PdfCleanUpTool SetRedactionColor - itext7

Is there a way to use PdfCleanUpTool so that the RedactionColor is transparent (i.e., it çshows the color of the actual background), instead of having to choose one.

I don't know why, but using PdfCleanUpTool.CleanUp() crashed (after adding the locations). However, this did the job (PdfCleaner.AutoSweepCleanUp):
public static void RemoveTexts(PdfDocument pdfDoc, List<Regex> regexes)
CompositeCleanupStrategy strategy = new CompositeCleanupStrategy();
foreach (Regex rgx in regexes)
RegexBasedCleanupStrategy rbCS = new RegexBasedCleanupStrategy(rgx);
PdfCleaner.AutoSweepCleanUp(pdfDoc, strategy);


Android Viewpager to load images from SD Card

Guys Im using the following custom code to load 20 images from resources and present in a viewpager
public class CustomPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter {
int[] mResources = {
Context mContext;
LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater;
public CustomPagerAdapter(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mLayoutInflater = (LayoutInflater) mContext.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
public int getCount() {
return mResources.length;
public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object) {
return view == ((LinearLayout) object);
public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
View itemView = mLayoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.pager_item, container, false);
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.imageView);
return itemView;
public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
container.removeView((LinearLayout) object);
This works fine but I want to put the jpgs in a directory on the device so that they can be changed without recompiling the app
I think I need to get the images into the mResource array. I can get the path but not sure what format the code should be instead of using the draw-able lines
i have read articles on here but none make sense to me I am really new to this and the code looks nothing like the code I am using
can anyone point me in the right direction?
Any help is greatly appreciated
Yes, you can certainly do so. I will try to explain you the process step-by-step,
Step 1
Have a File object pointing to the path, like,
File directory = new File("path-to-directory");
Ensure that the path is to the directory with the images,
Step 2
List all the files inside the directory using listFiles() method, like
File[] allImages = directory.listFiles();
Now you have an array of all the files just like int[] mResources. The only difference being, now you have actual file references, while previously you had resource ids.
Step 3
You can just display the images in the ViewPager just like you did previously. But this is a bit tricky and can take you a considerable amount of time and code to get an image properly displayed from File.
You also need to take care of caching, so that when you load a previously loaded image again, it gets it from the cache.
To do all this, I recommend you to use this library (recommended by Google), Glide.
Setting an image is one line of code,
That's it. Now you have your images displayed in a ViewPager from a directory in the device.

How to add DropListener to drop text in a draw2d Label

I am Trying to add a dropListener so I can Drop and text into a draw2d Label ,in GEf Editor , Can anyone help how Can I do that. An example will be great.
To respond to drop events on a GEF edit part viewer you have to install on the viewer itself an implementation of org.eclipse.jface.util.TransferDropTargetListener that understands transfers of type org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TextTransfer and that creates some kind of org.eclipse.gef.Request that can be handled by an org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy installed on the target org.eclipse.gef.EditPart.
You have to understand that both the Request and the EditPolicy allow you to customize the drop behavior on a EditPart basis. As a consequence, I can show you an example that is actually fully functional, but feel free to customize it to your real needs.
First create the TransferDropTargetListener:
public class TextTransferDropTargetListener extends AbstractTransferDropTargetListener {
public TextTransferDropTargetListener(EditPartViewer viewer) {
super(viewer, TextTransfer.getInstance());
protected void handleDragOver() {
protected Request createTargetRequest() {
return new ChangeBoundsRequest(REQ_ADD);
protected void updateTargetRequest() {
ChangeBoundsRequest request = (ChangeBoundsRequest) getTargetRequest();
protected void handleDrop() {
if (getCurrentEvent().detail != DND.DROP_NONE) {
protected Command getCommand() {
String text = (String) getCurrentEvent().data;
List<IEntityPart> editParts = new ArrayList<IEntityPart>();
// using the 'text' variable you have to create
// a new EditPart that would eventually replace the old one.
ChangeBoundsRequest request = (ChangeBoundsRequest) getTargetRequest();
return super.getCommand();
then install the listener in the graphical viewer constructor using the following statement:
addDropTargetListener(new TextTransferDropTargetListener(this));
finally ensure that an EditPolicy that understands requests of type REQ_ADD (maybe you already added one that extends LayoutEditPolicy or ContainerEditPolicy) is installed on the target EditPart, which is usually done in the AbstractEditPart.createEditPolicies().
To better understand the chain of responsibilities, I suggest you to have a look at the super implementation of the TransferDropTargetListener.getCommand() method.

