Google Event Create API - img tag not loading - google-api

I'm using Google Calendar API to create Calendar Event.
In the Description for the event, I'm passing complete HTML containing Anchor tag, Image tags. Anchor tags are loading fine but images in the image tag is not loading.
When I inspect the Created Calendar event, I see the given image tag URL is wrapped by google URL. If I load the URL in another tab, it is redirecting to the actual URL.
I have tried styles with back-ground image passing URL, still it is not working.
Below is the HTML Description I'm using:
<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset='utf-8'></head><body style='padding:' 0px;='' margin:='' 0px;'='' style='background: #eeeeee; background-color: #eeeeee;'><div>This is main Div</div><div><a href=''>Google website </a></div><div><img src = '' alt="test"></div></body></html>
Please refer to all the images.
enter image description here
enter image description here

Based on the Calendar API documentation HTML tags are optional, so it should be supported. However, in terms of HTML Image tags, they may not be supported as images in events are created as attachments. That could be the reason why the image does not show in the Calendar event result.
Moreover, you can use these values below for attaching images.
"attachments": [
"fileUrl": "URL link"


How to render text only data inserted from WYSIWYG editor?

I am using admin lte summer note. There is a image upload option as well. I have uploaded a image at the very beginning of the blog. But in landing page where i have to show blog (image, title, and little bit of description) in description part it renders image but i want to render text only.
My recommendation is to add new field to the blog database and name it prefix where you put small description about your blog, anyhow you can skip html tags by using this helper
{{ strip_tags($yourString) }}
but yet the prefix field method is better

How to get the image blob from filepond for other components in vue

I am working on a page where there is a configuration setup and a preview pane. I wish for filepond to provide the bitmap(blob?) image when an image is uploaded so that it can be displayed in the live preview creator pane div tag rather than the element(filepond) it is originally shown on, is this possible.
I am using vue-filepond
You receive the file item in the onprocessfile callback. The file property contains the file object. You can use URL.createObjectURL and pass the returned URL to an image src to show the image.
Assuming you have an <img> on the page something like this should work.
const image = document.querySelector('img');
image.src = URL.createObjectURL(fileItem.file);

How do I place a static google image map url in an img tag?
Notice that you don't need to do anything "special" to get this image
to show up on the page. No JavaScript is required. All we needed to do
was create a URL, and place it within an tag. You can place a
Google Google Static Maps API anywhere on your webpage where you can
place an image.
How do I place the URL within an tag?
See this example running from
Quick example
Here In this example I have not used any key but you have to use key as given in documentation to avoid any errors
<img width="600" src=",New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap

Fetch image from server and render it in

I want to fetch image from the server, save it locally and and display when user opens the show page - with Rubymotion.
I am using AFMotion to fetch the image url as follows.
In my show screen I can get the image url with news.image_url. My doubt is how do i pass this to the layout file where I can add some styles to it like
I have found a solution to my own question. This is what i have done.
In the on_load method of the show news page, I pass the image url and set the remote_image for the UIImageView to the image url passed.
I got the solution from the red potion documentation.

XPages - show image contained with email in xpage document

I am working on an internal helpdesk. Emails address to the helpdesk appear in a Notes View, and I can open the document in XPages and see the text. But it won't show any inserted images within the text.
I can list the attachments as external links (courtesy of but I can't seem to get a handle on the images.
Any ideas ??
One way around that challenge is to use a Dojo ContentPane. It has a href attribute that can point to a different url. You then can point it to the content rendered by the classic engine:
Note: this won't work in XPiNC
To you HelpDeskOpenDoc.xsp XPage add a Rich Text control and bind it to the Rich Text Field with the images and other rich content ...
<xp:inputRichText id="inputRichText1" value="#{document1.Body}"></xp:inputRichText>
