Is it possible to get PathPattern as a Bean in the SpringBoot web and reuse it in user code? - spring-boot

Is it possible to get PathPattern in the SpringBoot web as a Bean and reuse it in user code?
For example, if the url is : /user/1990/lily, it return the url patten on the Controller: /user/{year}/{name}.
This said:
Patterns are parsed on startup and re-used at runtime for efficient
URL matching
Reactor-netty metrics need a uriTagValue to avoid cardinality explosion,
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
.meterFilter(MeterFilter.maximumAllowableTags("reactor.netty.http.server", "URI", 100, MeterFilter.deny()));
DisposableServer server =
.metrics(true, s -> { // HERE is the uriTagValue, it's a smaple of how to handle url mapping.
if (s.startsWith("/stream/")) {
return "/stream/{n}";
else if (s.startsWith("/bytes/")) {
return "/bytes/{n}";
return s;
.route(r ->
(req, res) -> res.sendString(Mono.just(req.param("n"))))
(req, res) -> res.sendString(Mono.just(req.param("n")))))
Config the Netty to enable metrics in a SpringBoot WebFlux app:
public class NettyWebServerConfig {
public ReactiveWebServerFactory reactiveWebServerFactory() {
NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory = new NettyReactiveWebServerFactory();
factory.addServerCustomizers(httpServer -> httpServer
.metrics(true, s -> "") // enable metrics, ignore all uri, if SpringBoot Web expose URI-Match-Patterns as Bean, we can use it here.
return factory;
My wondering is that is it possible to get PathPattern as a Bean in the SpringBoot web and reuse it in reactor-netty metrics code? As simmple as: bestPattern.matchAndExtract(lookupPath)
I tested PathContainer.parsePath(s);, it seems doesn't work.

With this setup, you are not using Spring WebFlux but actually Reactor Netty directly. PathContainer and PathPattern are then irrevelant here.
I don't think reactor-netty is storing anywhere the matching UriPathTemplate when considering the HttpPredicate.


How to implement Circuit breaker in spring framework 6 declarative clients

In a spring boot project, I would like to implement CicrcuitBreaker when connecting to 3rd party services using spring frameworks new declarative client
What I have done till now
Added below dependency in POM.xml as declarative client uses webclient underneath
Added below properties in
Created a Bean of type ReactiveResilience4JCircuitBreakerFactory as below.
Customizer<ReactiveResilience4JCircuitBreakerFactory> defaultCustomizer() {
return factory ->
id ->
new Resilience4JConfigBuilder(id)
Added CircuitBreaker to the HttpServiceProxyFactory Bean as below
public HttpServiceProxyFactory httpServiceProxyFactory(
WebClient.Builder builder,
ReactiveResilience4JCircuitBreakerFactory resilience4JCircuitBreakerFactory) {
CircuitBreaker circuitBreaker =
WebClient webClient =
(request, next) ->
httpHeaders -> {
return HttpServiceProxyFactory.builder(WebClientAdapter.forClient(webClient)).build();
When 3rd party service is down it is not giving any fallback response, how to fix this.
Another approach tried
Annotating the method with #CircuitBreaker and creating fallback method, still it is giving me exception.
name = "getInventoryByProductCode",
fallbackMethod = "getInventoryByProductCodeFallBack")
private InventoryDto getInventoryByProductCode(String code) {
return inventoryServiceProxy.getInventoryByProductCode(code);
private InventoryDto getInventoryByProductCodeFallBack(String code, Exception e) {
log.error("Exception occurred while fetching product details", e);
return new InventoryDto(code, 0);
How to fix this?

