spring-cloud-dataflow 504 gateway timed out - spring

I have 2 applications deployed in ECS ( openshift ).
One is spring cloud dataflow server
second is spring cloud dataflow rest client.
I was able to create app registry , create task and launch task via rest client api application.But after I upgraded to latest dataflow rest client 2.9.2 or 2.9.4 , it is giving me timed out 504 exception while creating task via rest api client methods.
details are below,
while creating task , it is calling below rest url with size=2000. This url will get timedout with 2000 even in postman also. But I give size=20 in postman, it is working fine. You can see size=2000 was defined in restclient jar as below.
This is exact line to create task by passing task_name and register app_name.
below rest client jar class
public TaskDefinitionResource.Page list() {
String uriTemplate = definitionsLink.getHref();
uriTemplate = uriTemplate + "?size=2000";
return restTemplate.getForObject(uriTemplate, TaskDefinitionResource.Page.class);
Please help.


Spring cloud gateway proxy to controller in same application

I want to achieve the following with a spring boot webflux application:
I have an endpoint api/test. I would like the same controller to be available on dynamically configured sub paths. E.g. if configured a sub-route "app" then a request to app/api/test should end up in the same controller.
To facilitate this I did the following using a RouteLocatorBuilder:
route(id = "proxy_api_test") {
path("/${location.route}/api/test/**" )
In case of testing on localhost for example location.host would be "localhost:8080" and location.route could be "app" and location.uri would be "http://localhost:8080".
And createSetPathConfig is given as:
fun createSetPathConfig(template: String): SetPathGatewayFilterFactory.Config{
val config = SetPathGatewayFilterFactory.Config()
config.template = template
return config
When running the application that would work like a charm because requests to http://localhost:8080/app/api/test would be redirected to http://localhost:8080/api/test with the help of spring cloud gateway. I have chose this approach also because it could be various sub paths at the same time, so the same controller must be available from different entry paths.
Now what I see is that this does not work in unit-tests using an #Autowired val client: WebTestClient because when executing the unit-test in fact no web-server is running. Is there a way to indicate with the uri in with RouteLocatorBuilder that the request should be executed on the same host such that unit-test would also work with the same logic? Because in fact in this case I would like spring cloud gateway not to forward to another host but to just change the routes dynamically.

Handle Unsupported Media Types in Spring

I'm currently building a simple REST service using Spring framework. But when testing using Postman, I have encountered the following issue:
Click to view image
I wonder how to make Spring recognize the received Content-Type header actually match the application/x-www-form-urlencoded, which is supported.
I'm current run my app at localhost with embedded Tomcat server.
My endpoint briefly includes:
POST: /api/users - for creating new user
GET: /api/users - for listing users
GET: /api/users/{id} - for retrieving user by his id
The request body for POST endpoint:
My Endpoint image
Try this:
#PostMapping(path = "/api/users",consumes = {MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE})
public ResponseEntity<String> createUser(#RequestBody User user)

How to inject Feign Client with out using Spring Boot and call a REST Endpoint

I have two Java processes - which get spawned from the same Jar using different run configurations
Process A - Client UI component , Developed Using Spring bean xml based approach. No Spring Boot is there.
Process B - A new Springboot Based component , hosts REST End points.
Now from Process A , on various button click how can I call the REST end points on Process B using Feign Client.
Note - Since Process A is Spring XML based , right at the moment we can not convert that to Spring boot. Hence #EnableFeignClients can not be used to initialise the Feign Clients
So Two questions
1) If the above is possible how to do it ?
2) Till Process A is moved to Spring boot - is Feign still an easier option than spring REST template ?
Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSockets and you can easily use feign without spring boot. And Yes, feign still better option to use because Feign Simplify the HTTP API Clients using declarative way as Spring REST does.
1) Define http methods and endpoints in interface.
#Headers({"Content-Type: application/json"})
public interface NotificationClient {
String notify(URI uri, #HeaderMap Map<String, Object> headers, NotificationBody body);
2) Create Feign client using Feign.builder() method.
.encoder(new JacksonEncoder())
There are various decoders available in feign to simplify your tasks.
You are able to just initialise Feign in any code (without spring) just like in the readme example:
public static void main(String... args) {
GitHub github = Feign.builder()
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.target(GitHub.class, "https://api.github.com");
Please take a look at the getting started guide: feign on github

Getting No instance available for a microservice hosted in PCF

I have hosted 3 microservices in PCF. One is a eureka server and the other 2 are client and service microservices. The client is supposed to call the service through a rest template call and service will return a string.
I have 1 instance each of the eureka server and the client and 2 instances of the service.
I can see both my client and service registered in the Eureka dashboard. But when i try to access the service from the client[Using a rest template call] I get - 'No instances available for the [service name]'
But if i access my service directly from browser then its works fine and returns the string. But the same URL if called from a rest template returns the exception i mentioned above.
Any suggestions will help
Did you add the #LoadBalance on restTemplate bean.
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
And when calling service you have to use the service name as below.

java.net.UnknownHostException during Eureka service discovery

According to this blog https://spring.io/blog/2015/07/14/microservices-with-spring
Was able to run the application without any issues. In this order:
java -jar microservice-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar registration 1111
java -jar microservice-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar accounts 2222
java -jar microservice-demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar web 3333
But when trying to hit any service through the web application (http://localhost:3333/) which uses the http://ACCOUNTS-SERVICE url to access any accounts service endpoints like http://ACCOUNTS-SERVICE/accounts/123456789 I'm getting an error response:
Response Status: 500 (Internal Server Error)
Cause: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException I/O error on GET request for "http://ACCOUNTS-SERVICE/accounts/123456789": ACCOUNTS-SERVICE; nested exception is java.net.UnknownHostException: ACCOUNTS-SERVICE
When I provide the real address (http://localhost:2223/) of the accounts service to the web server instead of the http://ACCOUNTS-SERVICE everything works properly but there is no service discovery in this case.
The source code is stored at: https://github.com/paulc4/microservices-demo
This issue was due to the RestTemplate was no longer auto-created in the Brixton release-train (Spring Cloud 1.1.0.RELEASE), so the RestTemplate could not resolve properly the http://ACCOUNTS-SERVICE url using the service discovery server.
Was able to fix this issue after declaring a RestTemplate bean with #LoadBalanced as follows:
public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
return new RestTemplate();
