How do I build a Textmate bundle from a tmLanguage file?
The tmLanguage file in question is this one.
When running the middleman build command, all the stylesheet files specified in the set :css_dir are compiled to .css extensions.
My question is: How can I exclude a .scss file from the compilation process (so that the content remains the same and doesn't compile to CSS), but can it be available in the build directory after middleman build?
A question was raised whether it's similar to ignoring the .scss files in Compass compilation: It's similar in nature, but unlike that process, which is more along the line of "ignore this file during the compilation", this question is specific to middleman, which is "ignore this file during the compilation, but do not ignore it during the build process".
Yoy may use the _underscore prefix to exclude files from Sass compilation. It's intended for usage with includes/partials, but will do the job. Sass won't compile those files until you #include them.
After that, simply copy the needed files to your build directory. The :after_build hook should be the right place for that:
I've started using CocoaPods. I like the way it adds files to my Xcode project but I'm curious about writing my own AppleScript to be able to add files to my Xcode project. How I can do that? Any reference would be appreciated?
The Xcode project file format is tough. There are 2 tools that CocoaPods can use to edit them. The Xcodeproj Ruby gem is the first. A lot of other projects such as slather also depend on this gem to deal with the project files. If you have it installed CocoaPods can also use xcproj to add things to your project. This can be installed with Homebrew with
brew install xcproj
It has to be recompiled each time you update Xcode. If you'd like to make a tool that manipulates your project I'd recommend these as your starting point.
Been using Textmate 2 for ages. Usually keep it on the nightly builds. A couple of weeks ago it started sporadically treating all my *.rb files as plaintext. And as of the latest release build - it treats all my *.rb files as Plaintext. :(
I've tried:
Turning off all the syntax highlighters, restarting TM and reinstalling them
Uninstalling TM; reinstalling the App
Using only the actual releases, instead of nightly builds
After uninstalling all language packs, it correctly asks to install coffeescript, javascript, json, etc when I open those files. However, it does not ask for a *.rb file.
I've searched the TM mailing list and found nothing similar.
*.rake, *.rbx and all the other file types listed in the Ruby Language pack are recognized as ruby.
Any ideas?
When you open a file and manually change the file type via the status bar then TextMate 2 will remember this binding (for all files using same extension) in ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Global.tmProperties.
There are a few options to undo a stored file type binding:
Open a *.rb file and select Ruby via the status bar.
Edit ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Global.tmProperties to remove anything that sets fileType for *.rb. Such entry would look like:
[ *.rb ]
fileType = text.plain
Delete ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Global.tmProperties.
Quit TextMate
Remove /Library/Application Support/TextMate
Remove ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate
Launch TextMate
Open a *.rb file
Some plugins require plugin org.jruby.jruby to be installed.
The plugin named org.jruby.jruby is needed and not found. The following plugin is affected: Ruby Projects
Where is org.jruby.jruby? I select all.
When you select your plugins from the unzipped folder, make very sure to change the "Files of Type" filter to "All", so that you can include the JRuby JAR
Download Ruby and Rails plugin from here
Unzip the downloaded file
Open NetBeans > tools > Plugins > Downloaded > Add Plugins..
Go to downloaded location and make files filter to All Files
Select all files and setup, IDE will restart and work for you
Does anybody know how I can add syntax highlighting for CUDA (.cu) files in Textmate for mac. I would be enough if he would recognize a .cu file as a .c file with the same highlighting. The Problem is if I save it as a .cu I don't have any highlighting.
You can download this package designed by "sublimetext-cuda-cpp".
You install the package by cloning the repository to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory:
cd <package directory>
git clone git://
Restart Sublime Text afterward, switch to CUDA C++ as highlighting profile and try it out with one of the commands above.
You don't have git installed in your mac, you have to download it and install it, here you have all the files and information need to install gif.
You can try also to use CTags bundle for TextMate. All the details about how to install it here.
Or you can do also download this bundle which (in cutting-edge versions of TextMate) can be installed by unpacking the zip file and double-clicking on the CTags.tmbundle file. Help is available within the bundle.