How to make the outside theme of geany dark moenter image description herede. Not the colorscheme but outside.
How to switch photoeditor react theme to white. Is there any configuration to change the theme OR need to customize the complete theme with assets.
How can I change the background color of a matching HTML opening and closing tag on visual studio code?
Webstorm - Jetbrains changes the background of matching tags accordingly.
On VSC, All I want is to change the background color of the matching tag:
on VSC. I've tried:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorBracketMatch.border": "#00d16e",
"editorBracketMatch.background": "#fe6659",
However nothing changed.
I am not quite sure why but this colorCustomization works for me:
"editor.wordHighlightBackground": "#f00",
Seems poorly named but works.
For Webstorm - Jetbrains try this:
File/Setting/Editor/Color Scheme/General/Code/Identifier under caret
Just change background color value.
I just installed the full version of CKEdiitor on a web page, and it works perfectly except for the change font color button and the background color button.
When used in the CKEditor it changes the text, but then when the changes are uploaded the color changes are not kept. Bold, Italic, all other formatting works perfectly!
I am using bootstrap3.
Is this a bug, or is there a setting I might need to investigate?
You need to call contents.css in page, where you want to show CKEditor's text.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path to../ckeditor/contents.css">
In IntelliJ the Darcula theme fonts look as follows
and in the default light theme they look as follows
I want to use the lighter default theme, but I find the fonts in darcula theme to be more "clear" then the default lighter theme. Can you let me know how to correct this?
PS : I am using a Linux machine
This is controlled by Settings -> Editor -> Color & Fonts -> Font
However, I do not see a difference between the fonts for Darcula and the default theme :
Darcula :
both seem to use the same Consolas, Size 12 font.
Since this is happening on Linux, from here:
Anti-aliasing of fonts is available with Oracle Java 1.6 on Linux. To
do this on a per user basis, add the following line to the user's
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=[setting]'
Two other useful links :
How to fix font anti-aliasing in IntelliJ IDEA when using high DPI?
Intellij IDEA font smoothing in linux
I had the same question, and finally was able to discover the following:
The issue is not one font smoothing, but of the Default theme and the Darcula theme using different fonts on Linux. On my computer, the Default theme uses DejaVu Sans Mono, 12pt, but the Darcula theme uses Source Code Pro, 14pt.
If you want the Darcula Font, then go to File > Settings > Editor > Colors and Fonts > Font, make a copy of the Default scheme, and then change the font to Source Code Pro, 14pt.
See also the Wikipedia article on Source Code Pro .
I found this one for GVim, but I want one for Sublime Text 2.
(This is a really hard thing to Google for, because so many ST2 color schemes are hosted on Github.)
Dayle Rees' Colour Schemes includes a Github-themed color scheme; the entire set of 41 schemes is available through Package Control under the non-British moniker "Dayle Rees Color Schemes".
The font in the screenshot is the excellent (and free!) Adobe Source Code Pro (download).
GitHub TextMate theme by sbecker (compatible with Sublime Text 2).