Where is the "Publish" option in Visual Studio 2022 Mac - visual-studio-mac-2022

I recently set up Visual Studio 2022 (preview) on the Mac (M1) Version 17.3.
I spent quite a bit of time migrating an older .Net MVC (4.6.1) project and finally got it to build and run locally.
I them went to publish it to a test IIS server I run remotely but I cannot find the "Publish" option for the project. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Hopefully a dumb question...


Unable to run a Blazor Server App on Microsoft Visual Studio IDE Version 17.2.0 Preview 5.0

I have a Blazor Server project created with Microsoft Visual Studio IDE Version 17.2.0 Preview 1 and it was debugging and starting without any problems.
When I upgraded to Version 17.2.0 Preview 5.0, I am unable to build the project, run the project or even close the IDE. Popup UIs are showing up each time I try to do any of these actions.
I am now closing the IDE using the Task Manager. I have attached screenshots with descriptions and if anyone has ever solved this please assist me to get over this.
I have tried the following:
Created a new project but the problem remains.
Repaired Visual Studio IDE but the problem remains.
I am using:
Blazor Server and .NET 6.
The IDE is Microsoft Visual Studio IDE Community Edition Version 17.2.0 Preview 5.0
I will appreciate any help I can get.
The above error shows up when I try to debug the project:
The above error shows up when I try to close the IDE:
I created a Blazor project in Visual Studio 2022 17.2.0 Preview 5.0, built the project and ran without encountering this issue.
Please try closing Visual Studio, deleting the project's .vs and bin/obj folders, and reloading the project.
If the issue still exists, please run /safemode at the development command prompt, it will check if third-party packages and extensions are causing the issue.

"Configure application insights" not showing in VS2017 and how to view insights locally in VS2017?

We have recently upgraded the visual studio from 2015 to 2017 pro.
In visual studio 2015,we have implemented application insights and that was working fine.
After upgraded to 2017, the option "Configure application insights" not showing in solution explorer.
I have reinstalled Microsoft.ApplicationInsights and Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web packages. but no use, which is not showing.
Please suggest the steps to check application insights locally using visual studio 2017.
Refering to the documentation, you have to install the following workloads for Visual Studio 2017:
ASP.NET and web development
Azure development
Being more specific, do you need the pack Developer Analytics Tools from ASP.NET and web development

TFS Gated build progress indicator is not working correctly

I used to use VS 2010 with TFS 2010 and everything was fine. Since I upgraded to VS 2012 and at the same time TFS 2012 build progress indicator is not working correct. It shows Started 0 seconds ago and it will stay until end of the build, then says build is done. I tried using VS 2013 Preview and nothing different.
Is this TFS 2012 problem or Visual Studio? How can that be solved?
Thanks for the help!
Have a look in this registry key:
for a ReportPollingInterval node. If it's there then delete it (if it's not then this probably doesn't answer your question).
I just upgraded to Windows 8.1 and now it is working fine. Maybe I shouldn't say upgrading to Windows 8.1 will fix it. Because I have another machine that has Windows 8.1 Preview and I can still reproduce it. Upgrading from Windows fixed it. Thanks everyone for helping!

Cannot build Windows Azure Cloud project in VS 2010 after installing VS 2012 side by side

