bash or powershell parsing jason file content - bash

I would like to manipulate the content of jason file.
I've tried with powershell or linux bash but I was unable to get what I want.
On linux, I was thinking to use jq tool, despite obtains data, I cannot manipulate them.
jq '.[].pathSpec, .[].scope' jasonfilepath
Current output:
My goal is to obtain something similar as:
scope pathSpec
file /u01/app/grid/*/bin/oracle
file /u01/app/oracle/product/*/db_1/bin/oracle
Jason file sample
"actions": [
"deep": false,
"dfi": true,
"dynamic": true,
"inject": false,
"monitor": false,
"pathSpec": "/u01/app/grid/*/bin/oracle",
"scope": "file"
"actions": [
"deep": false,
"dfi": true,
"dynamic": true,
"inject": false,
"monitor": false,
"pathSpec": "/u01/app/oracle/product/*/db_1/bin/oracle",
"scope": "file"
Do you have any idea to get this kind of expected output in Powershell and bash?
Thanks by advance,

Assuming a JSON input file named file.json:
In a Linux / Bash environment, use the following:
jq -r '.[] | .scope + " " + .pathSpec' file.json
In PowerShell, use the following (adapted from a comment by JohnLBevan):
(Get-Content -Raw file.json | ConvertFrom-Json) |
ForEach-Object { '{0} {1}' -f $_.scope, $_.pathSpec }
Note the (...) around the pipeline with the ConvertFrom-Json call, which is necessary in Windows PowerShell (but no longer in PowerShell (Core) 7+) to ensure that the parsed JSON array is enumerated in the pipeline, i.e. to ensure that its elements are sent one by one - see this post for more information.


How to extract data from a JSON file into a variable

I have the following json format, basically it is a huge file with several of such entries.
"id": "kslhe6em",
"version": "R7.8.0.00_BNK",
"hostname": "abacus-ap-hf-test-001:8080",
"status": "RUNNING",
"id": "2bkaiupm",
"version": "R7.8.0.00_BNK",
"hostname": "abacus-ap-hotfix-001:8080",
"status": "RUNNING",
"id": "rz5savbi",
"version": "R7.8.0.00_BNK",
"hostname": "abacus-ap-hf-test-005:8080",
"status": "RUNNING",
I wanted to fetch all the hostname values that starts with "abacus-ap-hf-test" and without ":8080" into a variable and then wanted to use those values for further commands over a for loop something like below. But, am bit confused how can I extract such informaion.
HOSTAME="abacus-ap-hf-test-001 abacus-ap-hf-test-005"
sh ./
The first line command update to this:
HOSTAME=$(grep -oP 'hostname": "\K(abacus-ap-hf-test[\w\d-]+)' json.file)
or if you sure that the hostname end with :8080", try this:
HOSTAME=$(grep -oP '(?<="hostname": ")abacus-ap-hf-test[\w\d-]+(?=:8080")' json.file)
you will find that abacus-ap-hf-test[\w\d-]+ is the regex, and other strings are the head or the end of the regex content which for finding result accuracy.
Assuming you have valid JSON, you can get the hostname values using jq:
while read -r hname ; do printf "%s\n" "$hname" ; done < <(jq -r .[].hostname j.json)

Replace string with Bash variable in jq command

I realize this is a simple question but I haven't been able to find the answer. Thank you to anyone who may be able to help me understand what I am doing wrong.
Goal: Search and replace a string in a specific key in a JSON file with a string in a Bash variable using jq.
For example, in the following JSON file:
"name": "Welcome -",
would become
"name": "Welcome",
Input (file.json)
"url": "",
"name": "Welcome -",
"Ocurrences": "679"
"url": "",
"name": "Welcome",
"Ocurrences": "382"
Failing script (using variable)
jq --arg siteUrl "$siteUrl" '.[].name|= (gsub(" - https://$siteUrl/"; ""))' file.json > file1.json`
Desired output (file1.json)
"url": "",
"name": "Welcome",
"Ocurrences": "679"
"url": "",
"name": "Welcome",
"Ocurrences": "382"
I've tried various iterations on removing quotes, changing between ' and ", and adding and removing backslashes.
Successful script (not using variable)
jq '.[].name|= (gsub(" -"; ""))' file.json > file1.json
More specifically, if it matters, I am processing an export of a website's usage data from Azure App Insights. Unfortunately, the same page may be assigned different names. I sum the Ocurrences of the two objects with the newly identical url later. If it is better to fix this in App Insights I am grateful for that insight, although I know Bash better than Kusto queries. I am grateful for any help or direction.
Almost. Variables are not automatically expanded within a string. You must interpolate them explicitly with \(…):
jq --arg siteUrl '' '.[].name |= (gsub(" - https://\($siteUrl)/"; ""))' file.json
Alternatively, detect a suffix match and extract the prefix by slicing:
jq --arg siteUrl '' '" - https://\($siteUrl)/" as $suffix | (.[].name | select(endswith($suffix))) |= .[:$suffix|-length]' file.json

Invalid numeric literal when passing a truncated JSON object to jq

I have a response from cURL which looks like this:
{"username": "bot", "verified": true, "locale": "en-US", "mfa_enabled": false, "bot": true, "id": "123", "flags": 0, "avatar": null, "discriminator": "3114", "email": null} 200
which is stored in variable called auth
Then I want to be able to loop that object doing this:
response=$(jq -c "." <<< "${auth::-3}")
Note that I remove the last 3 characters because those are the status code.
So technically it should work, but it returns: parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 11
If I enter the raw JSON as a string, it works. But not like this. Why?
response=$(jq -n --argjson auth "${auth% *}" '$auth')
...which will work correctly with versions of bash too old to correctly support ${auth::-3} (a 4.x-only feature), and which will also log enough details to track down any issue caused by the content passed to jq when run with bash -x yourscript.

JQ query on JSON file

I am having below code in JSON file.
"comment": {
"vm-updates": [],
"site-ops-updates": [
"comment": {
"message": "You can start maintenance on this resource"
"hw-name": "Machine has got missing disks. "
"object_name": "4QXH862",
"has_problems": "yes",
"tags": ""
I want to separate "hw-name" from this JSON file using jq. I've tried below combinations, but nothing worked.
cat jsonfile | jq -r '.comment[].hw-name'
cat json_file.json | jq -r '.comment[].site-ops-updates[].hw-name'
Appreciated help from StackOverflow!!!
It should be:
▶ cat jsonfile | jq -r '.comment."site-ops-updates"[]."hw-name"'
Machine has got missing disks.
Or better still:
▶ jq -r '.comment."site-ops-updates"[]."hw-name"' jsonfile
Machine has got missing disks.
From the docs:
If the key contains special characters, you need to surround it with double quotes like this: ."foo$", or else .["foo$"].

json processing in .sh files

"id": "1636ea48-28b7-783a-48dd-5e041f10d9e6",
"name": "Test_Component1",
"desiredVersions": [],
"children": false
"id": "1636f939-136f-4609-ab93-238b1af193fe",
"name": "Test_Component2",
"desiredVersions": [],
"children": false
I am writing command in Execute Shell window in Jenkins. I have this json in a variable. I want to extract both Id values so further processing in next set of command can be done.
Using jq:
$ echo "$var" | jq '.[].id'
is it a string? If so, you can use a regexp expression to extract the ID´s values. Like:
