Laravel Automatic resource CRUD - laravel

What patterns can I use for 'automatic' resource CRUD operations for given Models in Laravel?
Say I have two models SomeModel and SomeRelatedModel where some_related_model.some_model_id is an FK to SomeModel.
The standard method on the SomeModelController for handling the create POST /api/someModel might look like this:
public function store(Request $request)
$user = Auth::guard('api')->user();
$data = $request->get('data');
$data['user_id'] = $user->id;
$someModel = SomeModel::create($data);
// has this request been made with the data for the
// related model? If so create this too.
['some_model_id' => $someModel->id]
// has this request been made expecting to get related
// models back in the response? If so load these
return (new PostResource($post))
This works but is very verbose and for models with a sub-sub relation would need changing further. Similar work will need to be done for the other endpoints for all resources.
Is there a more versatile (or tidy) pattern using out-of-the box classes to get a similar effect?

Have a look at Laravel Orion. Fits your use case.


Laravel request validation by groups

So, I have a Creators table with all informations related to the creator.
This table has some nullable columns that can be filled depending on what type of creator you are.
As an example one can be an "indipendent" creator or a "company" creator. In the second case the creator will have to fill in the columns related to his company.
At the moment I am arranging it with something like this inside the Controller:
public function isValid(Request $request)
$creator = //creator validation rules;
$company = //company validation rules;
$transfer = //another set of rules;
if (!$request->indipendent)
$creator = array_merge($creator, $company);
$creator = array_merge($creator, $transfer);
return $request->validate($creator);
I want to however create a new CreatorRequest that validates the request.
The only method I could think of was to override the validate() function, but is there a way to do this by only utilizing the rules() function?
Ideally I would like to have the $creator $company and $transfer inside the rules and be able to choose which groups I want validated.
For example:
$request->validate(['creator', 'company']); //doesn't validate transfer
What is the best approach?
I say the best approach here is to break your request out into three separate request classes, and inject them using the laravel container:
public function isValid(CreateCreatorRequest $creator, CreateCompanyRequest $company, TransferRequest $transfer)
if (!$request->indipendent)
$creator = array_merge($creator, $company);
$creator = array_merge($creator, $transfer);
return $request->validate($creator);
Laravel will automatically handle passing the current request into those request classes, and you'll get your validated data as an array. The handy advantage here is you can force an interface directly against an intended action - you can apply the same CreateCompanyRequest in a different controller action and have a central place for all the validation rules.

should I use new keywords in laravel's controllers

I know DI, Solid Principles, factory patterns, adapter pattern and many more maybe. Now let's say I am creating a laravel application and it's gonna be huge. Let's say I have a postscontroller which is resource and has CRUD methods. Now Let's say in that controller's functions, I have a post Model and use it to retrieve data from database. I have a store function where I am creating new Post() and then put it into database.
1) Is it a good practice to have Post model directly in PostController's function and use new Post() also? What is bad in it? I know that this way I am not using dependency injection and patterns, but still why is it bad? As you know , I can still mock the object without dependency injection since laravel has so many amazing testing features. Then why is it that bad to write new keyword in controller's functions and also use Post model directly?
To give you one answer to your question. There is this "Slim controllers, fat models" concept. I used to defer the object creation to the object itself by Named Constructers.
class UserController
public function create(UserCreateRequest $request)
$user = User::createFromRequest($request);
// do anything else
class User
public static function createFromRequest(UserCreateRequest $request)
$user = new User;
$user->first_name = $request->first_name;
// ...
return $user;
With this you can have more different constructors like User::createAdmin and its testable. You just need to mock the Request.

Different state for Eloquent model fields depending on current user in laravel

I have the model:
class Task extends Model {
with some fields
protected $fillable = ['message', 'due_time', 'status', 'etc...'];
I've added custom function:
public function getEditableStateFor{AttributeName}
In my helper function I check that if
method_exists($class, 'getEditableStateForField1')
than I allow to edit this field depending on boolean value returned from this function.
if( ! $class->getEditableStateForField1() ) {
return "You can not edit field field1";
Here is how looks like some functions in Task:
private function isCreator() {
$user = Auth::user();
if($user) {
return $user->id === $this->creator_id;
return false;
public function getEditableStateForMessage() {
return $this->isCreator();
public function getEditableStateForDueTime() {
return $this->isCreator();
Is this a good way to do it or it is very bad design because of hidden dependency on Auth::user()?
What is a better way?
I do not want to put this logic inside controllers because this logic propagates to another models and is universal across application.
I'm like you and like to have Models that contain as much of the business logic as possible while remaining totally free of depencies on the "web" part of the application, which I believe should stay in Controllers, Request objects, etc. Ideally, Models should be easily usable from command line interfaces to the application, from within the Tinker REPL, and elsewhere while still guaranteeing data integrity and that business rules are observed.
That said, it seems the Laravel creators had slightly different ideas, hence the Auth facade being easily available in the model.
What I would likely do is add a parameter of type User to the getEditableStateFor series functions, and then in turn pass that parameter to isCreator ($user) and elsewhere. That also frees you up to be able to allow associated users to edit each other's Tasks if that ever became a desired feature in the future.
Edit: another, perhaps better or perhaps worse, is to have an instance method like setCurrentUser ($user) then use setFieldNameAttribute methods so that the controller doesn't have to check the editability of fields, keeping that the model's responsibility. Then you could call the getEditableStateFor methods, which now check for the current user set by the above method (maybe falling back to Auth::user() or throwing a helpful error), inside the setter.