According to Microsoft the side-by-side installation of Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 is supported (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms246609.aspx).
I already had VS 2010 installed on my system (Windows 7 box) along with the Windows Azure Tools 1.5. I used this configuration to create a cloud project that is hosted on Azure. A few days ago I decided to also put VS 2012 on my system but to do it in a side-by-side manner rather than upgrading (or uninstalling) the VS 2010. The reason why I did not want to uninstall VS 2010 was that I already had some add-ons configured for it for script and css minification and aggregation. I heard that VS 2012 has this functionality built-in but I did not want to touch the dozens of scripts that I had already created using the older method. So I wanted to keep my VS 2010 environment in a pristine, working state in case there was an emergency and I had to publish a patch for my already hosted application. I would use VS 2012 for all the new projects going forward.
However, after I put VS 2012 on my box it also brought down 1.8 version of Azure SDK. As a result, I can no longer successfully build my VS 2010 solution. I have one worker role and one web role in that solution. If I build each one of them individually the builds succeed. But if I then try to build the entire solution or package it, it fails with no message in the log whatsoever. It just shows "Build Failed" in the VS status bar.
Since I was not getting any error in the status bar, I decided to create a "Hello World" application from scratch with only one web role using Windows Azure Cloud project template in VS 2010 hoping to get a better error message. Indeed, when I try to build the entire solution I get an error:
Error 102 WAT080 : Failed to locate the Windows Azure SDK. Please make sure the Windows Azure SDK v1.5 is installed. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Windows Azure Tools\1.5\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets
Clearly the installation of VS 2012 and Azure SDK 1.8 corrupted the older version. Ideally I would like to keep VS 2010 + Azure SDK 1.5 truly side-by-side with VS 2012 + Azure SDK 1.8. Is there a way to do this? If not, then how can I fix the error above? In other words, how can I fix VS 2010 to work with Azure SDK 1.8?
All you help is greatly appreciated.
I solved this by going to Microsoft site and installing Windows Azure SDK for .NET - October 2012 (1.8).
Initially I was a bit afraid and people were saying that it would not work and they encouraged to do a manual one-by-one install. However, I decided to use the Web Platform Installed link from the above page:
All in all, things went smoothly.

The error "This project is incompatible with the current version of visual studio" displayed

I installed Vs 2010 Express in my PC, and created a poject named myproject with .net 4.0, it works well in Vs 2010 Express.
Now I installed Vs 2012 Express in my PC, and open the project myproject and upgrade it to .net 4.5, it wells well in Vs 2012 Express too.
I delete the project myproject all files, then restore it from my old backup file, when I try to open the project from Vs 2010 Express, I get the following information.
"This project is incompatible with the current version of visual studio", why?
How can I open the project in Vs 2010 Express? I guess the Vs 2012 Express maybe mark the project as .net 4.5 and stored the information in the somewhere of hard drive. Although I restore the project myproject from old backup file, Vs 2010 Express still think it is a project of .net 4.5.
If the message "This project is incompatible with the current version of Visual Studio" is due to an attempt to open a project targeting .Net 4.5 with Visual Studio 2010, then the "solution" or workaround is to edit the .csproj file and change the TargetFrameworkVersion from "v4.5" to "v4.0". That at least allows the project to be loaded, although it may result in compiler errors if the program is dependent on 4.5 features.
I know this is a little old, but just in case the above solutions don't work: don't be an idiot like me and try to open an MVC project using "VS for Desktop" instead of "VS for Web" (or vice-versa), since it will give you the incompatible message.
I use TFS at my job and I tried to open a MVC project via the TFS Solution Explorer. I wasn't paying attention to which Visual Studio version I had open and since both IDE's look alike, I was confused at what was going on - a common mistake, I'm sure =P
If you are getting the same error for a project which is actually an extension (.vsix), please install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SDK
Installing KB2781514 - Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 solved the problem for me.
Check the directory that contains the solution file for an UpgradeLog.htm file. It will probably show what's wrong. In my case I tried to open an ASP.NET project, but the Web Developer Tools were not installed.
The Web Developer Tools can be installed afterwards by going to the Control Panel and to modify your existing Visual Studio installation. After adding Web Developer Tools the project opened without issues.
In my case the problem was the Component Model Cache (Visual Studio for C++).
in VS2013 it is located in
in VS2015 in
Rename this folder and restart visual studio.
I received this error because during the BizTalk install I did not check the Developer Tools and SDK checkbox. I went back and modified my installation and that error went away for me now.
Trying to load a BizTalk Project in VS2012 without BizTalk installed on your developer machine, will result in this error and the projects will load. This should be the first thing you check.
Make sure that all your extensions are same as in previous version. For me, when I upgraded from old PC to New PC, I didn't downloaded correct extensions hence resulting in above issue.
I faced out with this problem, the solution was:
Open VS2017
Go to Tools
Go to Extensions and updates
Search for Reporting Services Project and then "Enable"; close your VS.
Open again your project/solution.
