IRAF for Mac m1 - anaconda

Hi I'm trying to install IRAF with anaconda I follow these steps, but when I run iras, and I want to make something, this program doesn't recognize the commands of IRAF
i follow this tutorial:
I don't know how to fix it.

The Astroconda IRAF is a 32-bit version and does not work on M1 Macs, since they are not able to run 32-bit code.
To install IRAF for an M1 Mac, you should compile it manually, as described in This installs the latest 64-bit IRAF version. PyRAF (for Python 3) can then simply installed with pip3, see
However, it is not recommended to start with IRAF unless there is a real need for it. IRAF is old software with an uncertain future and no institutional support. The Astropy Python package and its ecosystem provide good alternatives for many tasks of IRAF.


Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both - Qt

Just to precise I'm a total beginner in this. I check on the internet and it seems that nothing match to this problem.
My goal is to run this github which is a facial recognition program:
So here is the error:
Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both
/Users/pierre/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/cv2/.dylibs/QtCore (0x1086267f0)
and /Users/pierre/anaconda3/lib/libQt5Core.5.9.7.dylib (0x122fc0a80).
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
From what I understand, I just have to indicate which one to use but I don't find anything about how to do it. Also, It seems to be a recurrent error on Mac.
I had this error on my Mac too. Apparently opencv's GUI tools were conflicting with the PYQT libraries that were also installed on my system in my anaconda/lib/ folder. So to give opencv just one set of GUI tools and since I wasn't sure what else was using PYQT in my lib, I chose to use the non-GUI version of opencv, aka opencv-python-headless. I previously had opencv-python-headless installed on my system, and maybe the two packages can't co-exist in the new version of OpenCV or with Catalina.
I removed opencv-python
pip uninstall opencv-python
uninstalled and reinstalled the headless version (which has no GUI tools)
pip uninstall opencv-python-headless
pip install opencv-python-headless
I don't know if it was necessary to remove then reinstall the existing headless package, but that's what I did. I wasn't sure that opencv-headless would find the PYQT in my lib but it didn't have any problems.

Install graph-tool on Mac OS, graph drawing issue

In the end, created an env to install graph-tool thru the channel vgauthier.
Thinking by now that I might have as well used earlier version of python or installed a whole new python latest version just for this.
But as it is all part of the learning process to creating dev. env.. (at the same time worrying my Mac has too many installations with much too interlinked dependencies)
Someone kindly let me know if this rings any bell or got any suggestion:
Incompatible library version states that requires later version of libcairo.2.dylib.
Errors could have been from:
having on .condarc file, wrong priorities btw channels, so having trouble finding the right files
(modified to the order of conda-forge > ~dir/vgauthier > default
my having given up on installing pygobject after googling it is not supported on Mac OS (which was apparently wrong or I just wasnt searching well)
Solution to easy setup of graph-tool for conda-installed python users:
Get the benefit of GUI (seriously a god option) ->
To still continue with command line (still get the idea from GUI)
conda install -c pkgw-forge gtk3
conda install -c pygobject
(if there are cairo blah blah missing, look up setup directions for igraph which has more information and help, having been an older library)
Do these before installing graph-tool, which Im still wondering why I cannot remove from the system though. ;)
For others,

How to install System Python 2.7 on a Mac

I need to know How to install System Python 2.7 on my Mac. This is because, I unknowingly uninstalled it (I thought I was removing the Python I downloaded from
I followed this Stack Overflow answer, and after the damage had been done, I read the comments telling me NOT TO do that.
The current reason I am wanting to install System Python 2.7 is because it is needed to install PyGame. Below is a screenshot of what I am facing when trying to install PyGame:
I recommend installing packages on OS X using Homebrew as it keeps everything you install in one place. Allowing you to upgrade or uninstall easily and not needing to remember how or where you installed it.
Once it is installed you simply type brew install python in your terminal. This will install Python 2.7.10 and it will be available at /usr/local/bin/python.
The only supported way to restore the system Python framework on macOS is to reinstall the operating system. It is treated as a component of the core operating system, so there is no way to selectively reinstall it.

How do you install the Haskell Platform over a previous install?

I've been working with Haskell lately, and installed gtk2hs (a gtk library for Haskell) a few days ago using MacPorts. For some reason, MacPorts saw fit to install GHC 6.10 over my previous GHC 6.12 install, but I didn't really care.
Now I find myself desiring the improved parallelism support of the latest Haskell Platform, so I installed it today, and it installed successfully - except that when I type in "ghc -v" in Terminal, I am informed that I have GHC 6.10 still.
I have tried using uninstall-hs, and it informs me that I have three Haskells on my system: versions 6.12, 6.12.3, and 7.04. I'm not sure how that 6.12.3 showed up, and what happened to the 6.10? Most importantly, how can I start running version 7.04? Thanks in advance for your help!
You should completely purge your MacPorts install of GHC and your current Platform installation and install the Haskell Platform directly with the OS X installer. After that, future versions of the Haskell Platform can be upgraded to cleanly simply by installing them.
The following command should remove your MacPorts GHC:
$ sudo port uninstall --follow-dependents ghc
You might want to execute something like find /usr /opt/local -name '*ghc*' after uninstalling everything to check that there's no remaining traces.
To really clear out the old install, you've got to go in and delete things by hand.
This will be very useful: Everywhere that GHC/Haskell Platform installs
Might want to look here also:

confused about macports

I am using MacBook Pro Mac OS 10.5 with related version of XCode. I am new to this development environment. I am learning macports, and I read information about macports from But I am still confused what macports is after reading information from this site.
I am previous working on Windows and Linux, could anyone let me know what macports is (in easy words) and what is the similar item on Windows/Linux?
thanks in avdance,
macports is a way of getting executables and other compiled code installed on your computer without having to work out the details of compiling/linking each apllication.
It is equivalent to a package manager under Linux and other Unicies. There is no direct equivalent under Windows.
It is just a convenient way to install a lot of *nix soft on your mac book. They are installed separately (not overwriting) from binaries/daemons/libs already installed on your mac (by default in folder /opl/local). Also they are much fresher than those installed on your mac.
For example 10.6 ships with bash 3.2, but after running sudo port install bash, you will get version 4.x (to make it your default shell add /opt/local/bin/bash to file /private/etc/shells, run chsh -s /opt/local/bin/bash and reopen terminal).
Note other os x package managers: fink and homebrew (superuser question)
