Spring boot verify google oauth token - spring-boot

I have used spring-security-oauth2-client for social login with google and facebook. Now while making mobile application I have to use in-app login where I am getting id-token, access-token, providerID etc from Google.
How I can connect my api server with this token? Token from google gives me following error while validating
Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Key bytes can only be specified for HMAC signatures. Please specify a PublicKey or PrivateKey instance.
My Goal is simple.
verify user login
If user exists then give JWT token otherwise create user and give token to access api's
How can I do this?


Invalid signature Azure access token jwt.io

I generated access tokens using Azure AD+ Spring Boot using Outh2 Authorization code grant flow.
But when I try to validate the token generated (using Spring Boot resource server apis) I get an "Invalid Signature" Error.
Question is I get "Invalid Signature" error when I copy/paste the token in jwt.io as well.
Jwt.io image
Does that mean that my access token does not actually have a valid signature ??
When I switched the Algorithm from RS256 to HS256 in jwt.io it says that the signature was verified. Which I found strange.
Is there any way I can know what algorithm is used by Azure AD to generate Access tokens after successful user login??
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
I generated Authorization code by using the below endpoint:
&scope=openid profile
I generated the access token using Authorization code grant flow using Postman by using below parameters:
scope:openid profile
When I decoded the above access token, I got the same error like below:
Note that: Graph API token doesn't require validation (aud is Graph). Graph access token will not pass Signature verification in the code because access token is not for the application.
To resolve the issue, you can try replacing the scope as api://ClientIDofApp/.default while generating the token like below:
The access token decoded successfully without any error like below:
openid - Signed JWT rejected: Invalid signature azure-spring-boot (github.com)

Spring security oauth2 login with google

I want to create a login with google option and give authorities to the user depending on the user info returned. I've successfully done what I want for login with github following this tutorial:
which basically uses #EnableOAuth2Sso annotation and the following properties
I can't do the same for google, so the problem should be in application.properties. I register my app with google, download the json that is given to me along with id & secret, but there seems to be missing the uri for security.oauth2.resource.user-info-uri property. I've searched online for that uri and tried to run the app with some values but with no success. Am I right that I need this property and how do I find it?
You need to request this information during authorization via scopes. This information is returned in the Identity Token and not the Access Token. If you requested the identity information you can also call the Google OAuth endpoint with the Access Token which returns the Identity Token.

Laravel API Passport Token

I have a question about laravel passport... I did the code and it is working very good, my question is about the token.
My friend has an mobile app which it will connect to my Laravel API... I already gave him a grant token my question is, do I have to give him a new token everytime that he wants to connect to the API? or just with that one is enough? one token and it works everytime?
I think that it works like this:
He wants to connect.
He passes the token to access to the API.
The API creates a response.
Am I correct?
For mobile application you should use password grant for Api protection. For password grant, the general concept is the API will give the app client the following parameters for accessing the auth client to get an access token and refresh token.
grant_type: password
When the user login in the mobile application, the mobile app will use the above parameters and also the user's username and password to request a user specific access token, this token usually will be active for 60 minutes, after 60 minutes, the app client need to use the refresh token to get a new access token.
After getting the user access token, for the rest of your APP's api, the mobile client need to use this access token to access them.
For Laravel Passport, you can check out the password grant document here:
To understand more about what password grant is check out this link:
Note: From what I understand from your description, the grant type you are using is Client Credential Grant, this type is best for using system to system API authentication.

spring boot oauth2.0 and spring security: How to grant permission(authorities) to user login via facebook or slack

I have an auth server built using spring boot oauth2.0 and follows david_syer model.
My auth server does following -
Let user login via third party oauth provider like google or let user create his account on our server using username and password and generate token.
So, when user uses external oauth like google to login then I simply store the token and pass the same(google) token to my UI app for accessing resource api servers. I have an authentication filter that verifies token and allow api access.
When user uses username and password to get token we store user and his permissions and generate a token for him. Now UI uses our auth servers generated token to access resource api servers.
Now my question is
Is this the correct way of using token from external api and using the same to access our resource api server?
And how do I add authorities to user who are signing up using 3rd party oauth provider since I don't add user entry and authorities for them?
So, spring security which loads user and user authorities (loadUserByUsername() from UserDetailsService) will not have any thing if user came from eternal provider.
I have a suggestion for step 2:
After the user uses the google authentication, and gets redirected back to your application page, do the claims transformation on your server and generate your own token issued by the identity server that you have.
The reason is you will be able to provide specific claims and the claims names does not necessarily required to match up.
That way you keep verifying your own token all the time on the client app. So lets say the user uses Facebook instead of Google and even in that scenario as you will assign your own token, you need not to verify the token coming from different third party Identity servers.
That way, your identity server trusts Facebook, Google provided token and your application will trust only your identity server so your app doesn't need to know about what IDP is issuing the token.
And with the approach I suggested above, you will be able to even modify the claims for the user on your own and don't have to depend upon the third party identity server to provide claims.

Custom Manual Oauth2 Authentication at RESTful Service

I am developing some RESTful services for our mobile app using Spring Boot. I succesfully implemented Oauth2 authentication with our registration using username and password. Users can authenticate by using username and password. Also our client want to be authenticated with their custom token. They have a web service that you send token and response is true or false.
My first thought was, I can write a service like /custom-login and that service accepts custom token. In my service I can check this token with external service and if it is valid I call oauth2 authentication and return oauth2 authentication response.
How can I implement custom authentication oauth2 ?
OAuth2.0 spec allows for custom grant types,
So your auth server can create an custom grant type,
for eg: let's assume your wanted to authenticate with Google using Google access token, so you will create new grant_type called google_token
So now when your users wanted to authenticate using Google access token , they will pass like
Then your auth server can verify the access token with Google and optionally verify client is issued to, etc and once verified , it can return your own access token
This applies for third party auth severs, so you can create number of custom grant types
