Accordion with vertical divisions in the title - go

I'm looking for a way of creating accordion entries with formatted vertical divisions.
Think a table that when a row is clicked it expands, as an accordion does, to show the content related to the row.

It sounds like you’d need to make a custom widget, but that’s ok as Fyne is designed to make that possible :).


Adding Grids within Grids

I've just come across the new Grid layout system in Umbraco, which seems quite interesting, however I can't seem to find a way to include a grid within a grid.
I've added a simple 2 column row onto a page in the example below, but now I want to add another 2 column row within it to fill in the 2 red squares. Is this not possible or am I missing something obvious?
If I click any of the layouts at the bottom it instead adds them as an extra row to the bottom of the page rather than inside an existing grid.
The only way to include a grid in a grid (that I'm aware of) is to use the Doc Type Grid Editor package:
This package allows any Document Type to be the basis for a grid editor. I was able to create a grid editor that was a set of tabs where each tab had a grid data type for the content. The data type was specific to tabs so you couldn't create tabs in a tab.
I also created a package (v7 Dialog Expander) to allow the dialog flyout to expand: I did this because a grid in the small width of the dialog flyout was just too small.
It is definitely possible and actually has worked out well so far. That said, I would tread lightly here because there could be issues that we haven't yet discovered as this solution is still on a development project.

Grid inside Table or MainTable

I have one WWSD or one SDPanel with some attributes but between these attributes that are fixed inside a Table or directly in the MainTable I want put and Grid, the problem is that the Grid is not showed and when I put the grid its no more possible scroll in the WWSD or SDPanel, is like the Grid stuck the SDPanel more than the grid is not showed.
Anyone can help me to put the Grid and keep with all normally ?
I assume you're targeting Android.
The issue is that Android does not natively support nested scrolling. Therefore, a GeneXus layout that contains a grid will disable the form's own scrolling (so that the grid can itself scroll).
There are two ways of resolving this issue:
Redesign the panel so that the form does not vertically exceed the size of the screen (thus, form scrolling is not necessary).
Set autogrow=true for the grid, which will resize to fit all items (and "push down" any other controls located below it). Since the grid will no longer need to scroll, the form's scroll will be enabled.

ckEditor autogrow usability

I am using CKeditor with autogrow plugin. But there is a problem when I am working with large text. I want to apply some style. So I need to scroll to the top of the page, click on the button and then scroll back to the bottom. This is very inconvenient.
Is there some plugin which can help to improve usability is such situations? Or I need to write it by myself?
I would limit the growth size to a maximum value with something like autoGrow_maxHeight : 800 - or whatever size works for you. I very much prefer the ckeditor content scrolling instead of the page scrolling.
Another option would be to separate the toolbar in a fixed element to make sure it always stays in sight. See for an example; there is an editor there where the toolbar is statically visible and the editable area is apart from the toolbar.

How can I blend in my SegmentedControl in a UITableView better?

As you can see on the screenshot the segmented control is placed rather ugly this way.
I need it in that place, meaning below the section title and before the second cell for that section. How could I make this better?
I can think of two suggestions that would improve the appearance. The first would be to increase the height of the table cell (just that particular table cell, not all of the cells in your table) so that the whitespace margin at the top and bottom of your segmented control is equal to the margin you currently have on the left and right of the control.
Another solution would be to move the selection of the value for this setting into a separate tableView controller that you drill down to. So that cell would show the current value, but tapping the cell would take the user to a new view where the user could select to change the value.
Here is an example of this from the Instapaper app settings page that I think looks pretty clean.

How to make a Widget slide view with Qt4?

I currently display several widgets (quite large ones, almost screen-wide) on a QStackedLayout, let's call these widgets "pages". Switching from a page to another is done with buttons below (previous, index, next).
I would like pages to slide while switching, as if they were placed on a larger-than-screen row, moving left or right depending on what the user wants.
For this I thought the QScrollArea would be OK, but I can add only one widget to it and I cannot index sub-items to move accordingly nor can I force a per-item-scroll (I don't want the sliding movement to stop between two pages.)
Another option is the QListView or other derivate from QAbstractItemView, but I can't find how to pass a widget as a QListItemModel or other reimplemented QAbstractItemModel. Roles for data are quite limited, and none seem to allow QWidgets.
How can I proceed to achieve this?
It seems using a QScrollArea and scroll programmatically using the inherited scrollContentsBy() would do the trick. The viewport then would be an elongated widget, sliding left or right so one section could be seen at a time.