GWT: Cyclically loading an Image

I try to implement kind of a Videostream that relays on simple JPEG Files.
On my server, a JPEG is being created cyclically by an external Camera.
And I just want to include this Picture in my GWT Application.
My first idea to reload the Picture by a Timer was very simple but not so good: The client opens a connection for each reload-cycle, and the Picture flickers (at least in Firefox).
How could I solve these problems? I was thinking about something like "Web-Sockets", but I don't really know how to do.
I want to avoid a single connection for each reload. My idea was to have something like an open connection that just provides a new Picture as often as the Client asks for.
And how could I avoid the flickering when swapping the Picture?
Any ideas are welcome!
Regards, VanDahlen
A solution to avoid flickering is to have two images absolutely positioned in the same location. A timer would load one or other alternatively in each frame. Set a load handler to each image, so that it changes the z-index when the image is loaded and it restarts the timer.
Adding an extra parameter to the image url, makes the browser ask the server each time to bypass its cache.
If the time between frames is small, normally the browser will re-use the same connection if keep-alive is correctly configured in your server. It normally is enabled with a typical value of 5-15 seconds which you could increase, so if your .jpg images are updated with this periodicity, you don't have to worry and look for a better solution.
I propose a UI solution based on these ideas. But it will work as well if you use a websocket/comet mechanism giving you the last .jpg file in base64 format (just change the url by the value returned).
GWT code:
public void onModuleLoad() {
final Image i1 = new Image();
final Image i2 = new Image();
AbsolutePanel panel = new AbsolutePanel();
panel.add(i1, 0, 0);
panel.add(i2, 0, 0);
panel.setSize("600px", "400px");
// You could change this by base64 data if you use comet/websockets
String url = "my_image_url.jpg?";
final Timer loadNext = new Timer() {
boolean b;
int c;
public void run() {
// the counter parameter forces to load the next frame instead of using cache
if (b = !b) {
i1.setUrl(url + c++);
} else {
i2.setUrl(url + c++);
i1.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
i2.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
If you want to use gwtquery, the code is obviously smaller:
// You could change this by base64 data if you use comet/websockets
final String url = "my_image_url.jpg?";
final GQuery images = $("<img/><img/>").appendTo(document);
images.css($$("position: fixed, top: 10px, left: 600px, width: 400px"));
final Timer timer = new Timer() {
int c;
public void run() {
images.eq(c%2).attr("src", url + c++);
images.bind("load", new Function(){
public void f() {
$(this).css($$("z-index: 1")).siblings("img").css($$("z-index: 0"));

BlackBerry-how to change Manager background image?

I am trying to create a tool bar with background color different from the screen background,
i am using the following code
getMainManager().add(mToolbarManager = new HorizontalFieldManager());
mToolbarManager.add(mBtn = new BitmapButtonField(mBmpNor, mBmpFoc,
Background bg = BackgroundFactory.createSolidBackground(Color.BLACK);
mToolbarManager.add(mBtn = new BitmapButtonField(mBmpNor, mBmpFoc,
but it doesn't effect the background of toolbarmanager, while setting the background of mainmanager works fine
I got it , i used call HorizontalFieldManager constructor with USE_ALL_WIDTH parameter
hey i know 1 more way that i used:
class Mymanager extends Manager
final Bitmap back = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("back.png");
Mymanager ()
public void paint(Graphics g)
no add components to this manager

Java ME out of memory

I'm making a Java ME application for Symbian S60 5th edition and I have problem with the memory. After some time of running the app I recieve the out of memory exception.
I'm getting images from Google Maps (by the integrated GPS in Nokia 5800) and showing them.
I have this implemented like this:
class MIDlet with method setForm()
class Data which has a thread that collects info about the coordinates, gets image from Google maps, creates new form, appends the image, and calls the method setForm(f) from the Midlet.
Probable the Display.setCurrent(Form f) keeps references on the forms and like this the memory gets fast full.
I tried with Canvas but it has some stupid UI (some circle and some 4 buttons) that I don't like.
How can I solve this problem?
PS: the code...
In class MIDlet
public void setInfo(Form f)
in class TouristData which collects information about location and gets map image
private attributes:
private Form f=null;
private ImageItem imageItem=null;
private Image img = null;
method locationUpdated which is called when recieve new location:
public void locationUpdated(LocationProvider provider,final Location location)
if (!firstLocationUpdate)
firstLocationUpdate = true;
if(touristUI != null)
new Thread()
public void run()
if(location != null && location.isValid())
//lokacija je, prikaži!
QualifiedCoordinates coord =location.getQualifiedCoordinates();
if(imageItem == null)
imageItem = new ImageItem(null,null,0,null);
imageItem.setAltText("ni povezave");
img = googleConnector.retrieveStaticImage2(360,470, coord.getLatitude(), coord.getLongitude(), 16, "png32"); //z markerje
}catch(Exception e)
Are you keeping references to the forms or the images? These will keep them from being garbage collected and will cause out of memory errors.
It is hard to tell without some source code. Anyway, it will be better to re-architect your Midlet not to create new forms, but to reuse the same one.