Models accessible only for authenticated user THAT CREATED THEM (Laravel)

I'm writing a software application to let the people have their own private archive of cooking recipes.
The RecipeController constructor contains:
because only registered users can use recipes, but I need to protect also the access to the models.
The point is that users can view and modify only their own recipes.
Example: The user TortelliEngineer can create a recipe "Tortelli Secret Recipe" using the model Recipe; he can view, update and delete his recipe(s), but nobody else can see his precious "Tortelli Secret Recipe".
So, which is the cleanest way?
I added a user_id attribute to the model Recipe.
I must use this parameter every single time that I ask to the database for a Recipe (goodbye "findOrFail" by ID)
That means that every time I make a request I must access the Request object that contains User that contains User_id
using Auth::id() EVERY SINGLE TIME that I need one (or n) recipe
Like this:
class RecipeRepository{
public function all(){
return Recipe::where('user_id', Auth::id())
->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')
public function find($recipe_id){
return Recipe::where('user_id', Auth::id())
->where('id', $recipe_id)
Is that correct? Do you hate me for this? Do you know better or more correct ways to do it?
Most of the time I make a method inside the model to check if someone is authorised, owner etc.. of something.
An example would be:
// User model
public function owns_recipe($recipe)
return ($recipe->user_id == $this->id);
You can call this at the very beginning in of the methods of your controller:
// Controller
public function index (Request $request)
$recipe = Recipe::find($request->id); // Get recipe
$user = ... // Get user somehow
if (!$recipe) App::abort(404); // Show 404 not found, or something
if (!$user->owns_recipe($recipe)) App::abort(403); // Show 403 permission denied, or something
... // Do whatever you want :)
While there are many ways of approaching this, Laravel does provide some built-in methods for handling general authentication of actions. In the first place I'd do something along the lines of what you intended (have a getRecipesByOwner method in RecipeRepository) and you can pass the user to it from the injected Request object:
// RecipeController
public function index(Request $request)
$recipes = $this->recipeRepo->findRecipesByOwner($request->user());
In addition though, I'd recommend creating policies to manage whether or not a user is capable of updating/deleting/viewing individual recipes. You can then authorize their actions in the controllers/blade templates/etc. via built-in methods like:
// Controller
public function update(Request $request, Recipe $recipe)
$this->authorize('update', $recipe);
// Blade template
#can('update', $recipe)
The documentation is available at:

how to achieve MVC in my Zend Framework

currently i am doing a project in zend the way i am doing is working perfectly but i am sure its not the way i am suppose to do i mean i am not following MVC and i want to apply MVC in my zend app.
i am pasting code of one simple module which will describe what i am doing .kindly correct me where i am making faults.
my controller
class ContactsController extends Zend_Controller_Action{
public function contactsAction(){
$request = $this->getRequest();
$user = new Zend_Session_Namespace('user');
$phone_service_id = $user->p_id;
$instance = new Contacts();
$select = $instance->Get_Contacts($p_id);
$adapter = new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select);
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator($adapter);
//more code
plz note this 2 line in my controller
$instance = new Contacts();
$select = $instance->Get_Contacts($pid);
this is my contacts class in models
class Contacts extends Zend_Db_Table{
function Get_Contacts($p_id){
$DB = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = $DB->select()
->from('contact', array('contact_id','contact_first_name','contact_mobile_no','contact_home_no','contact_email','contact_office_no'))
->where('pid = ?', $p_id)
->order('date_created DESC');
return $select;
after this i simple assign my result to my view.
note please
as its working but there is not private data members in my class,my class is not a blue print.there are no SETTERS AND GETTERS .how can i make my code that best suits MVC and OOP??
The most simple answer: you are already almost MVC. You use a Zend_Controller_Action to grab some data and pass this on to a view layer where you render the html. The only missing part is your model, which is mixed up between the controller and your data gateway (where you implemented a table data gateway pattern, that Zend_Db_Table thing).
I gave a pretty thorough explanation in an answer to another question how I'd properly set up the relations between Controller and Model. I also combined this with a Form, to handle data input, filtering and validation. Then to bundle some common functions, I introduced a Service layer between the Model and Controller.
With the controller, you perform some actions (list all my contacts, create a new contact, modify a contact) and the model is purely containing the data (id, name, phone, address). The service helps to group some functions (findContactByName, findContactById, updateContactWithForm).
If you know how to split Controller, Mode, Form and Service, your controller can become something like this:
class ContactsController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function indexAction ()
if (!$this->hasIdentity()) {
$service = new Application_Service_Contacts;
$contacts = $service->getContacts();
$paginator = $service->getPaginator($contacts);
$this->view->paginator = $paginator;
protected function hasIdentity ()
return Zend_Auth::getInstance->hasIdentity();
It is your personal taste what you want to do in your controller: I'd say you put as less as possible in your controllers, but you need to keep the control. So: a call to get data happens in the controller, retrieving this data happens somewhere else. Also: a call to convert a dataset into something else happens in the controller, the conversion happens somewhere else.
This way you can change the outcome in controllers extremely fast if you provided enough methods to your service classes to fetch the data. (Note I took the Zend_Auth to another function: if you have other actions, you can use this same function. Also, if you want to change something in your authentication, you have one place where this is located instead of every action in the controller)
keep one thing in mind when u learn new technology so first read thier own documentation. No one can explain better than them. Its hard to understand firstly but when you study it you will usedto and than u will love it like me Zend Offical Site
