How to center the Y axis label in scatter chart? - label

Currently the Y axis labels are align with the "axisLine":
not centered
Is there a way to make them row centered like in the photo:
Default example of scatter chart:

I found the solution for my problem when I changed the yAxis type to "category":
yAxis: {type:"category"}


Display Y Axis label below the Y Axis values on Kendo Charts

I have a multi axis chart. I would like to display each Y Axis label below the Y-Axis values. Is this possible in Kendo?

Create dynamic d3 color scale between two color values

I have a d3 pie chart with a color function:
var color = d3.scale.ordinal()
.range(['#0075B4', '#70B5DC']);
If there are only two values/pieces, this works. But if there are more, I want to pick colors between the two given.
Above, with 3 pie pieces, the piece labelled "Cost 3" would have the color that is between #0075B4 and #70B5DC.
Is this possible with d3? Here is a jsfiddle of what I have so far:
Yes, just use colors in a linear scale:
var color = d3.scale.linear().domain([costMin,costMax])
.range(['#0075B4', '#70B5DC']);

Dimple.js - how to center align legend and create a box around the elements

Is there a way to center align the legend and draw a box around the legend elements in dimple.js?
I am trying to achieve the below. Also I want to reduce space between the legend elements.
Currently I am using the following command to render the legend.
var legends = chart.addLegend(30, 270, 700, 20, "left");

Align axislabel in nvd3

I want to align the axis label for X axis and Yaxis in NVD3.js. I have attached a fiddle link. For example, I want the X axis label 'Time (ms)' to move closely to X-axis from its current position. Please advise on achieving this and also please let me know if there are any options to align.
In order to do this you'll need to select the axis text and change x, y, dx, dy, text-anchor attributes accordingly, for example:".nv-axislabel")
.attr("dy", -5)
Demo example is here.

jqplot: width, height, label position, min&max value

I am a newbie to jqPlot and I am currently using it to generate charts
so I need you helps for some questions following please
I would like to do a chart like this
but I don't want show the min and max values de axis X (min = 99, max = 106).
how could I fix the *W*idth and *H*eigh of the 'rectangle' of chart?
(independently with the label ticks, axis label, legend ...)
how could I set the position of xaxis, yaxis label?
thanks a lot
About your questions :
You can set the ticks you want using ticks options :
Here is a related question I asked some months ago : JqPlot : Set a fix height value for the graph area not including y axe labels
You should have a look here :
