How to find what site is calling images from my sever - image

I host a CDN for static resources. While monitoring some 404 errors came up on old images.
I suspect some partner of ours to still call the images on their site and would like to find out which to contact the appropriate one.
There is no Referer header in the requests, the ip are from residential ISPs, the User-Agent are from mostly up to date browsers so I think the users are legitimate.
I tried to Google the urls or part of them but no luck so far.
I can't crawl partners websites as I don't have a list of the domains they use.
How can I find out what site is still calling theses old images ?


How to make Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml only accessable through search engine bots

Several website like Quora, Stackechange, and including Stackoverflow ( only access through the search engine crawlers (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc).
How can i do same for my website robots.txt and sitemap.xml
What are the user-agents these crawlers use and where i can find a list
Google and Bing crawlers do not use any static IP's, they are dynamic and lot of IP's. How this big site like Stackoverflow manage whitelisting IP's of crawlers.
How big site content indexed instantly on Google. like my this question will get indexed instantly after publishing it. where my website usually take 2-7 days for indexing.

How do browsers(Firefox more specifically) know which cookies are tracking cookies

I came accross to a situation where Firefox in incognito mode blocks some of the cookies on my site. More specifically google analytics cookies like _ga, _gid, ..etc. Searching in the internet I came across to this article. So browsers like Firefox somehow identify these cookies as tracking. But how? How does it know which cookies are tracking and which not? I need to know this because next time I set cookies on my server I dont want them to be blocked by browsers.
In context of the article it just means blocking reference links. For instance it blocks sending the referral information from, for instance Facebook, to other sites.
Other sites use the referral information to decide who to pay to get more traffic and stuff like that.
There's like 100 different versions of the idea of "tracking" though.
Like the article points out, your ISP always know every DNS search you do and every call to an IP so they always know ALLLL your traffic and are "tracking" it.
There's also "ad tracking" where all those google calls send out what the crawler says is on the page in order to create targeted ads and all that.
I think, based on what you wrote, you're just talking about tracking links which is just scrubbing the referral link part though.
You'd have to be more specific if that's not what you're looking at.

How to find the customer's visit is from the Google Results Page

As we are moving from the classic google analytics to the Universal google analytics for the marketing requirement, i need to find out from where the customer is coming from. If he is coming from the marketing campaigns then we have the param utm_source from url. So with this I can find out the customer visit. But if the customer is from the google results, then there will be no extra parameters added to the URL.
Because of this, I am unable to differentiate whether the customer is from the Google Results or from the direct URL visit. My idea is to use, HTTP_REFERRER. But this will result in lot of requests to server for each page load which results in unnecessary load on server.
Universal google analytics does support _utmz cookies. It will only supported in classic google analytics. So is there any better way to differentiate the customer visit from the google results and the direct URL visit.
I think your idea to use the referrer is as solid as it gets. You do not need any server roundtrips, since you can access the referrer via Javascript using document.referrer - if that is empty you have a direct type-in/bookmark, else you can check against a list of hostnames of search engines. This might not match to 100% with Google Analytics attribution, but should give you a usable approximation (it will obviously only work on the landing page, after that the referrer is your own site).

Google Sites HTTPS issue

I'm wondering if anyone can help with this.
I'm creating a site for a client using Google Sites (A requirement they set).
One of their requirement is for a contact form to be embedded on the site. I've had a look and there are plenty out there, however, if a user visits from any version of IE the content is not displayed due to the security settings.
All other browsers are functioning fine.
I know the alternative is to simply put a link to an external source, but is not ideal.
My question is threefold fold.
1. Is it possible to write a gadget that will work for IE with non-secure content (if so how)?
2. Are there any HTTPS contact forms out there that I could use?
3. Does anyone have any experience with Google sites and trying to load non-secure content and have any tips?
Have you tried They have the same (free and premium) plans as Plus, they have a specific roundabouts to embed your form in Google Sites (they have a gadget made for Google Sites). And yes, JotForm has https url for their forms if you wish to embed it as an iframe.
-- One other solution is resort to using Google Docs form.
Does anyone have any experience with Google sites and trying to load
non-secure content and have any tips? Still awaiting people with
-- Yes, I have experienced this while trying to put some social media scripts in my Google Sites website and the best thing really was to rid my Sites of those non-secure contents.
For any interested I have kind of answered my questions.
Is it possible to write a gadget that will work for IE with non-secure content (if so how)?
It is possible but you need to have a SSL hosted server.
Are there any HTTPS contact forms out there that I could use?
There are paid solutions for this. Alternatively, write your own html code to post to one of these solutions (free solution is
Does anyone have any experience with Google sites and trying to load non-secure content and have any tips?
Still awaiting people with experience....

Serving ads via HTTPS

I know there is no such thing as a dumb question but this is: Can you serve contextual based ads via adsense or others on a site that is entirely behind https?
We’ve updated the AdSense ad code so that it now supports secure ad serving through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) web pages. This means that publishers with secure sites, i.e., sites that are served over the HTTPS protocol, can now use AdSense ad code to serve SSL-compliant ads. Examples of secure websites include many financial services sites, e-commerce sites, and social networking sites.
Google is aware of the issue but does not offer a properly configured HTTPS version of their code at this time. It'll work by swapping out http for https, but as mentioned above you'll get various errors in browsers.
AdSense now supports HTTPS. Just remove the "http:" portion of the ad code.
You can but visitors will receive a message that your site contains secure and none secure data in internet explorer. Most other browsers have a way to communicate this state aswell.
Yes, as long as the website is not protected by SSL certificates (in that the client accessing the website needs to have a certificate) Google is perfectly capable of indexing your site for keywords to cater the right ads for your website.
I am not sure if Google makes the adsense code available over SSL as well, if not your visitors will be warned by the browser that the page may contain insecure elements. I do know that their analytics code (For Google analytics) does contain an SSL possibility.
In case you have any more questions, Google's adsense support team/faq will be able to better provide answers to your questions, since you can let them know what site you are talking about!