Testing with okhttp and new Spring 6 http interfaces

What's the best way to write integration tests that uses the new Spring 6 http interfaces with a mock server? Example:
Blah configService() {
var client = WebClient.builder().baseUrl(baseUrl)
.defaultStatusHandler(HttpStatusCode::is4xxClientError, resp -> Mono.empty())
var proxyFactory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builder(WebClientAdapter.forClient(client)).build();
return proxyFactory.createClient(Blah.class);
interface BlahService {
ResponseEntity<Blah> getBlah();
basically trying to discover a reasonable way to use the mock server from okhttp (
with the server.url as a property I can inject the value and use it in test env as base url in my WebClient config.
I can't find anything specific on the web on this topic yet.
You will need to use #DynamicPropertySource to inject that property in your test class like so
static void properties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {
registry.add("server.url", () -> "http://localhost:" + mockWebServer.getPort());

WebServerFactoryCustomizer is not hit in a Springboot Webflux app

Following Configure the Web Server , I add a NettyWebServerFactoryCustomizer
public class NettyWebServerFactoryCustomizer implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<NettyReactiveWebServerFactory> {
public void customize(NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory) {
factory.addServerCustomizers(httpServer -> {
return httpServer
.metrics(true, s->s)
.doOnConnection(conn -> {
conn.addHandlerFirst(new ReadTimeoutHandler(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
I have two questions:
When I run the app, the customize function is not hit. Where do I miss?
My purpose is to enable the Netty metrics, I can't find any documents about config the metrics in the application.yml file. so I add the NettyWebServerFactoryCustomizer.
The second parameter of .metrics(true, s->s) is a uriTagValue, Are there any example about how to pass in value? I just use s->s because I refer this, but this maybe can't avoid cardinality explosion, Are there any function like ServerWebExchange.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.BEST_MATCHING_PATTERN_ATTRIBUTE) simple give us the templated URL?
I found the workaround of the question 1: define a bean instead of implementing WebServerFactoryCustomizer
public ReactiveWebServerFactory reactiveWebServerFactory() {
NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory = new NettyReactiveWebServerFactory();
factory.addServerCustomizers(builder -> builder
.doOnConnection(conn -> {
conn.addHandlerFirst(new ReadTimeoutHandler(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
return factory;
About your question 2 : The second parameter of .metrics(true, s->s) is a uriTagValue, Are there any example about how to pass in value?
private static final Pattern URI_TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("/test/.*");
public ReactiveWebServerFactory reactiveWebServerFactory() {
NettyReactiveWebServerFactory factory = new NettyReactiveWebServerFactory();
factory.addServerCustomizers(builder -> builder
uriValue ->
Matcher matcher = URI_TEMPLATE_PATTERN .matcher(uriValue);
if (matcher.matches()) {
return "/test/";
return "/";
.doOnConnection(conn -> {
conn.addHandlerFirst(new ReadTimeoutHandler(50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
return factory;

Springdoc GroupedOpenApi not following global parameters set with OperationCustomizer

When using GroupedOpenApi to define an API group, the common set of parameters that are added to every endpoint is not present in the parameters list.
Below are the respective codes
public GroupedOpenApi v1Apis() {
return GroupedOpenApi.builder().group("v1 APIs")
// hide all v2 APIs
.pathsToExclude("/api/v2/**", "/v2/**")
// show all v1 APIs
.pathsToMatch("/api/v1/**", "/v1/**")
And the class to add the Standard Headers to all the endpoints
public class GlobalHeaderAdder implements OperationCustomizer {
public Operation customize(Operation operation, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) {
operation.addParametersItem(new Parameter().$ref("#/components/parameters/ClientID"));
operation.addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList("Authorization"));
List<Parameter> parameterList = operation.getParameters();
if (parameterList!=null && !parameterList.isEmpty()) {
Collections.rotate(parameterList, 1);
return operation;
Actual Output
Expected Output
Adding the paths to be included/excluded in the application properties file solves the error. But something at the code level will be much appreciated.
Attach the required OperationCustomizerobject while building the Api Group.
public GroupedOpenApi v1Apis(GlobalHeaderAdder globalHeaderAdder) {
return GroupedOpenApi.builder().group("v1 APIs")
// hide all v2 APIs
.pathsToExclude("/api/v2/**", "/v2/**")
// show all v1 APIs
.pathsToMatch("/api/v1/**", "/v1/**")
Edit: Answer updated with reference to #Value not providing values from application properties Spring Boot
Alternative to add and load OperationCustomizer in the case you declare yours open api groups by properties[0].group= instead definition by Java code in a Spring Configuration GroupedOpenApi.builder().
public Map<String, GroupedOpenApi> configureGroupedsOpenApi(Map<String, GroupedOpenApi> groupedsOpenApi, OperationCustomizer operationCustomizer) {
groupedsOpenApi.forEach((id, groupedOpenApi) -> groupedOpenApi.getOperationCustomizers()
return groupedsOpenApi;

spring webflux: purely functional way to attach websocket adapter to reactor-netty server

