What should I use with sass to make this code run well? - sass

$frameSize: 100 / $chCount;
#keyframes type {
#for $ch from 1 to $chCount {
$frame: $ch * $frameSize;
#{$frame}% {
width: $ch * $chWidth;
100% {
width: ($chCount - 1) * $chWidth;
padding-right: 0;
this is some code which I took from codepen for animating text, but this section of the code was not valid in vscode even in SASS


Using sass #function inside #for

I have some sass function to create same margin, and it is inside loop like this
$short-margins: ( top: 'mt', left: 'ml', bottom: 'mb', right: 'mr' );
#for $i from 0 through 200 {
#each $position, $prefix in $short-margins{
.#{$prefix}-#{$i} {
margin-#{$position}: #{$i}px;
This will create margin classes like this mr-0 and so on until mr-200, the problem is in line
margin-#{$position}: #{$i}px;
There I create px in loop, but i need that to be in rem? I ahve some function like this
$base-font-size: 14px;
// Remove units from the given value.
#function strip-unit($number) {
#if type-of($number) == 'number' and not unitless($number) {
#return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);
#return $number;
// convert only single px value to rem
#function single-px-to-rem($value) {
$unitless-root-font-size: strip-unit($base-font-size);
#return $value / $unitless-root-font-size * 1rem;
But when i want to use function inside loop like this
#for $i from 0 through 200 {
#each $position, $prefix in $short-margins{
.#{$prefix}-#{$i} {
margin-#{$position}: single-px-to-rem(#{$i});
It does not compile throw me error, does any body knows how ti use sass #function inside #for?
You are doing it right, but you need to send the $i value without interpolation:
#for $i from 0 through 200 {
#each $position, $prefix in $short-margins{
.#{$prefix}-#{$i} {
margin-#{$position}: single-px-to-rem($i);

Mixin (PXTOEM) provides error in CSS output

I use Drupal FortyTwo theme. The theme provides a mixin named PXTOEM:
// Calculate percentage with font-size as context
#function pxtoem($pixels...) {
$result: '';
#each $item in $pixels {
$result: $result + ($item + 0) / $default-font-size + em + ' ';
#return #{$result};
In my scss file I use it like:
.header-menus {
padding: pxtoem(0, $grid-gutter-width);
But after compiling it doesn't get the proper output?
padding: 0/pxem 0.75/pxem; (see screenshot)[![Screenshot][2]][2]
Instead of + 0 you should add pixels: + 0px. And instead of + em use + 0em.
Sassmeister demo.
If you can not modify source code of the theme, create your own function.
$default-font-size: 16px;
// Calculate percentage with font-size as context
#function pxtoem($pixels...) {
$result: '';
#each $item in $pixels {
$result: $result + ((($item + 0px) / $default-font-size) + 0em) + ' ';
#return #{$result};
.header-menus {
padding: pxtoem(0, 30, 30px);
Css output:
.header-menus {
padding: 0em 1.875em 1.875em ;

Interpolate and add percentage for transform: Invalid property value

I'm trying to interpolate a value and add it into a transform translate string like this:
#for $x from 1 through 30 {
#for $y from 1 through 30 {
$xt: calc(#{$x} * 100%);
$yt: calc(#{$y} * 100%);
.stone-0#{$x}0#{$y} {
transform: translate(#{$xt}, -#{$yt});
But the output I'm getting is:
.stone-0204 {
transform: translate(calc(2 * 100%), -calc(4 * 100%));
How can I get the output:
.stone-0204 {
transform: translate(200%, -400%);
Solved with:
.stone-0#{$x}0#{$y} {
transform: translate(percentage($x), -#{percentage($y)});

SASS Multiplication with units

If I try to multiply two value with units I get an unexpected error.
$test: 10px;
width: $test * $test;
result: 100px*px isn't a valid CSS value.
I have used interpolation in the past when I want to do math with variables, and I think it is the simplest solution. If this doesn't work for you, perhaps it is due to a difference in compilers?
$test: 10px;
width: #{$test * 2};
In fact width: $test * 2; compiles to width: 20px for me, you don't even need to use interpolation for simple math. I am using ember-cli-sass, which uses broccoli-sass-source-maps, which uses node-sass, which wraps libsass, to compile my SCSS to CSS. But it seems to work fine in this jsbin which uses SCSS with Compass.
Where interpolation really helps is if you need to use calc.
$test: 10px;
width: calc(50% + #{$test * 2}); // results in calc(50% - 20px)
Multiplying units in SASS works like multiplying units in physics / engineering / chemistry / [insert science here].
(see more about this at https://www.sitepoint.com/understanding-sass-units/)
Multiplying two pixel values, will get you px^2, which is an area, not a distance.
What can you do? If you are certain you will be multiplying pixels, use a function and divide by 1 pixel.
$test: 10px;
#function multiply-px($value1, $value2) {
#return $value1 * $value2 / 1px;
.testing {
width: multiply-px($test, $test);//100px
If you don't know which units you'll be using in advance, you can strip the units from $value2, such that you always get the units of $value1.
(read more on that at https://css-tricks.com/snippets/sass/strip-unit-function/)
$test: 10in;
#function strip-unit($number) {
#if type-of($number) == 'number' and not unitless($number) {
#return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);
#return $number;
#function multiply-use-first-unit($value1, $value2) {
#return $value1 * strip-unit($value2);
.testing {
width: multiply-use-first-unit($test, $test);//100in
//try this
$test: 10;
width: $test * $test px;
You cannot multiply two px values. Better way of doing it is function, but you have to use add in it to achieve it: -
$test: 10px;
#function calc-width($value1, $value2) {
#return $value1 + $value2;
.testing {
width: calc-width($test, $test);

Dividing percentage variable in Sass?

I have a variable which is a number and a % eg 10%. How can I use it as a value in my SASS but apply a division on it?
I have this:
$value: 0.1;
$value-percent: $value * 1%;
$value-from-50: (50 - $value) * 1%;
.test {
padding-left: $value-percent;
.test2 {
width: $value-from-50;
Which outputs this:
.test {
padding-left: 10%;
.test2 {
width: 40%;
What I now need to do is apply half of the value of $value-percent:
.test3 {
padding-left: $value-percent / 2;
So that I can output:
.test3 {
width: 5%;
Ive tried various combinations of that example code with normal and curly brackets. I can get the correct number of 10 outputted into the CSS but the % is always missing from it.
If your initial var isn't a percentage and is just a number you may need to try this:
.test {
padding-right: ($var / 2) + 0%
Which is better practice as it'll convert the value you pass it into what you're adding it to, in this case a percentage.
