How to integrate datadog in helm chart and use that helm chart inside jenkins file? - jenkins-pipeline

I need to integrate datadog in helm chart. And do I need to add command for datadog in jenkins file as well?


Deploying more than one docker image with Helm, and developing helm charts

I am just getting started with Helm and Kubernetes. I have two docker images that I want to deploy, possibly a third in the future. I was wondering how to go about that. If I start with using the helm create chart-name, I'm able to change the docker image name and respective values to make it work, but then how do I go about having the same chart deploy another docker image. I want to have each docker image on a separate pod, would that mean different files under the template folder? I am not sure where to go from here..
Thank you for your help!

How to deploy helm chart (that are stored as images) using Ansible?

I have stored the custom made helm charts (Elasticsearch, Longhorn) in the gitlab container registry as images. How can I deploy the helm chart to a kubernetes environment using Ansible?
There are a lot of Ansible module to deploy a helm charts for example you can follow this links where you can find a lot of example:
I hope that can help you to resolve your issue .

Deploy service to Kubernetes via Go

I am trying to write a Go script which will deploy given deployment to K8S cluster. Ideally, I would like the script to do something like this bash:
KUBECONFIG="/kubeconfig" kubectl rollout restart --namespace $k8s_namespace "deployment/${service_name}"
I have been looking into the Kubernetes implementation in GitHub and the client-go code but so far the only Go APIs I found is how to create deployments like stated here But instead I want to be able to reference an existing deployment in given k8s namespace and do rollout restart.

Custom plugin menu item does not show up in Kibana deployed using Kubernetes

I have created a custom kibana plugin using the instructions from the link below.
When I build and install the generated plugin on a kibana instance deployed using a pre-built version, the plugin works and the menu item shows up in the kibana UI.
However, when I install the same plugin on a kibana instance deployed using Kubernetes, the menu item does not show up in the kibana UI. The plugin is however found inside the plugins directory. Is there any additional configuration to be done for kibana running on Kubernetes?
Installation of the plugin is done with the following command.
bin/kibana-plugin install file:///tmp/
I am using kibana version 6.8.2.

How to deploy a single node elasticsearch cluster in Google Kubernetes engine?

I have configured a small instance of google kubernetes cluster with one node. I want to deploy elasticsearch service in this cluster. How do I set up that? I need the necessary steps.
In Google Cloud Marketplacep there are different categorie of elasticsearch if you want container images:
You need just to use the gcloud pull command
Elasticsearch 5:
gcloud auth configure-docker && docker pull
Elasticsearch 6:
gcloud auth configure-docker && docker pull
For kubernetes app (like depluing directly to your cluster)
As well you can deply using HELM as suggested by #Luiz
You can use the elasticsearch helm chart and manually tune it's resources limits and requests to fit into one node.