I am not able to figure out a way to attach a WebSocketHandlerAdapter to a reactor netty server.
I want to start a reactor netty server and attach http (REST) endpoints and websocket endpoints to the same server. I have gone through the documentation and some sample demo application mentioned in the documentation. They show how to attach a HttpHandlerAdapter to the the HttpServer using newHandler() function. But when it comes to websockets they switch back to using spring boot and annotation examples. I am not able to find how to attach websockets using functional endpoints.
Please point me in the right direction on how to implement this.
1. how do I attach the websocket adapter to the netty server?
2. Should I use HttpServer or TcpServer?
1. I am not using spring boot.
2. I am not using annotations.
3. Trying to achieve this only using functional webflux end points.
Sample code:
public HandlerMapping webSocketMapping()
Map<String, WebSocketHandler> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("/echo", new EchoTestingWebSocketHandler());
SimpleUrlHandlerMapping mapping = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
return mapping;
public WebSocketHandlerAdapter wsAdapter()
HandshakeWebSocketService wsService = new HandshakeWebSocketService(new ReactorNettyRequestUpgradeStrategy());
return new WebSocketHandlerAdapter(wsService);
protected void startServer(String host, int port)
HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(host, port);
server.newHandler(wsAdapter()).block(); //how do I attach the websocket adapter to the netty server
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do that without running up whole SpringBootApplication. Otherwise, you will be required to write whole Spring WebFlux handlers hierarchy by your self. Consider to compose your functional routing with SpringBootApplication:
public class WebSocketApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> routing() {
return route(
r -> ok().build()
public HandlerMapping wsHandlerMapping() {
HashMap<String, WebSocketHandler> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("/ws", new WebSocketHandler() {
public Mono<Void> handle(WebSocketSession session) {
return session.send(
.map(tMessage -> "Response From Server: " + tMessage)
SimpleUrlHandlerMapping mapping = new SimpleUrlHandlerMapping();
return mapping;
HandlerAdapter wsHandlerAdapter() {
return new WebSocketHandlerAdapter();
Incase if SpringBoot infra is not the case
try to consider direct interaction with ReactorNetty instead. Reactor Netty Provides pritty good abstraction around native Netty and you may interacti with it in the same functional maner:
ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter handler =
new ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter(yourHttpHandlers);
.startRouterAndAwait(routes -> {"/pathToWs", (in, out) -> out.send(in.receive()))
.file("/static/**", ...)
.get("**", handler)
.post("**", handler)
.put("**", handler)
.delete("**", handler);
I deal with it this way. and use native reactor-netty
routes.get(rootPath, (req, resp)->{
// doFilter check the error
return this.doFilter(request, response, new RequestAttribute())
.flatMap(requestAttribute -> {
WebSocketServerHandle handleObject = injector.getInstance(GameWsHandle.class);
return response
.header("content-type", "text/plain")
.sendWebsocket((in, out) ->
this.websocketPublisher3(in, out, handleObject, requestAttribute)
private Publisher<Void> websocketPublisher3(WebsocketInbound in, WebsocketOutbound out, WebSocketServerHandle handleObject, RequestAttribute requestAttribute) {
return out
.withConnection(conn -> {
// on connect
conn.onDispose().subscribe(null, null, () -> {;
// System.out.println("context.onClose() completed");
// get message
.map(frame -> {
if (frame instanceof TextWebSocketFrame) {
handleObject.onTextMessage((TextWebSocketFrame) frame,;
} else if (frame instanceof BinaryWebSocketFrame) {
handleObject.onBinaryMessage((BinaryWebSocketFrame) frame,;
} else if (frame instanceof PingWebSocketFrame) {
handleObject.onPingMessage((PingWebSocketFrame) frame,;
} else if (frame instanceof PongWebSocketFrame) {
handleObject.onPongMessage((PongWebSocketFrame) frame,;
} else if (frame instanceof CloseWebSocketFrame) {;
return "";
