i got the following block of code to generate a new enemy each 1.5.
each new enemy is added to an array using scan operator
i did the replace suggested.
i did a small change to be able to replicate
const enemies$ = rxjs.from([0,1])
rxjs.scan( (enemyArray) => {
const enemy = {
x: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100),
y: -30
console.log(enemyArray); //debug.
return enemyArray;
}, [])
(enemies) => console.log(enemies)
The result in the console is the following for the first element (enemy)
{x: 312, y: -30}
But when the enemy is added to enemyArray , the following results are shown in the console
0: {x: NaN, y: 515}
1: {x: NaN, y: 65}
length: 2
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
parseInt() takes a string as the first argument, so it should be
parseInt(String(Math.random() * 100), 10)
I need to check the orientation of a div with Cypress.
This is the test:
.should('have.css', 'transform', 'translate(-100%, 0) rotate(270deg)')
The div behaviour is standard in a scenario, or it's rotated with css transform: translate(-100%, 0) rotate(270deg); in the other scenario.
I need a way to check the orientation, but transform is difficult to check, because for example in Cypress test what happens is:
when I expect transform: rotateX(180deg) I actually receive transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1.22465e-16, 0, 0, -1.22465e-16, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1).
I need to find a smart way to detect the orientation. Suggestions? Tips?
Issue is solved like this, with the creation of a command:
const getTransformRotationAngle = (cssTransformMatrix, absoluteValue) => {
const cssTransformMatrixIndexes = cssTransformMatrix
const cssTransformScale = Math.sqrt(
cssTransformMatrixIndexes[0] * cssTransformMatrixIndexes[0] +
cssTransformMatrixIndexes[1] * cssTransformMatrixIndexes[1]
const cssTransformSin = cssTransformMatrixIndexes[1] / cssTransformScale
const cssTransformAngle = Math.round(
Math.asin(cssTransformSin) * (180 / Math.PI)
return absoluteValue ? Math.abs(cssTransformAngle) : cssTransformAngle
Cypress.Commands.add('getTransformRotationAngle', getTransformRotationAngle)
and its use in the test:
.invoke('css', 'transform')
.then(cssTransform => {
cy.getTransformRotationAngle(cssTransform, true).should(
90 || 270
With protractor and firefox, I want to drag and drop an element with this:
const plot0 = element(by.id('AnalyseErrors'));
browser.actions().dragAndDrop(plot0, {x: 70, y: 70}).mouseDown().mouseMove({x: 10, y: 10})
.mouseMove({x: 10, y: 10})
.mouseMove({x: 10, y: 10})
.mouseMove({x: 10, y: 10})
.mouseMove({x: 10, y: 10})
I also try
browser.actions().dragAndDrop(plot0, {x: 70, y: 70}).perform();
I even try:
const element0 = element(by.id('AnalyseErrors')).getWebElement(); // This is the element to move
const element1 = element(by.css('body > app-root > div > ng-component > div > div.editor-container')).getWebElement(); // This is the content zone to drop the element
.dragAndDrop(element0, element1).
The element is located on a side bar, i have to select him and, with the mouse , dragg and drop to a content zone.
Unfortaly doesn't work.
- Failed: POST /session/875dc0ad-4d29-4bff-9efc-98e4d05379f4/moveto did not match a known command
Do you know why?
I'm wondering if it is possible (I hope it is) to set init camera rotation read from onGetPosition?
My onGetPosition function look like this:
function onGetPosition() {
Yaw: worldRenderer.camera.rotation.y * 180 / Math.PI,
Pitch: worldRenderer.camera.rotation.x * 180 / Math.PI,
x: worldRenderer.camera.rotation.x,
y: worldRenderer.camera.rotation.y,
z: worldRenderer.camera.rotation.z
I use this image as a texture:
Initial view, with default_yaw set to 0 degrees looks like this:
In this position onGetPosition returns:
{Yaw: 0, Pitch: -0, x: -0, y: 0, z: -0}
Then I rotate the scene to see this position (about 90 deg to the left):
onGetPosition returns:
{Yaw: 75.66036892219512, Pitch: -42.97581864568984, x: -0.7500695341072581, y: 1.3205225509658982, z: 0.7343037709331535}
I thought that if I set camera rotation inside setDefaultYaw_ function I would see last view so I did this:
WorldRenderer.prototype.setDefaultYaw_ = function(angleRad) {
this.camera.setRotationFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(-0.7500695341072581, 1.3205225509658982, 0.7343037709331535, 'XYZ'));
Unfortunately nothing happened I still see the view from second image on init.
How can I solve it?
See a jsfiddle here
I am tweening along a bézier path with 3 points.
// bezier data
var bezierData = {
curviness: 1,
autoRotate: false,
values: [
{x: 0, y: 0, rotation:"40_cw"}, /* <-- The desired state of the object before any animation has happened */
{x: 20, y: 0, rotation:"0_ccw"},
{x: 40, y:0, rotation:"-20_ccw"}
// build tween
var tween = new TimelineMax()
.add(TweenMax.to("#testobj", 1, {css:{bezier: bezierData}, ease:Power1.easeInOut}));
// create scene
var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: "#testobj",
duration: 100,
offset: 10
What I want: The initial state of my object (i.e. before any animation has happened) should be the first bézier point, {x: 0, y: 0, rotation:"40_cw"}.
What's happening: The initial state is the object's default style, i.e. the equivalent of {x: 0, y: 0, rotation:"0"}. Note how in the jsfiddle the green square starts out upright while I want it to start rotated 40° clock-wise.
Tahir Ahmed's answer works!
perhaps you can use .set() before doing the .to() tween? something like this.
Let say I have two classes:
class Cirle
include Mongoid::Document
field :lat, type: Float
field :lon, type: Float
field :radius, type: Integer
class Point
include Mongoid::Document
field :lat, type: Float
field :lon, type: Float
How can I find all Circles that include a given Point?
I'm not familiar with Mongoid, but perhaps the following will help. Suppose:
circles = [
{ x: 1, y: 2, radius: 3 },
{ x: 3, y: 1, radius: 2 },
{ x: 2, y: 2, radius: 4 },
point = { x: 4.5, y: 1 }
then the circles containing point are obtained with the help of Math::hypot:
circles.select { |c|
Math.hypot((c[:x]-point[:x]).abs, (c[:y]-point[:y]).abs) <= c[:radius] }
#=> [{ x: 3, y: 1, radius: 2 }, { x: 2, y: 2, radius: 4 }]
Edit: to improve efficiency as #Drenmi suggests:
x, y = point.values_at(:x, :y)
circles.select do |c|
d0, d1, r = (c[:x]-x).abs, (c[:y]-y).abs, c[:radius]
d0*d0 + d1*d1 <= r*r