my APP to be 18+ so I've set my Target Audiences as 18+ but my IARC Age Rating is giving 12+ or 16+ in some Countries.
So my question is, if I set my Target Audiences to 18+ and my IARC rating says 12+ or 16+ (depending on the country), will the APP be available for Kids or not ?
Because I can't find any info in Google Developers about which one actually defines that, if the Target Audiences or the Age Rating...
[Edited as suggested by #Nick. Also made clearer the problem I am having. Also done a further edit to explain further.]
In my app on the Google Play Dashboard I have created an in app purchase called test1. So what is the product id I put in the following?
String productString = "test1";
bp.purchase(this, /* "YOUR PRODUCT ID FROM GOOGLE PLAY CONSOLE HERE" */ productString);
The purchase function is from Android In-App Billing v3 Library as noted by #Nick .
The error I am getting when I just have productString = "test1"; is it is saying:
The item you requested is not available for purchase
When I do: bp.purchase(this, "com.mywebsite.jon.myappname.test1"); to make it look as much as possible like the test purchase example
I get the error from Google Play:
Error while retreiving information fro server. [DF-AA-20]
I am not sure if this is important:
I am at the very early stage of testing in Internal Testing (not
Alpha or Beta testing).
My developer account and my purchaser accounts are different
I have the purchaser account email in my testers group
A product ID is described in the documentation here. It is:
"Product ID - A unique, human readable ID for your product. Product IDs are also called SKUs in the Google Play Billing Library."
If you called your in app purchase "test1" then it is "test1".
-------- Edit
One problem (or good thing) with using 3rd party libraries (which is what the one is you link to is) rather than the Google Libraries is you don't get the official documentation. Google has produced some ok documentation on testing in app billing.
I'd go through all the steps on that page, and if it still doesn't work say the step where you failed. I suspect what is going wrong is you haven't yet published your app to the Play store. Before a real in-app product is purchased (as opposed to the test product names like 'android.test.purchased') The app must be published.
Don't worry if you don't want to publish your app to the world yet. You can use an Internal Testing Track. An Internal test track publish won't be visible to anyone except the test accounts you add to it. And it won't affect your position in things like top charts for newly released apps. It is specifically there to test things like purchases or Google Play license verification.
I just started using Facebook Analytics for Apps and everything is looking great, I'm logging events etc, but still not getting age and gender data, no matter if the user logs or not. I've searched the documentation for some rule or best practice, but no solution so far.
Let me know if I'm missing something. Platform is Unity using the Facebook SDK for Unity.
Facebook Analytics only shares aggregated and anonymized demographics to protect the privacy of it's users. Therefore you need to be looking at at least 100 unique users before demographic data will be displayed.
I have three different subscription purchases with different duration. I've configured test accounts and I can do test purchases. For those purchases Google doesn't charge me, but they look pretty much like real ones. When purchase is successfull, In-App Billing sends me some data about my purchase like packageName, productId, orderId, purchaseToken and so on.
In my handling code I need to know somehow if this purchase is real or not. In plain text: did I really earn money for it or was this purchase made by some test account and I earned for it nothing? I need this kind of info for purchases accounting.
So the question is: How do I distinguish between real and test subscription purchases in code?
P.S. I'm using Xamarin and C# for development.
You can make real purchase on a alpha/ beta version if your account is not added to licensed accounts list in your Google Play developer account.
Check this:
With alpha/beta test groups, real users (chosen by you) can install
your app from Google Play and test your in-app products. They can make
real purchases that result in actual charges to their accounts, using
any of their normal payment methods in Google Play to make purchases.
Note that if you include test license accounts in your alpha and beta
distribution groups, those users will only be able to make test
To know which purchase is real and which is test one, check for orderId in response. No orderId will be assigned for test purchases.
Issue with Android IAP, no OrderID in Purchase Object
On the latest v3 Android Publisher API, you can obtain a SubscriptionPurchase object provided you have the Package name, SubscriptionId and the Token.
The SubscriptionPurchase object contains an optional (null-able) integer field named purchaseType. According to Google, when it is set and the value is 0, this is a Test subscription. I can confirm this works and matches the data I am getting back.
Here is the quote from Google's documentation:
// The type of purchase of the subscription. This field is only set if this purchase
// was not made using the standard in-app billing flow. Possible values are: 0.
// Test (i.e. purchased from a license testing account) 1. Promo (i.e. purchased
// using a promo code)
Adsense api returns ad unit names associated with the ad unit id. But the names aren't unique like "on main page". These adunits are part of an application created using admob. Some applications have more than 1 ad unit. I can't seem to find an api call that will tell me the application name an ad unit id belongs to. How can I get the application name of a adunit id using their API?
As far I know, your-own ad unit "name convention" (like app001_abc, app002_def, app003_ghi) and "Contains substring" filters like AD_UNIT_NAME=#app001_, AD_UNIT_NAME=#app002_, AD_UNIT_NAME=#app003_ is probably the only option. (In v1.4.)
GET https://www.googleapis.com/adsense/v1.4/accounts/pub-0123456789012345/reports?startDate=today&endDate=today&dimension=AD_UNIT_ID&dimension=AD_UNIT_NAME&filter=AD_UNIT_NAME%3D%40app001_&metric=EARNINGS&key={YOUR_API_KEY}
Update: Admob Now have a Dimension for App Name
Use this dimension: APP_NAME in the Advanced Reporting
Source: https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/reporting
Here is an example of getting the app name:
https://www.googleapis.com/adsense/v1.4/accounts/{{You account Id}}/reports?startDate=today&endDate=today&metric=EARNINGS&key={{YOUR API KEY}}&dimension=AD_UNIT_ID&dimension=AD_UNIT_NAME&dimension=APP_NAME
Now copy your App name, and add it inside filter, e.g. filter=APP_NAME%3D={{Your App Name}} to exclude other apps. Here is a complete example:
https://www.googleapis.com/adsense/v1.4/accounts/{{You account Id}}/reports?startDate=today&endDate=today&metric=EARNINGS&key={{YOUR API KEY}}&filter=APP_NAME%3D={{Your App Name}}&dimension=AD_UNIT_ID&dimension=AD_UNIT_NAME&dimension=APP_NAME
There's currently no dimension for apps
Writing from the year 2017. Now you can use APP_ID / APP_NAME / APP_PLATFORM as filters or dimensions in reports. Combining APP_ID with AD_UNIT_ID you can separate ad units in report by appropriate apps.
'dimension' => ['DATE','AD_UNIT_ID'],
'filter' => 'APP_ID==2:com.my.app'
Prefix 1 is for iOS, 2 - for Android. You can also use numeric APP_ID - from App management page
More examples are in the docs
There's currently no dimension for apps. You can group the AdMob requests if you add AD_CLIENT_ID to the list of dimensions of your report, or filter them.
The ad units created with AdSense (for content) have ad client IDs similar to "ca-pub-1234567890" and the ones created with AdMob are different, like "ca-app-pub-1234567890".
I can get a user to rate my windows phone 8 app by displaying the REviewTask. However, I can't tell if they actually submitted a rating.
Is there some way to tell if a user of my app has rated it?
For bonus points, can I tell what rating they gave?
There is really no way to tell this. You may be able to retrieve a list of reviews (and related informations such as rate, user name, device model), but you can't associate them to a specific Windows phone device.
I would advice to generate a code for users who are using your app and then make them type it into the review. So that, when you fetch the list of reviews, if you are able to find that code, the user rate your app. You can finally also check which rating they gave you.