How change generate token path in Spring Authorization Server - spring

I would like to change url /oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials to /mytext/token?grant_type=client_credentials. Is this even possible?

If you want to change the endpoint for the client system then Yes, but in that case you've to create an api, mapping to address /mytext/token for the clients. Provide all the details from client-end that require for client_credentials grant type. Once your server received the request, you can use those details and invoke the endpoint /oauth2/token of the Authorization server.


How to validate the user in jwt

I have a rest service which stores comments from the users in the database, my architecture is an angular fronted which connects to a load balancer server (zuul) which connects to an auth server to generate the jwt.
With the jwt the frontend generate the requests to the same zuul server with the jwt, this zuul server validate the jwt and if valid will connect to another backend service to store the comment.
The backend service where the comment is stored doesn't have any security validation all endpoints are accessible as the route of this microservices are not going to be exposed? Is there any risk on this?
As there is no jwt reaching the "comment backend service" how can I get the user that actually made the request? Should I implement some kind of filter in the zuul server to get the logged user from the jwt token and include the information in the request that is being sent to the "comment backend service"? If this is possible, any ideas on how to implement it?
By default, Zuul considers the Authorization header as a sensitive header and it will not pass it downstream. So the first thing you need to do is to update Zuul configurations. Read the documentation here.
After that, in each of your downstream service, you need to add the capability to read the JWT token from the Authorization header and extract relevant information such as username, etc.

Should OAuth2 resource servers use Basic or Bearer token auth when communicating with the authorization server?

Given separate spring-security-oauth2 authorization and resource servers:
I expected the authorization server's /oauth/check_token endpoint to accept a Bearer token from a resource server in the Authorization header but it only accepts Basic auth. Note: I'm referring to the request auth token, not the token to be checked.
I think OAuth2AuthenticationProcessingFilter is responsible for extracting and validating Authorization: Bearer ..., but based on the javadoc it appears to be used only by resource servers to validate requests from users or other clients.
Should resource servers always provide Basic auth when communicating with the authorization server? What's the best practice? If Bearer tokens are acceptable, does the authorization server need to be configured as a resource server via #EnableResourceServer in order to get this functionality?
Note from the Javadoc for CheckTokenEndpoint:
Controller which decodes access tokens for clients who are not able to do so (or where opaque token values are used).
Since the client authenticates with the authorization server with Basic auth to grant access, it makes sense for the /oauth/check_token endpoint to require Basic auth as well.
Usually, the tokens the resource server receives are self-encoding (or backed by a token store), so it doesn't need to check the token by directly communicating with the authorization server anyway. Communication between the resource server and authorization server is not necessary.
If it does need to interact with the authorization server, it might be to obtain its public key if you're using JWTs. But there would be no real use in securing this endpoint, since it's a public key for a reason. Again, this would happen when the resource server starts up, and certainly not for every token it receives.

How to call a protected resource on behalf of a specific user using OAuth2 and JWT token in Spring?

So we have an authentication server where the UI application gets the access token and then it communicate with API server, it's all good. Now we are building a third application which needs SSO to authenticate the same user and that is fine too.
However, there are scenarios where this third application needs to use some resources on the API server which, from my understanding, we need to get a token from auth server using client-id/secret and then send the request with the access token. This seems ok too, however I am not sure how API server is going to authorise that token (a hint on this would be great).
But the main problem is we want this request to be sent on behalf of the user. This is because API server needs to audit all user's activities. How can we achieve this using Spring Boot/OAuth2 and JWT Token?
I went through documentation and I know about #EnableOauth2Sso #EnableAuthorisationServer etc. but this scenario is not clear and I'm not even sure it's been implemented in Spring or not.
If there is no implementation for this scenario, what do you recommend? Any experience you have had on this, can you please share?
Your API server plays the role of a Resource Server. There is an annotation designed for that purpose: #EnableResourceServer. Your client app then will consume this resource using the handy OAuth2RestTemplate.
There are two approaches to properly configure the Resource Server and get this working:
Have the public key directly in your resource server app: this way when the client app try to use a token provided by the authorization server to get a resource from the Resource Server, this will verify if the token is valid by itself.
Configure the resource server to ask the authorization server if a given access token is valid and depending of the response it will allow or decline to get the resource.
I have posted a sample app on github using the first approach. There you can see the interaction between the Authorization Server, the Client and the Resource Server, as well as all the configurations you need for this implementation. Hope it helps you.

Spring oAuth2 with JWT using different authorization and resource servers

So I currently have this POC that I'm tinkering right now. I was thinking if it was possible that I can implement a Spring oAuth2 with JWT with a Authorization Server and a Resource Server both in different projects?
Flow goes like this User gets a token or passes through the Authorization Server and as long as he has the token and it's not expired he can make requests on the resource server.
I think that is the usual way to implement that. You have one authorization service providing tokens, either itself is backed by a database containing user information or maybe is asking another user service if the credentials are valid. The returned tokens can be used to make authorized request against the resource service(s).
Maybe take a look at the grant flow here.

Laravel: API with OAuth 2.0

I am currently developing an API that I plan to secure using oauth2.
I have chosen:
I have managed to secure the endpoint (using before=>oauth in my api routes) by following the installation guide but I am at a loss as to how am I gonna be able to authenticate and access the endpoint.
I do understand that you will first need to request an access_token by sending a client_id and client_secret but what I don't get is where do I set those on the oauth server?
I see the oauth controller has endpoints for these like:
But I am clueless with what to do with them. I only managed to arrive at the conclusion that it needs a client_id, client_secret, and stuff about scopes.
Where can I set these values for the api client to use?
Thank you for your help in advance.
I don't know Laravel, but in general, the authorization endpoint (in your case, behaves as described in RFC 6749.
The specification defines four flows. If you use Authorization Code Flow among the flows, you should access the authorization endpoint with the following request parameters.
response_type=code (required)
client_id={your-client-id} (required)
scope={space-delimited-scope-names} (optional)
redirect_uri={your-redirect-uri} (conditionally optional)
state={any-arbitrary-string} (optional)
For example,
The authorization endpoint generates an authorization code and returns it to your browser.
The next step is to access the token endpoint (in your case, with the authorization code which has been issued from the authorization endpoint. Like this,
Anyway, I recommend you read RFC 6749.
