Mouse controls for interacting with user interface - user-interface

I'm making JS application which allow to create SVG Diagrams.
Some thing like that:
And problem that I don't know how to build controls system. There are a lot of actions: drag, resize, select, change text, hover and etc. And all that stuff is related and there can be conflicts. It's not a problem to implement everything, but code will be bad and messy. And we have a lot of applications with the resolved problem and I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
The Question is: How to organize this stuff? Maybe there are some good articles or a pattern.
Also want to notice that I don't need technical advices, I need to figure out a design.
Also I explored source code on github of similar projects but I'm not sure if they used "right" option.


Can i create scenes (menu, highscore and game) without using the Composer library?

I am working to a simple mobile game (the github link is below).
I copied most of the game mechanism from a blog and tried to edit it to make it prettier. Now i would like to add scenes but in Corona tutorial it looks like you have to edit all the code hence i can't do that because i don't know what many functions do. Is there a way to create scenes without editing the code but simply adding a few lines?
P.S. if there is a good good Samaritan here and he want to edit it for me i leave my github link
as far as I know, you can do this in native android or iOS but it will be harder for you to do that because it needs more knowledge on Corona, if you tell me what you want to add or edit, maybe I can help you

How to customize FullCalendar year view

I am using Full Calendar for event management utility in one of my project. However, my requirement is to show a year view similar to one shown here (as I want to display event in a similar fashion. Ignore the red dot).
I tried forking the original code to make some changes, but could make much out of it. Seems like every view gets a lot from common code, not much distinction among different views.
Is there a way to achieve this using FullCalendar. Or is there any other known library to achieve this. Our project is looking for a supported library only

Completely customized UI in iOS 7

Assume you have to develop an app, which needs a completely customized user interface so that you can not use any standard UI objects in Xcode.
How would you proceed to create such an user interface? Would you use the interface builder? Would you create something like a master parent UIView? What are the best practices to achieve this?
What would be the most elegant solution with less code duplication?
If by "complete customization" you mean the look and feel of the app,
then I suggest to design the IB objects you require using some design IDE's such as photoshop and then use those slices for your project.
This is the best option I find so far to get a complete customized look with minimal code, and by minimal, I mean you don't actually require any coding. You can do this complete customization within your Interface builder.
However, I don't think you can completely ignore standard UI objects as you require them to add basic functionality.
If customized controls are what you are looking for, then I suggest you to create separate custom control classes so that they can be reused anywhere in your project, or in other projects too.
Here are two wonderful tutorials on custom controls:
Hope this helps!

Build an app with marionettejs with requirejs?

I have used backbone boilerplate on the past
I want to use marionette on my next project and I have found this
My question is if it's a good idea to go with the marionette boilerplate or start form scratch.
As an aside, I'd like to suggest you give Yeoman a shot for scaffolding your first Marionette app. Yeoman works via what are called "generators", and provide much more than the the above Boilerplate MVC can offer you (Chai and Sinon for testing, Bower for client-side package management, etc...). Plus, Addy Osmani, who runs backbone-boilerplates is one of the heads of the project. Check out generator-marionette here.
I haven't used BoilerPlate, but glancing through it, it certainly seems like a valid approach to writing Marionette apps. If you're just getting started it will certainly help you see how the various pieces are supposed to be used. One gripe I've got is the folder structure. I prefer to break my applications down into modules, and then add models, collections, views, etc under each module. But this will certainly get you up and running quick, and there's nothing stopping you from customizing it to suit your needs.
I agree with others here: it is a useless limitation to imitate a folder structure that follows the 'old mvc model for server-side code'. You will remain more flexible further down the road if you think of your application strictly as completely self-containing modules, i.e. they contain their own controller/router/views/collections/templates etc. You can have a separate folder structure for shared code that is not a module, although anything can be made a module :)
Regarding boilerplate code and generators: i think in the beginning you should actually NOT do it, because you won't understand what you're doing. But that's just my personal opinion.

Joomla: alternative content for an article

I've just started work on an existing Joomla! site, and have a requirement to add an alternative language version of an article. Note that this isn't a full-internationalization effort - we don't need every part of the interface translated - just the need to have another 'version' of an article. Ideally, though, this would include more than just the core content - for example, title. I don't really want to create a second article because, in essence, this really is just a single article, and I don't want things like comments to be split between two separate articles.
Does anyone know if this can be done using joomla core?
If not, can anyone recommend an existing component that will do this?
A good component for manage translations in Joomla 1.5 is Joom!fish. It allows you to do a whole internationalization that, as you said, isn't exactly what you want to do. However I like to think in the long run so, if there's more change, I have not to restructure again and again just because of I haven't thought it before. Hence, if I were you, I would like to use Joom!fish anyway.
Well, as a short fix - Google Translator works and can be installed into your template you're using.
Then you can set it to be hidden unless the users browser is set to use a different language as default - then a small pop-up box drops down and it asks to translate it using google translate.
If that's not the option you're looking for - joom!fish is a good component others rave about but I don't have much experience with personally. Outside of that I'm not really sure.
Hanny had a good idea that would be really easy to implement in an article with the right extension. You can use this extension -
This would allow you to easily create tabs with the translations available anywhere you have them. The page above uses the extension to display the tabs, it would be trivial to implement.
